BLOG – Pete Droge


April 4th, 2024|Categories: News|

My Substack newsletter, Love Songs Etc, is where the action is.  Check it out HERE.

A new limited-edition 45-rpm colored vinyl single is out on Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready’s HockeyTalkter Records. “Lonely Mama” graces the A-side. Check out the new video directed by John Jeffcoat and featuring Caitlin Jeffcoat playing my birth mother circa 1970 HERE.    I wrote about the writing and recording of “Lonely Mama” on SUBSTACK.  “Skeleton Crew” is on the B-side.  You may remember I released it as a digital single back in March of 2020.

My recent show at Vashon Center for the Arts was a magical night if I do say so myself.  And I do!  Stay tuned to the aforementioned SUBSTACK for clips of the show.

I’ve booked another gig.  I’m thrilled to be playing Thing Festival at Remlinger Farms in Carnation, Washington on Friday, August 9.  Visit THINGNW.ORG for more info.

Necktie Second turns 30 this year.  Stay tuned for more on that.

Work on the next album will continue soon.  I know I sound like a broken record, but SUBSTACK is the place to keep up with all the latest.

Peace & Love Songs,




February 5th, 2024|Categories: News|

My Substack newsletter Love Songs Etc is where the action is. Check it out HERE.

I booked a gig! I’ll play an acoustic show on March 30, 2024, at Vashon Center for the Arts.

The show is sold out. Get on the waitlist HERE.

This will be my first show in over six years. (Thanks a lot, chronic fatigue.) I will be joined, as always, by the amazing Elaine Summers. We’re dusting off the oldies and working up the new ones.

The Droge & Summers Blend Volume Three was released on November 24, 2023. In addition, we released all three volumes on a compilation called The Droge and Summers Blend Sessions. Both titles are streaming everywhere. CDs are on Bandcamp. Read all about this project on Substack.

I’m currently preparing to work on Dolby Atmos immersive audio versions of a couple of songs from Volume Three.  Stay tuned for those.

My debut album, Necktie Second, turns 30 this year.  Subscribe to Substack to be in the loop on all things Necktie.

My next “Pete Droge” record is on hold for a couple of reasons. First, I’m turning my attention to those Blend Atmos mixes and the Necktie Second reissue. Second, I’m waiting for my co-producer, Paul Bryan, to become available again. He’s busy with Aimee Mann.

Paul and I recently completed a track called “Song for Barbara Ann” that deals with my experience as an adoptee.  In the song, I sing to the birth mother I never knew.   This post from January 19, 2024, explains how Barb passed away just months before I attempted to make contact with her.  Another song, “Lonely Mama,” addresses this topic and will be released as a 45 rpm 7” single this Spring on Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McCready’s HockeyTalkter Records.

I served as co-producer on Power Trip, the sixth solo album from Chris Ballew of Presidents of the United States of America and Caspar Babypants fame. Regular readers of the All-Droge News Compendium know that I’ve worked with Chris on all six of his solo records. He is prolific beyond belief. I’m honored to play a small role in bringing his fantastic music into the world.

Chris and BandBox Records have partnered to release a best-of collection on white vinyl. Order yours HERE.

In my last report I wrote about unearthing an old cassette with two songs I produced back in the 90s for Warren Pash. Well, those have been released. And you guessed it, there’s a Substack post for that.  Plus, I published this article about the project for Tape Op.

Peace & Love Songs,


QUARTERLY REPORT: Spring & Summer 2023

September 7th, 2023|Categories: News|

As I mentioned on my NOW page, my Substack newsletter is the best place to keep up with what I’m up to. It’s called Love Songs Etc. Check it out HERE.

In my Winter 2023 Quarterly Report, I announced my first release in years, “Fading Fast.” I said it was the first in a series of singles leading up to a new album. Well, that album has been put on hold while I focus my energy on The Droge & Summers Blend.

Blend, as I call it, is my side project with Elaine Summers. We released two five-song EPs under the Blend moniker. Volume One came out in 2009.  Volume Two in 2014.  Volume Three was aborted when my chronic fatigue issues began in September 2015.

