Unveiling the Prestige: An In-depth Look at Georgetown's Ranking | AdmissionSight

Unveiling the Prestige: An In-depth Look at Georgetown’s Ranking

By Eric Eng

By Eric Eng

View of Georgetown University

Unveiling the Prestige: An In-depth Look at Georgetown’s Ranking

As one of the oldest and most respected universities in the United States, Georgetown University has consistently held high positions in national and international academic rankings. Georgetown’s ranking is a testament to the institution’s unwavering commitment to delivering world-class education, fostering pioneering research, and nurturing future leaders. Its standing reflects not only the academic excellence the university consistently upholds but also the unique character instilled by its Jesuit heritage and vibrant campus life.

Indeed, Georgetown’s ranking is more than just a measure of its academic prestige. It also encapsulates the rich and diverse experiences that the university offers its students. From its top-rated programs in international relations, law, and business, to the numerous opportunities for engagement and service within the D.C. area, Georgetown University’s ranking mirrors the holistic development and robust opportunities it offers its students.

Georgetown University gate with the university signage

The impressive ranking is a reflection of the university’s mission to educate the whole person, preparing students for meaningful engagement with the world.

Georgetown University: An Overview

Founded in 1789, Georgetown University is a private research university located in Washington, D.C. It is the oldest Catholic and Jesuit-affiliated institution of higher education in the United States. The university has a strong commitment to Jesuit values, emphasizing intellectual openness, community service, interfaith understanding, and the education of the whole person.

Georgetown University is home to several prestigious schools, including the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown Law, McDonough School of Business, and Georgetown College. These schools offer a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, many of which are highly ranked. Particularly noted for its programs in international relations, law, and business, Georgetown is renowned for its rigorous academics and commitment to research.

The university’s location in the nation’s capital offers students unique opportunities for internships, research, and career networking. Students have access to a vibrant political, cultural, and economic hub, connecting classroom learning to real-world experiences. Campus life is dynamic, with a broad array of student-led organizations, athletic teams, and service opportunities.

Georgetown University’s diverse student body represents all 50 states and numerous countries. This diversity, coupled with a commitment to social justice and a curriculum that encourages critical thinking, allows Georgetown to foster a global perspective among its students.

View of Georgetown University

In terms of rankings, Georgetown consistently places among the top universities nationally and globally, a testament to its academic excellence, research output, and the quality of its programs. These elements combined make Georgetown University an influential institution that prepares students to make a meaningful impact in a complex, changing world.

What is the Ranking of Georgetown?

What is the ranking of Georgetown? Georgetown University consistently ranks among the top institutions of higher learning in the United States and globally. Its impressive ranking is a reflection of its academic excellence, research output, faculty resources, and commitment to Jesuit values. It is important to note that Georgetown’s ranking can vary depending on the methodology and criteria used by each ranking organization.

U.S. News & World Report Rankings

In the 2023-2023 U.S. News & World Report rankings, Georgetown was ranked #22 among national universities in the United States and #39 in the Best Value Schools.

This ranking by U.S. News & World Report is a comprehensive evaluation of over 1,800 colleges and universities in the United States. It uses a set of up to 13 indicators of academic quality, including graduation and retention rates, social mobility, faculty resources, financial resources, student excellence, alumni giving, and more.

Georgetown’s high ranking in this system reflects its strong commitment to academic excellence, high student retention, and graduation rates, and robust faculty resources. The university’s significant financial resources, including generous financial aid packages and funding for research, also contribute to its high ranking.

Additionally, Georgetown’s reputation among peer institutions and high school guidance counselors, as assessed by the U.S. News & World Report, is a testament to the respect it commands in the academic world.

Times Higher Education World University Rankings

In the 2023 Times Higher Education World University Rankings, Georgetown ranked #136 globally and #32 in the US College Rankings 2022.

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings is considered one of the most comprehensive and influential university ranking systems. They evaluate universities based on 13 performance indicators grouped into five categories:

Teaching (30%): This category assesses the learning environment, including a reputation survey, faculty-to-student ratio, doctorate-to-bachelors ratio, and institutional income.

Research (30%): This category examines the volume, income, and reputation of research conducted at the university.

Citations (30%): This category evaluates research influence by capturing the number of times a university’s published work is cited by scholars globally.

International Outlook (7.5%): This category considers the proportion of international staff, students, and research collaborations at the university.

Industry Income (2.5%): This category measures the university’s ability to help the industry with innovations, inventions, and consultancy, indicating knowledge transfer.

Georgetown’s ranking in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings showcases its strong teaching and research capabilities, as well as its ability to attract a diverse and international community of students and faculty.

The ranking highlights the university’s commitment to academic excellence, research output, and global influence. Additionally, the university’s location in Washington D.C. contributes to its international outlook, fostering connections with policymakers, NGOs, and international organizations.

QS World University Rankings

In the 2023 QS World University Rankings, Georgetown’s ranking was placed at #281 globally.

The QS World University Rankings is an annual publication of university rankings by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a British company specializing in education and study abroad. The QS rankings are among the most widely recognized and followed international university rankings. They evaluate universities using six metrics:

Academic Reputation (40%): Based on a global survey of academics, this metric assesses the perceived quality of institutions in terms of research.

Employer Reputation (10%): This is based on a survey of employers worldwide, who are asked to identify the universities they perceive to be producing the best graduates.

Faculty/Student Ratio (20%): This is a measure of the number of academic staff employed relative to the number of students enrolled.

Citations per Faculty (20%): This measures the research impact by dividing the total number of citations of a university’s research papers over a five-year period by the number of faculty members at the university.

