The Accident Season 1 Episode 3 Recap – Reel Mockery
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The Accident Season 1 Episode 3 Recap

As the episode begins, Polly Bevan (Sarah Lancashire) runs into Martin Harris (Shaun Parkes) in the hallway. She compliments his legs before moving on. Meanwhile, Harriet (Sidse Babett Knudsen) prepares a small breakfast before leaving home. Tim Das (Nabhaan Rizwan) is waiting for her in the vehicle. Polly and Iwan (Mark Lewis Jones) speak with Leona’s doctor. They learn that Leona (Jade Croot) is well enough to return home but Polly isn’t sure she is ready to come home. When that conversation ends, the couple speaks with Leona and lets her know that she is coming home.

harriet the accident episode 3

On the ride home, Polly and Iwan discuss their daughter and their plans for the future. Iwan wants to know what Philip Walters (Adrian Scarborough) has been telling her. Philip doesn’t believe the police will have enough to charge Harriet or anyone else. Meanwhile, Tim and Harriet rush to make it to the inquest on time. The others arrive first and Angela (Joanna Scanland) comments about the number of lawyers Kallbridge has brought with them. Debbie (Genevieve Barr) sits with her attorney away from the others. Harriet makes it in time.

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Philip gives them a rundown of what might happen before Ken Percival takes the bench. Witnesses begin answering questions immediately. One witness explains that the collapse was likely the cause of death for many victims. Iwan takes the stand and basically says they did everything by the book. However, he doesn’t look good. Outside of the courtroom, Angela says something that makes Polly believe she is suspicious of Iwan. That night, Iwan comes home drunk and gets in Polly’s face. He says he loves his wife and daughter and he wants to live up to that.

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The following day, Harriet takes the stand at the inquest. She tells the judge about the Japanese client and the leak. She says she had nothing to do with the leak and doesn’t know who was responsible. They discuss Alan and the ways he was trying to save money. Harriet says she wasn’t responsible but she feels morally responsible for the accident. Angela doesn’t believe it and goes off on her before leaving the room. After that, Harriet is asked about the angry emails she shared with Alan. When Harriet returns to her office, she is surrounded by protesters and gets hit with an egg.

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She speaks with Tim and learns that the Japanese clients are there. Harriet sits down with them and Frank Stanfield (Peter Sullivan). They try to convince the clients that everything is going to be fine. When they leave, Harriet tells Frank that the contracts are tight so the clients will not be able to get out of them. Leona returns home and is met by a crowd. They clap for Leona and she gives them the finger after Iwan recommends it. Meanwhile, Tim tells Harriet that his mom knows very little about her besides her age and that they work together.

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Tim wants them to meet but he is interrupted by the bosses. Frank wants to know about the leak. Harriet finally admits that Tim was responsible but she doesn’t want his name leaked since he didn’t know any better. Frank explains that they’re going to blame it on Tim’s infatuation with Harriet. Frank says they will not hurt Harriet unless they absolutely have to. Moments later, Angela shows up at Polly’s house to let know that the court is not going to press criminal charges. Instead, Kallbridge will face hefty fines. Polly invites them in for a drink and snack.

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Angela and Philip try to convince her to gather information by stealing the information from Iwan’s hard drive. They believe that might help them carry out a private prosecution against Harriet. Harriet is reluctant to cooperate and doesn’t want to risk her marriage. Harriet responds back by telling her that her marriage isn’t that great. That night, Polly helps Leona get a bath. Midway through, Leona has flashbacks and tries to drown herself. Later, Polly answers Iwan’s home when Harriet calls. Polly is surprised and gets angry when Harriet tries to sugarcoat things.

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She hangs up before Iwan walks him. Polly pretends that Iwan’s phone never rang. Leona wakes up in the middle of the night due to nightmares. Iwan makes her to her bedroom before Polly and tries to comfort her. Polly listens from the doorway. The following day, Tim breaks into Harriet’s place and shows her the newspaper article about them. He wants to tell her how much he cares for her. Harriet makes him undress and plays with him. Harriet admits she shouldn’t have betrayed Tim. They aren’t going to sue him but he will be fired. When Tim leaves, we see that the newspaper says “Dirty Business: The Toyboy Who Leaked For Love”.

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Debbie visits Angela’s house and says she’ll lose everything in Alan’s name. Debbie gives her some money since she was able to sell some of Alan’s equipment. Angela is concerned that the 8 grand could get Debbie in trouble. Debbie doesn’t mind as long as Angela uses the money to continue fighting. Philip visits Polly after that. He attempts to convince her that he is real. Polly wants to say screw it and surrender since she can’t do it. Philip leaves and the episode ends.


The Accident Review

I’ve been bashing The Accident since the first episode and rightfully so I think. The show hasn’t been anything spectacular. It is a bit unrealistic and annoying too. However, this episode was far better than the previous two. It wasn’t perfect at all but it was a major improvement. We finally got into the deep emotions of the show and the inquest. That amounted to nothing but it was interesting nevertheless.

Things happened this episode unlike the others. At the very least, I am hopeful that the show might have a worthwhile ending. I wish they’d left out the ridiculous torturous sex scene though. I appreciate getting a look at the unique legal system though. The episode scores a 6.5 out of 10. Previous recaps of The Accident are available on Reel Mockery.

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