Digging through sessions from the Blend years, we unearthed a variety of material. Our forthcoming full-length will contain tracks intended for Volume Three, outtakes from the EPs, three alternate versions, three demos, and one brand-new song.

So far, we’ve released three singles: “Only Have Eyes,” Rootop,” and “Northern Lights.” The lone new song, “Big Time Dream,” will be our next single in early October.  Then, the full-length will be available in November.

Find the singles HERE. Or buy direct from BANDCAMP.

While looking for old music to share on Substack, I came across a box labeled “late 90s.” In it was a cassette that read “Warren Pash at Got Wheels.” Got Wheels was the name of my studio in those days, and Warren Pash is a gifted songwriter and musician. He co-wrote the Hall and Oates number one smash “Private Eyes.” Carole King recorded “Life Without Love,” which he co-wrote with Gerry and Louise Goffin. But he is not just a songwriter. He is an artist in his own right. And a great one at that.

The cassette contained two songs: “Blue River” and “Bones and Stones.” Warren will be releasing them soon. Also coming soon is an article I wrote about the sessions for Tape Op Magazine’s blog. Stay tuned.

I served as co-producer on Laying Low, the fifth solo album from Chris Ballew of Presidents of the United States of America and Caspar Babypants fame. Regular readers of the All-Droge News Compendium know that I’ve worked with Chris on all five of his solo records. He is prolific beyond belief, releasing five records in just two years! And he’s got more on the way! I’m honored to play a small role in bringing his amazing music into the world.

Chris and BandBox Records have partnered to release a best-of collection on white vinyl. Pre-order HERE.

Speaking of vinyl, the Ramadillo split 7” 45 rpm record is available now from Between the Cracks Records. I fronted Ramadillo from 1990 to 1992. For a history of the band, check out this Substack post HERE.

You can order online HERE. Or, if you live in the Northwest, pop into one of these fine record stores: Easy Street, High Voltage, Sonic Boom, Georgetown Records, Atomic Genius, Jive Time, Seattle Records, or Fat Cat Records. More stores will be added soon.

Peace & Love Songs,








February 3rd, 2023|Categories: News|

“Fading Fast” is the first in a series singles leading up to a full-length album.  It’s my first release since “Skeleton Crew” dropped in March of 2020.  Before that I had not released any songs since The Droge & Summers Blend Volume Two EP in 2014.  (Thanks a lot chronic fatgue!)

For the backstory on the lyrics check out this post on my SUBSTACK.

Watch the lyric video on YOU TUBE.

Find it on your favorite digital music service HERE.

Words and Music by Pete Droge
Produced by Pete Droge & Paul Bryan (Producer/bassist for Aimee Mann)
Mixed by Paul Bryan
Drums by Jay Bellerose (Robert Plant & Alison Krauss)
Keyboards by Lee Pardini (Member of the band Dawes)
Mastered by Dave Cooley
Special Thanks to Elaine Summers
Cover Photo by John Jeffcoat
Graphic Design by Lance Alton Troxel

On January 16th, 2023 I launched my new Substack newsletter, Love Songs Etc.  Substack is an online publishing platform.  Think of it as a combination of an email newsletter and a blog.

Love Songs Etc is part memoir, part scrapbook and part boxed set.  The description reads:  “Pete Droge muses on songwriting & record making while sharing work tapes, demos, outtakes, road stories & more.

It’s free to subscribe.  Or you have the option of upgrading to a paid subscription if you want to support my work and receive perks like new music before it’s released.  For more details click HERE.

Now that I have so much to share, I’ve ended my long-running social media fast.


Peace & Love Songs,


Quarterly Report: Fall 2022

November 7th, 2022|Categories: News|

September 2022 marked my seven year anniversary with chronic fatigue.  I’m happy to report that my energy is improving.  And while I’m still a long way from 100%, I’m super grateful for the energy I do have.  Lately I’ve been feeling well enough to begin a slow and steady return to my music career.  More on all that later.

In the meantime, here are a few bits of news…

“Among the Living”—a Thorns song I co-wrote and performed with Matthew Sweet and Shawn Mullins—is being featured in a cool indie film called Press Play. It’s always a thrill to hear one of my songs in a film, and it’s especially cool when the song is placed over the end credits, because that means they play it loud! Press Play is streaming now on Hulu.