International Faculty Ratio (5%): This assesses the degree of international diversity of faculty members.

International Student Ratio (5%): This assesses the degree of international diversity of students.

Georgetown’s placement in the QS World University Rankings underscores its global reputation for academic excellence and the high regard employers have for its graduates. It also reflects the university’s strong commitment to research, as evidenced by the high number of citations per faculty. The university’s diverse and international community of faculty and students further enhances its standing in the rankings.

Why Do College Rankings Matter?

Why do college rankings matter? College rankings matter for Georgetown University for several reasons. First, they serve as a testament to the university’s commitment to academic excellence, research, faculty quality, and student success. High rankings can reinforce the university’s reputation as a leading institution of higher learning, both nationally and internationally.

Rankings also play a significant role in attracting high-quality students, faculty, and staff. Prospective students often use rankings as a starting point in their college search process. A high ranking can draw the attention of ambitious students who are eager to be associated with an institution recognized for its excellence.

View of students using computers.

Similarly, distinguished faculty and talented staff are drawn to universities that have a high standing in rankings, further enhancing the institution’s ability to maintain and increase its high standards.

Moreover, rankings often capture the attention of donors and alumni. Higher rankings can lead to increased donations, as alumni and other potential donors feel a sense of pride and desire to contribute to an institution that is recognized for its excellence. This can lead to more funding for scholarships, research, infrastructure, and other resources that can further enhance the university’s reputation.

For Georgetown in particular, rankings matter because they reflect the university’s strengths, including its top-rated programs in international relations, law, and business. Georgetown’s commitment to Jesuit values and to a well-rounded liberal arts education, its vibrant campus life, its location in Washington D.C., and its commitment to social justice all contribute to its reputation as a leading institution in higher education. High rankings confirm that Georgetown is succeeding in its mission and achieving recognition for its efforts.

However, while rankings are important, they don’t capture everything about a university’s value or quality. They often do not account for the unique features of each institution that might be important to individual students.

For instance, they might not fully capture the quality of student life, the strength of the community, the availability of extracurricular opportunities, or the level of support for student wellbeing. Therefore, while Georgetown University values its rankings, it also emphasizes the importance of these other factors that contribute to a meaningful and fulfilling university experience.

In all, while rankings are not the only measure of a university’s quality or worth, they play a significant role in shaping perceptions of a university like Georgetown. They help validate the university’s ongoing efforts to provide high-quality education and create an enriching environment for its students, faculty, and staff. However, they should be considered as just one of many factors when evaluating the overall quality and fit of a university.

What is the Benefit of Georgetown’s Ranking in College Applications?

What is the benefit of Georgetown’s ranking in college applications? The high ranking of Georgetown University has several benefits for the college application process, both for prospective students and for the university itself.

For prospective students, Georgetown’s ranking can be a significant factor in their decision to apply. A strong ranking reflects positively on the quality of education and the variety of resources available at the university. Students will be taught by top-notch faculty, have opportunities to engage in meaningful research and benefit from a wealth of academic and extracurricular resources.

View of a young man talking to two unidentified people.

Moreover, a degree from a highly ranked institution like Georgetown can be advantageous in the job market or when applying to graduate programs, as employers and admissions committees often recognize and value the rigorous academic preparation such institutions provide.

A high ranking also indicates a vibrant and competitive intellectual environment. For students seeking an academically challenging environment, the high-achieving student body that a ranking like Georgetown’s ranking attracts can be an attractive factor. Moreover, Georgetown’s consistently high ranking in specific areas such as international relations, law, and business can draw students interested in these fields.

Georgetown’s ranking also provides insight into the diversity and inclusivity of a university. Georgetown’s commitment to diversity is reflected in its need-blind admissions policy for domestic students, and its efforts towards creating a diverse and inclusive campus environment can be appealing to applicants from a wide range of backgrounds.

For the university, the high ranking can attract a larger pool of applicants, which allows the university to be more selective in its admissions process. This means Georgetown can maintain a high standard of academic ability and potential among its incoming students, perpetuating its reputation for excellence.

Additionally, a large, high-quality applicant pool can contribute to diversity in the student body, another factor that enriches the learning environment.

However, while rankings are an important consideration, they should not be the sole determining factor in the college application process. Each student has unique needs and priorities, and it’s crucial to consider a range of factors, including academic programs, campus culture, support services, location, financial aid, and others.

It’s also worth noting that Georgetown University’s holistic admissions process looks beyond academic achievement to consider the whole person, including their experiences, talents, and potential contributions to the Georgetown community.


Georgetown University’s rankings reflect its academic rigor, commitment to Jesuit values, and the rich opportunities available to its students. While the university has a strong standing in national and international rankings, it truly excels in its graduate and professional programs, particularly in international relations, law, and business.

However, rankings only tell part of the story. Georgetown’s emphasis on a well-rounded liberal arts education, its vibrant campus life, and its location in Washington D.C. offer unique benefits that are not captured in traditional ranking metrics. Additionally, the university’s commitment to research that serves the public good and its efforts to promote diversity and inclusion demonstrates its dedication to its mission of educating the “whole person” and serving the community.

While there are always areas for improvement, Georgetown University undoubtedly ranks among the best institutions in the United States and the world. Its blend of academic excellence, Jesuit values, and hands-on learning opportunities in the heart of the nation’s capital create a unique educational experience that prepares students to make a meaningful impact in their chosen fields.

Want to learn more about your chances of getting into Georgetown University? You’ve come to the right place. At AdmissionSight, we have over 10 years of experience guiding students through the competitive admissions process.

AdmissionSight can help you put your best foot forward when applying to college this fall. Contact us today for more information on our services.




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