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Just simply an ice dance fan. All views on ice dance are my own and do not reflect the views of my workplace re ice dance.
Glasgow, ScotlandJoined May 2009

GemmaFlynn’s Tweets

Adam's right, Sugar and The Apprentice more generally is a disgrace but I can't get enough and neither can & so "Can I Just Say? A Podcast about The Apprentice" will return this week.
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Wrote about The Apprentice, a TV show hosted by a man who once tweeted: “The chicken these these chose as not free f Range they were banged up like Julian Asarge”
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LEFT: the words “THE APPRENTICE: A show where obnoxious people act obnoxiously in order to impress an obnoxious man with more money than them”

RIGHT: Alan Sugar
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RIP and good riddance to mundane academia tweets on this, Elon Musk’s twitter, a platform meant for undermining market stability with words like ‘gamestonk’ and the tracking of rapid fire cancellations. Hijinks only from here I’m afraid, shrug emoji coffin emoji 🤷‍♀️ ⚰️
Critical engagement with ideas means being honest with students that social-structural oppression is really happening at a great pace and those working to oppress from the right with speed, money, focus, violence see ‘neutral’ platforms/ thinkers as an opportunity
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Still, pedantic false equivalence in academia and journalism is part and parcel of the toothlessness of the left now. Misogyny, racism, transphobia and homophobia are out here becoming law while academics kick back and consider both sides.
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Thinking today of the student who asked me why there was no right-leaning material in my classes on crime and gender and the colleagues who encouraged me to consider this an intellectual challenge.
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This has been a historic example of misinformation blasted across the internet by bots and has really revived old tropes of women as liars - best case scenario this was paid for directly to favour D*pp outcome, worst case scenario it benefits broader interests of general dissent
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It’s great to finally see some of the ‘both sides are equally bad’ takes from the D*pp and H*ard trial be challenged and if you’re currently sitting in a place of ‘they both seem just as culpable’ this might be a good time to reevaluate your media consumption
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I'm on strike with and this week, because it's really really hard to teach properly, in a way that brilliant students at a formative moment in their intellectual development deserve, with full focus and creativity and presence, when you're drowning.
Ok getting to the Big Contenders now, Papadakis and Cizeron just broke a world record with Cizeron in LEATHER trousers. Can they hold off US team Chock and Bates (now famous for their much vaunted routine about aliens)?Again, this is a sport.
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Russian coach coming under fire for failed drug tests in women’s figure skating also the same mastermind who chose Boom Boom Pow by Black Eyed Peas for pairs so hard to feel too worried about whatever she’s up to
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Something really incongruous about the magnitude of representing your country in this international context paired with pinning it all on Yeah by Usher (Georgia’s choice from all music in human history)
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It’s a recent innovation that the pairs can skate to music with lyrics and the German team chose to do a Suicide Squad themed piece featuring mouthed-along quotes from Jared Leto’s Joker - such a weird sport
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Coming to the end of this series on Social Theory & Pop Culture feeling excited about the work the are doing to democratize social theory and model community through things like the pay what you can system. Tickets still available for ‘Cults’ next Tuesday xxx
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🔥Social Theory & Pop Culture: 'Patriarchy', Marxist Feminism + Cults 🔥 Tues 25th, 7-8:30pm, Online 🔥PWYC tickets: Join Dr @GemmaFlynn to consider the recent boom in pop culture coverage of Cults to understand the social theory concept of ‘Patriarchy’
a purple and red gradient background with a pop up computer window in the middle. Text reads: “Social Theory & Pop Culture with Dr Gemma Flynn. 'Patriarchy', Marxist Feminism and Cults" A smaller pop up window has the event details. On the left is a cursor and 3 folder icons.
Yes to this! Remember if you’re striking next week you’re SUPPOSED to cause disruption - it goes against every instinct to give warning and move classes and work really hard upon return but simply don’t do it! Embrace the chaos, people will be pissed off and that’s the point.
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Similar sentiments have been expressed in re. earlier industrial action, too e.g. let's work doubly hard after the action to ensure there is no disruption 🤡🤡🤡…
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