The folks at Sirius XM let me loose on Tom Petty Radio.  It was a joy to serve as guest dj and share my favorite TP & the HBs songs along with stories from the road and studio.  Yes, I did say studio.  I was lucky enough to be invited to recording sessions to witness the man at work. My show begins airing on today (Monday, 11/7/22) and will be available for two weeks via the Sirius XM app.

Another Chris Ballew solo album is in the can and ready for a January 2023 release.  You may know the three-time Grammy nominee as the singer of Presidents of the United States of America.  Or as Caspar Babypants.   This is the fourth full-length that I’ve worked on with Chris and our co-producer Mark Heberlein.  The first three are available direct here.

Peace & Love Songs,

Vashon Island, WA
Fall 2022

Quarterly Reports: Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall 2021

October 7th, 2021|Categories: News|

Vashon Island Pet Protectors Fundraiser
I’ve donated a rare item to VIPP’s online auction. Click HERE to bid on a 60 minute lesson via Zoom with yours truly. Choose your topic: Songwriting, guitar, voice or recording.

Other items up for auction include a ukulele signed by Eddie Vedder, Almost Famous swag signed by Cameron Crowe and VIP tickets to see Band of Horses at Seattle’s Paramount Theater. See all auction items HERE.

Almost Famous 20th Anniversary Soundtrack
If 15 year old Pete was told he’d have a song on an album alongside The Who, Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, Jimi Hendrix, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, Cat Stevens, The Stooges, David Bowie and a bunch more of his heroes, that kid would have been beyond thrilled. Well, thanks to having my song “Small Time Blues” in the now-classic film, Almost Famous, that happened. (Or should I say, “It’s all happening!”)

Turns out, middle-aged Pete is just as thrilled as that young rocker would have been. What an honor to be included in this incredible collection of music! Kudos to Cameron Crowe, Andy Fischer and Greg Mariotti and their team for putting together such a mind-bogglingly awesome deluxe package. Get yours HERE.

Co-Producing Chris Ballew
He’s made music for families as Caspar Babypants. He’s gone multi-platinum as front man for The Presidents of the United States of America. He’s even been nominated for Grammys. (Three-time loser!) And now Chris Ballew is releasing music under his own name for the first time ever!

Mark Heberleine and I have the honor of serving as co-producers on this new musical incarnation. It’s collaboration pandemic style. It goes like this: Chris sends tracks and I listen. I make notes and then share my thoughts over the phone. (A chronic fatigue-friendly gig if ever there was one.) I’m loving the music so much that I’ve joked that my credit should read “Chief Executive Cheerleader.”

The first album, I Am Not Me, was released in July. Buy it HERE.  Or look for it on your favorite streaming service.  The follow-up, Soul Unfolded, will be released in early 2022. Listen HERE to Chris speaking with Voice of Vashon’s Jeff Hoyt about the project.

Chew the Bone with Dr. Woody Podcast
An instrumental version of “Wicked World” from The Droge & Summers Blend Volume Two is the theme song for filmmaker Ward Serrill’s new podcast Chew the Bone with Dr. Woody. This “dogcast” features a hilarious segment with world-renowned dog psychologist Dr. Woody as well as readings from Ward’s new memoir To Crack the World Open—Solitude, Alaska and a Dog Named Woody. Check it out HERE.

Songs Are Piling Up
As I tend to my health issues—backstory HERE—I continue to chip away at writing and demoing new material. I recently finished “Fading Fast,” a jangley folk-rocker chronicling life on the road. And fans of my early days in Ramadillo will dig the old-school, classic country stylings of “Memory Off My Mind” and “Easy Country Living.”

And speaking of Ramadillo…

Ramadillo on Vinyl?
There’s talk of Ramadillo appearing on a 7” vinyl split single in 2022. This prompted me to dig out old boxes of tapes. Talk about a trip down memory lane! Among the unearthed highlights, the original four track cassette demo of “Staylin’ Street” that I recorded when I was just 19.

And speaking of rarities…

The DrogeHead Lounge?
I’m considering creating a digital space for sharing both rarities from the past as well as current works-in-progress. If this sounds like something you’d like to see happen, send us an email with your vote of enthusiasm via the contact form HERE.

