What we do - Consortium for Street Children

About us

What we do

The right to life, survival and development for street children

We join forces with governments, NGOs, policy makers, researchers, charities and businesses to build a world where street-connected children are treated equally; have the right to be heard; and have the right to life, survival and development.

Connected Network

We are the only global network dedicated to raising the voices of street-connected children.

We work with more than 200 community organisations, national and international non-governmental bodies, researchers, advocates and on-the-ground practitioners working across 111 countries.

We support, grow and seek funding for our network, enabling them to deliver services and programmes to street children, and fight for their rights.

Policy and influence

Street children are one of the world’s most marginalised populations. They face systemic discrimination, are at a much higher risk of being harmed and are denied a voice.

We work with grassroots practitioners, civil society organisations and expert researchers to identify the most effective ways of supporting street children and defending their rights.

We drive action and change the behaviour of decision makers at the international level and local level, to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of street-connected children to have safe and fulfilling lives.

Shared learning and research

We believe that street children’s views and voices should be included in any laws, policies, or decisions that will impact on their lives. Such participation is not possible if policy makers have no information on street children.

We challenge the status quo through providing the needed insight, guidance and best practices for policy makers to action change.

Take action

You can make a real difference for street children around the world.

With your help, we can make a world where street children have the same rights and the same chance of reaching their potential as any other children.

Young or old, a private individual or a member of a large, corporate organisation, your help will be greatly appreciated and you too can make a difference in the lives of street children worldwide.