In which language did Aryans write their poems and hymns?a. Sanskrit c.

In which language did Aryans write their poems and hymns?









2 months ago

Solution 1

Guest Guest #8956681
2 months ago
The answer is sanskrit. I think !!!

Solution 2

Guest Guest #8956682
2 months ago

The answer is "a.  Sanskrit".

Sanskrit refers to a languageof old India with an archived history of around 3,500 years. It is the essential formal dialect of Hinduism; the overwhelming dialect of most works of Hindu rationality and a portion of the central writings of Buddhism and Jainism.  

Sanskrit is an Old Indo-Aryan language. As one of the most established recorded individuals from the Indo-European group of languages,Sanskrit holds a noticeable position in Indo-European examinations.

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Solution 1
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Solution 2
it was well suited because it was water that they could bathe in, they could drink from, wash, and cook from.

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Solution 1
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Solution 2
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Solution 2

Answer:So people could know them and see them


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Solution 1
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Solution 1
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Solution 1
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Solution 2


rulers i would say


i am on an edgunity exam so ya


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Solution 1
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Solution 2

Tallahassee, Florida.

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What at the four main European countries that owned colones in the America???????????

Solution 1
This would be mostly Great Britain and France: you can see that many countries today still speak English and French in Africa.

Portugal also had some land under its control: Angola and Mozambique.

Now, I am unsure about the forth one, as there is a number of countries that had a colony, but were not as present as the ones I mentioned above. These are Belgium, Italy, Germany and Spain.

the idea that religion and government should be separate is known as,
A. securialism,
B. facism,
or C. communism

Solution 1

My answer is A. Secularism

Solution 2

The idea that religion and government should be separate is known as A. securialism.

Securialism refers to religious skepticism or indifference, and it advocates for a system of political or social philosophy conducted without the introduction of any religious element. This view also reaches public education and other matters of civil policy.


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Solution 1
A federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federal) government and state and local governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism. Under federalism, each level of government has sovereignty in some areas and shares powers in other areas. For example, both the federal and state governments have the power to tax. Only the federal government can declare war.
i hope this help

What at the four main European countries that owned colones in the America??

Solution 1
We can look at the languages spoken in America today: the Great Britain and Spain mostly,(many contries speak English and Spanish today). Further France, as reflected in Quebec's language, and Portuguese (Brazil speaks Portuguese).

The Dutch also had a small colony.

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Solution 1
i think that the answer is c
i hope i help


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Solution 1
the stamp act caused rebelion and protesting throughout the colonies. also colonists boycotted British things, tarred and feathered British Soldiers, and resented British government including Parliment.

Who declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire?

Solution 1
Emperor Theodosius I :)

Emperor Theodosius I, who made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire. Nicene Christianity became the state church of the Roman Empire with the Edict of Thessalonica in 380 CE, when Emperor Theodosius I made it the Empire's sole authorized religion"

The Cause and Effect of The Navigation Acts?

Solution 1
Navigation Acts, in English history, name given to certain parliamentary legislation, more properly called the British Acts of Trade. The acts were an outgrowth ofmercantilism, and followed principles laid down by Tudor and early Stuart trade regulations. They had as their purpose the expansion of the English carrying trade, the provision from the colonies of materials England could not produce, and the establishment of colonial markets for English manufactures. The rise of the Dutch carrying trade, which threatened to drive English shipping from the seas, was the immediate cause for the Navigation Act of 1651, and it in turn was a major cause of the First Dutch War. It forbade the importation of plantation commodities of Asia, Africa, and America except in ships owned by Englishmen. European goods could be brought into England and English possessions only in ships belonging to Englishmen, to people of the country where the cargo was produced, or to people of the country receiving first shipment. This piece of Commonwealth legislation was substantially reenacted in the First Navigation Act of 1660 (confirmed 1661). The First Act enumerated such colonial articles as sugar, tobacco, cotton, and indigo; these were to be supplied only to England. This act was expanded and altered by the succeeding Navigation Acts of 1662, 1663, 1670, 1673, and by the Act to Prevent Frauds and Abuses of 1696. In the act of 1663 the important staple principle required that all foreign goods be shipped to the American colonies through English ports. In return for restrictions on manufacturing and the regulation of trade, colonial commodities were often given a monopoly of the English market and preferential tariff treatment. Thus Americans benefited when tobacco cultivation was made illegal within England, and British West Indian planters were aided by high duties on French sugar. But resentments developed. The Molasses Act of 1733, which raised duties on French West Indian sugar, angered Americans by forcing them to buy the more expensive British West Indian sugar. Extensive smuggling resulted. American historians disagree on whether or not the advantages of the acts outweighed the disadvantages from a colonial point of view. It is clear, however, that the acts hindered the development of manufacturing in the colonies and were a focus of the agitation preceding the American Revolution. Vigorous attempts to prevent smuggling in the American colonies after 1765 led to arbitrary seizures of ships and aroused hostility. The legislation had an unfavorable effect on the Channel Islands, Scotland (before the Act of Union of 1707), and especially Ireland, by excluding them from a preferential position within the system. Shaken by the American Revolution, the system, along with mercantilism, fell into decline. The acts were finally repealed in 1849.

