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Number of the month: 45,000 people have registered for the "Health in Germany" study series

The "Health in Germany" study series achieved an important goal: more than 45,000 people have registered for the regularly scheduled surveys, according to the preliminary status at the end of the welcome survey. The recruitment of participants has now been successfully completed. The study series is designed as a panel study; the registered participants are now surveyed repeatedly over a longer period of time. In this way, up-to-date health data can be collected rapidly and regularly.

The regular surveys for "Health in Germany" are currently beginning, with participants receiving a further questionnaire approximately every three months. The most important topics of this so-called "2024 annual wave" are physical and mental health, health behavior and health risks, health care as well as the social environment and living conditions. The surveys take place online, but participation with paper questionnaires is also possible. The first results from the 2024 annual wave are expected to be published in spring 2025.

Date: 03.06.2024


What we do

What we do

The Robert Koch Institute is the public health institute in Germany. Around 1,500 people including 700 scientists work here. Learn more about the tasks and projects of the institute’s departments and units.

RKI informative film

RKI informative film

Robert Koch – who was he and what does the Robert Koch Institute do today? The RKI informative film provides an overview over the institute in two and a half minutes – in German, English and French.

International Activities

International Activities

The Robert Koch Institute is a global health hub. The institute cooperates closely with partner countries and institution from all over the world in order to investigate pathogens, tackle outbreaks, provide reliable diagnostics, train staff and more.

Acute Respiratory Infections - COVID-19, Influenza and others

Acute Respiratory Infections - COVID-19, Influenza and others

Especially in the cold season, respiratory viruses are circulating in the population, including SARS-CoV-2, influenza, RSV and various cold viruses. RKI provides regular information on the current situation in Germany and recommendations.

Health reporting

Health reporting

Robert Koch Institute's federal health reporting continuously informs about the health status of people in Germany - in various reports as well as in the Journal of Public Health (available also in English).

German Centre for Cancer Registry Data

German Centre for Cancer Registry Data

The German Centre for Cancer Registry Data at RKI combines, checks and analyses data from the population-based cancer registries of the German federal states.