Create and Share a Game Code

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On Quizizz, a game code or a join code is a unique numerical code that is generated whenever you host a Quiz or a Lesson. Students can visit and enter this code to join your activity. 

Game codes are automatically generated. This means that all you need to do is host a Quiz or Lesson live or assign it as homework. Once this is done, you will see a game code that you can share with your students. 

For a live game, you will see the game code or the join code in your live dashboard. 

For a homework game, you will see the game code or the join code in the Report for your activity. 


  1. Each game code is unique and expires as soon as the game ends. 
  2. You do not need to share a game code with your students if you assigned the Quiz or Lesson to them via Classes. Students will automatically receive a link through which they can join the activity.

Keywords: what is a game code, what is a join code, how to create a game code, how to create a join code, how to share a game code, how to share a join code, where can I find the game code, where can I find the join code, how can students join my quiz

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