Details : The Cause and Effect of The Navigation Acts?


10 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!
The United Arab Emirates was controlled by Great Britain until 1971. Great Britain divided the region into seven territories (emirates). They hoped to create borders that would keep the rulers of each emirate from fighting. The rulers of the emirates mostly accepted the British boundaries. There were still some conflicts
between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. The most complicated borders were in the Al Hajar al Gharbi Mountains. Disputes were solved after independence from Great Britain.
The unity of the United Arab Emirates was most influenced by...

A.political conflict with the emirate leader of Dubai.
B.political conflict with the emirate leader of Abu Dhabi.
C.cooperation among the leaders of the emirates.
D.cooperation with the leaders of Great Britain.

Solution 1
The unity of the United Arab Emirates was most influenced by cooperation among the leaders of the emirates.  The answer is C. 
Solution 2

Answer; the answer is c

Explanation:i had this question and i got it right!


What are some reasons exploration was so important

Solution 1
Do you specifically mean the Exploration during the Age of Discovery, the geographical exploration of the world?

One is that it changed our planet forever: without it, America would look different and people would speak Quechua instead of Spanish and English perhaps!

It also changed the world's economy by 1) Columbian exchange, for example by introducing a lot of  vegetable species into Europe 2) helping us find minerals and materials needed for production

Also, it inspired us, as a community to learn about our world, and to improve our technology!

What was one cause and effect for the tea act?

Solution 1
Cause: taxes were needed to pay for the war. Effect: colonists rebelled.
Solution 2
Causes: Taxes
Effects: Rebellion

do eastern or western lines of longitude run through the great plains?

Solution 1
The Great Plains, but also the entire mainland USA is on the Western Hemisphere - this means that it is on the western lines, or that every coortinate there would include a "W" and not an "E" - as it would if it was in the eastern Hemisphere.

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Solution 1
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What makes the congress the "voice of the people"?

Solution 1
Congress is the voice of the people because the people have the power to put their representatives in office. This was put in effect with the ratification of the 17th amendment, which allowed direct election of senators by the people.
Solution 2
the senate for explore is voted by there people , making reforms for the people which best suit their needs 


how did early people in mesopotamia make farming sucessful

Solution 1
the people during this time did there farming by seasons .they would time it right a nd then there plants would be done by winter.

Solution 2
The early Mesopotamians used irrigation to make farming successful. They used the water from the nearby Tigris and Euphrates rivers and used irrigation to move it to their crops.

Wht word describes what people do when they spread out and live in almost every land area of the world

Solution 1
I would say that the best word for this is "migration" or "colonisation" if we're speaking of the first time humans went somewhere, as in the colonisation of America first happened around 12 000 years ago

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Who started the common school movement?

Solution 1
The common school movement took hold in the 1830s, and by the time of the Civil War organized systems of common schools had become commonplace throughout most of northern and midwestern states. Expansion of common school systems into the southern and far-western states progressed at a slower rate, but by the opening years of the twentieth century publicly supported systems of common schools had become a cornerstone of the American way of life. However, the emergence of a system of public schools across the nation was neither an inevitable nor an uncontested movement. Moreover, its survival into the future may prove to be as problematic as was its development in the past.
Solution 2

The answer would be Horace Mann


As countries globalize what do they become?

Solution 1
I don't think they "become" something: they change, and they change as to be more similar and more integrated into the broader world community, and on the way they also likely loose a part of their culture.So they become more international, more integrated.

How can one satisfy a craving for chocolate

Solution 1
eat some chocolate once a day.

what might a tyrant say to citizens who are asking for democracy

Solution 1

A tyrant is a ruler who has complete power over a country and who is cruel and unfair. So being that he wants to rule everyone he would say no.

Details : what might a tyrant say to citizens who are asking for democracy


Which of these would probably tell us the most about a past civilization's history, religion, and political institutions?

Solution 1
Tools probably as they show more of the history. They're primary resources.
Architecture may show more religion and political institutions though.
Solution 2
actually all of them would be because it shows back in there history and there religion would also help because you could ask have they been that religion there entire life or why are they that religion and what are they in political institute alot of stuff you could use

provide 3 details on how civilizations develop

Solution 1
any specific 3 details? I will give you some 3 details I can think of now

1) Civilisations often develop writing, which helps them organise, this was the case In Mesopotamia, China and Mayans

2) Civilizations develop a hierarchical structure which also helps them organize (before civilizations the groups often have less hierarchical structure).

3) Civilizations are possible if agriculture produces food surplus - then some people can devote their time to other activities and this contributes to the development of societies