History of The Historic Dayton House | The Historic Dayton House

History of The Historic Dayton House

Exterior Shot of The Dayton House

The Historic Dayton House stands at 1311 Fourth Avenue as a visible representation of Worthington's early days and as a symbol of civic leadership and business success. It is unique both in the time of its grand appearance in a small prairie town in the late 1800s and in its ownership for well over a century. Three families related through business, blood, and marriage—the Daytons, the Smallwoods, and the Cashels—owned and lived in the house over time. Each contributed in unique ways to the community and its surrounds.

For more information about the home and families, please inquire about a tour or a history booklet, available for purchase through the Dayton House. For a fascinating look into the life of George Dayton, read George Draper Dayton: A Man of Parts, available for purchase through the Historic Dayton House.

House history information was compiled and edited from many sources, including the Historic Dayton House tour script, brochures, conversations with family members, notes from board meetings, etc.

Other sources included:

Dayton, Bruce B., and E. B. Green. George Draper Dayton: A Man of Parts. Minneapolis: Privately published, 1997.

Dayton, George D. George Draper Dayton: An Autobiography. Privately published, 1993.

Green, Ellen B. [E.B. Green Editorial]. History and Architectural History. In Dayton House, Worthington, Minnesota: Historic Structure Report, pp. 9-29. La Crosse, Wisconsin: River Architects, Inc., [2002].