Stonyhurst hosts Conference for Catholic fundraisers | ICN

Stonyhurst hosts Conference for Catholic fundraisers

Image supplied by Stonyhurst College

Image supplied by Stonyhurst College

Source: Catholics in Fundraising

The annual Catholics in Fundraising (CiF) Conference is set to take place on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at Stonyhurst College in Clitheroe, Lancashire. The event is designed specifically for Catholics working in diocesan offices, Catholic charities, and related senior leadership roles.

The Catholics in Fundraising conference is for professionals working in Catholic fundraising roles. It aims to build a strong community of like-minded individuals, offer insights into best practices, and encourage innovative approaches to fundraising within the Catholic context.

CiF convenor John Green says: "This conference provides a rare opportunity to connect with peers and explore both traditional and innovative fundraising strategies. Attendees will be able to network with other professionals, gain insights into current trends, and learn best practices from experts in the field."

Highlights include:

  • 'Big Picture' Giving and Impact - Dr Beth Breeze from the University of Kent's Centre for Philanthropy.
  • Grant Writing and Grant Giving - Lucy Gillingham from the Westminster Foundation and Jemima Tanner from JRS UK.
  • Corporate Partnerships - Laura Davis from CAFOD explores engaging businesses with Church-related charities.
  • Major gifts - Harvey Duthie of Belmont Fundraising explores making these relationships a success for everyone.

In addition to the sessions, attendees will have the chance to take part in a tour of the Stonyhurst collections museum and end the day with choral vespers and a networking reception. For those traveling from afar, accommodation is bookable, and there is an optional pre-conference dinner on 24 September.

CiF co-convenor Suzanne Wheeler said: "This conference is highly relevant to Catholics involved in fundraising. It delves deeper into traditional areas of fundraising, such as major donors and trusts, while also exploring new possibilities like schools and corporate partnerships."

With limited spaces available and tickets priced at just £30, early booking is strongly recommended.

The conference is sponsored by &

To book a place, request a copy of the programme or for more information email


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