Well… I think that’s all the news that’s fit to print.

Peace & Love,


SMASH Fundraiser

November 21st, 2020|Categories: News|

A Fender guitar autographed by yours truly and my pal Elaine Summers is being auctioned off to raise money for SMASH.

SMASH is Seattle Musicians Access to Sustainable Healthcare. A very worthy cause.

In addition to the guitar we signed, there is lots of fun Seattle rock stuff including an autographed guitar from a guy named Mike McCready. (Mike’s in a band called Pearl Jam if you didn’t know.)

Speaking of Pearl Jam, Stone’s new side project sounds amazing.  It’s called Painted Sheild.  Check it out.

Anyway, in addition to the online auction, SMASH is broadcasting a live stream today (Saturday 11/21/20) featuring the aforementioned McCready, Dave Matthews, Duff McKagen and many other Seattle musicians who have turned out in force to support this great organization.

UPDATE: The auction closed on Friday, Nov 27,2020.


Peace & Love,


Skeleton Crew Project

March 27th, 2020|Categories: News, Skeleton Crew Project|

Can we create a series of singles that supports a community of artists & creative professionals while incubating a donor-driven record label focused on giving?

Can we? Let’s find out!

• • •

Turns out that cannot.  Not while living thru year five of chronic fatigue I can’t.

I gave it my all.  But it’s taken it’s toll on my recovery and I have accepted that I simply can’t pull this off while staying within my “energy envelope.”

So… I’m going to punt.

I’ve decided to delete the previous post where we tried—and failed—to distill my ideas down to a short mission statement.  “Damnit Jim!  I’m a songwriter, not a communications major!!!”

Before going off-of-the-grid to tend to my health, I will try and share my grand vision of what I had hoped the Skeleton Crew Project could begin to incubate.

I am hoping to produce a few more ‘advance’ episodes of my forthcoming podcast, PETE DROGE is OBSESSED, in which I’ll try—in 25,000 words or less—to give you an idea of my vision for what our little corner of the music world might look like post-COVID-19.  [UPDATE on 5/5/20: Kicking this can down the road so I can tend to my health.]  Maybe someone out there might hear my ideas and be inspired enough to  give them a try.  At the very least I hope to get a conversation going about how me might use the massive reset this pandemic has brought upon as an opportunity to make the music business more artist-friendly moving forward.

For now, we’ve released  Skeleton Crew (Version One) feat. Elaine Summers on our little label, Puzzle Tree Records.

100% of the proceeds from Bandcamp will go to Vashon Youth & Family Services.

Finally, we are currently seeking matching grant donors so that folks who want to donate directly to this wonderful non-profit can do so and have their contributions matched.  If you’d like to help with this, please hit up the contact button above.  [UPDATE on 5/5/20: We are still actively raising money for VYFS, and will keep doing so.  I suspect the need is even greater now than when the pandemic began, so please reach out if you’d like to help with a matching grant.]

Peace & Love,

Pete Droge
Vashon Island, WA
March 31, 2020



UPDATE: April 03, 2020

1) “Skeleton Crew” is available wherever you find digital music.  100% or proceeds from Bandcamp go to Vashon Youth & Family Services.

2) I posted PETE DROGE is OBSESSED!!! episode 000… a podcast teaser.  In it I discuss the Skeleton Crew Project and share a sneak peak of my interview with Chris Ballew.


3) Lance Alton Troxel—the insanely gifted designer of our cover art—blew us away with this short film for “Skeleton Crew.”  He’s submitted the work to Inspiration Oregon, a contest launched by Oregon Film as a way to encourage filmmakers to get creative in their homes during times when citizens are urged to remain indoors. Watch the film HERE.

4) I spoke with Jeff Hoyt on the Voice of Vashon about the Skeleton Crew Project.  He asked if I would talk for 5 minutes.  The interview lasted almost 30.  Yeah… I’m pretty passionate about this thing alright.

5) I married a dharma talk by Gil Fronsdal with a piece of ambient music.  Listen HERE.

Okay… time for me to hit the mediation station!!!



Quarterly Reports: Spring, Summer & Fall 2019

October 25th, 2019|Categories: News|

Health Update
Slowly but slowly my health is improving. (Health backstory HERE.) Assuming the trend continues, it shouldn’t  be too long before I’m ready to begin pre-production on my next record. In the meantime, I’ve been dusting off the old live chops.

Live & In-Person
On November 8 Elaine Summers and I will play a couple of songs at The O Space to help celebrate the release of Vashon Calling, an album to benefit Vashon Events. The album and show will feature a fine array of Vashon musicians: Chris Ballew, Ian Moore, Martin Feveyear, Danny Newcomb, Rusty Willoughby & Jennifer Potter, Jeff Kanzler, Kat Eggleston, Saint Ophelia, JD Hobson, Sarah Christine, Allison Shirk and Madeleine Wolczko will all grace the O-Space stage.  Info HERE

We played a wedding gig earlier this month. Yeah, you heard me right…a wedding gig! The groom surprised the bride with a live performance of their favorite song, “Island,” performed by the original artists!  It was heartwarming to watch the happy couple snuggling in the front row while she smiled and wiped away tears of joy.

Back in August I played a couple of songs at a private dinner salon.  About fifteen of us gathered to break bread and play music at the historic Dockton Store. I used the opportunity to world premier two songs: “You Called Me Kid” and “My Mind’s Eye.” It felt great to play the new songs. We’re looking forward to booking a few low-key house concerts around Vashon Island as soon as my health allows. (Sign up for my Newsletter to be among the first to know when shows are announced.)

Speaking of house concerts, imagine you and nine pals cozied up in a stunning west side home on idyllic Vashon Island, enjoying wine, appetizers and a super-intimate set by yours truly and my trusty sidekick Elaine Summers.  This experience could be yours! We’re auctioning off a house concert at this year’s Fur Ball.  (The Fur Ball is Vashon Island Pet Protectors’ big fundraising event that takes place on Saturday, October 26.)  Tickets and info HERE. If you are unable to attend the auction but want to try and snatch up that house concert, email to arrange making a proxy bid.

Necktie 25th
In my last Quarterly Report I mentioned the possibility of a 25th anniversary edition of my debut album, Necktie Second.  Well, my health is not to the point where I can tackle that project this year, so Necktie 25th will have to wait. Necktie 26th doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.  Maybe we wait for the 30th anniversary? Or just call it Necktie Deluxe and put it out whenever it’s ready? In any event, there are piles of VHS and Hi-8 video tapes from that era. At some point, we’ll get it all digitized and start lobbing clips out to my YouTube channel. 

Amazon Music’s Expert Listen
I am featured on Amazon Music’s brand new Expert Listen playlist. Dial it up to hear me give my expert opinion of the Tom Petty track “You Don’t Know How It Feels” from his classic album, Wildflowers. I’m in pretty good company.  A couple of tracks after mine is some lesser-known expert named Sir Paul McCartney.  #sarcastichumblebrag.

KEXP Sound & Vision
Drew Pine stopped by the Puzzle Tree Studio studio to interview me for KEXP’s Sound & Vision. The show, set to air in late October or early November, will feature a segment on Vashon Island musicians.  In addition to going out over the radio waves, Sound & Vision is available in podcast form.

UPDATE 12/10/19:  The episode is now live.  Check it out HERE.  Or look for it in your favorite podcast app. The segment with my interview begins at around 36 minute mark.

Elaine and I have been chipping away at writing material for my next record.  For years, songwriting took a back seat to record production and scoring work, so it feels great to be back at it with the same kind of single-minded focus I had when I was younger and life was simpler.

As much as I love creating music for film & tv, and producing other artists, nothing thrills me more than conjuring a good old-fashioned song from thin air. Actually, conjuring may not be the best word. While the process can feel magical at times–especially those moments when inspiration strikes–most of the time is spent laboriously crafting lyrics and phrasing. This process is especially slow due to my limited energy these days, but that makes it all the more satisfying when we cinch one up.

Despite the glacial pace, we are making progress. Taking stock of our bounty recently we found we have enough completed songs for a double album. (I doubt I’ll make a double album, but you never know.)

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print.

Peace & Love,


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