One Day at Horrorland (Goosebumps, #16) by R.L. Stine | Goodreads
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Goosebumps #16

One Day at Horrorland

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La familia Morris se pierde cuando trata de encontrar el parque temático de Zoo Gardens. Pero no importa. Encuentran otro parque de atracciones. Se llama Horrorlandia. En Horrolandia no hay multitudes. No hay colas. Y se puede entrar gratis. Parece un bonito lugar. Pero eso es antes de que empiece el alucinante viaje en el Tobogán Maldito y la aterradora experiencia de la Casa de los Espejos. Porque hay algo extraño en las atracciones de Horrorlandia. Algo demasiado escalofriante, demasiado real…

123 pages, Paperback

First published February 1, 1994

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About the author

R.L. Stine

1,685 books17k followers
Robert Lawrence Stine known as R. L. Stine and Jovial Bob Stine, is an American novelist and writer, well known for targeting younger audiences. Stine, who is often called the Stephen King of children's literature, is the author of dozens of popular horror fiction novellas, including the books in the Goosebumps, Rotten School, Mostly Ghostly, The Nightmare Room and Fear Street series.

R. L. Stine began his writing career when he was nine years old, and today he has achieved the position of the bestselling children's author in history. In the early 1990s, Stine was catapulted to fame when he wrote the unprecedented, bestselling Goosebumps® series, which sold more than 250 million copies and became a worldwide multimedia phenomenon. His other major series, Fear Street, has over 80 million copies sold.

Stine has received numerous awards of recognition, including several Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards and Disney Adventures Kids' Choice Awards, and he has been selected by kids as one of their favorite authors in the NEA's Read Across America program. He lives in New York, NY.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews171 followers
June 9, 2021
One Day at Horrorland (Goosebumps #16), R.L. Stine

One Day at HorrorLand is the sixteenth book in the original Goosebumps, the series of children's horror fiction novels created and authored by R. L. Stine.

The Morris family and their friend Clay become lost, accidentally finding the HorrorLand theme park.

Shortly after parking, their car explodes, but the ticket-taker reassures them that it will be taken care of.

The children, Lizzy, Luke and Clay, explore the theme park and get on the rides.

After a ride in which Lizzy is locked in a casket traveling down a river, the three of them attempt to convince the parents, Carl and Peggy, that they all should leave.

The two reveal that they experienced similar problems, so they all decide to confront the Horrors.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز هشتم ماه ژوئن سال 2009میلادی

عنوان: یک روز در سرزمین وحشت؛ کتاب شانزدهم (جلد 20درایران) از سری دایره وحشت یا ترس و لرز (گوسه بامپز)؛ نویسنده آر.ال استاین ؛ مترجم میترا کیوان‌مهر؛ تهران: ویدا‏‫، 1386؛ در142ص؛ شابک 9789642912124؛ چاپ دوم و سوم 1389؛ چاپ چهارم و پنجم 1390؛ چاپ ششم و هفتم 1393؛ موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 20م

عنوان: پارک وحشت؛ نویسنده آر.ال استاین؛ مترجم شهره نور‌صالحی؛ تهران: پیدایش‏‫، 1389؛ در 160ص؛ شابک 9789643498139؛ چاپ دوم 1391؛ چاپ سوم 1393؛ چاپ پنجم 1396؛

خانواده‌ ی «لیزی» هنگام پیدا کردن باغ‌ وحش پارک «گاردنزتیم»، راه خویش را گم می‌کنند، اما در عوض به پارک تفریحی دیگری، در سرزمین وحشت می‌رسند؛ پارکی که در آن هیچ انسانی و هیچ علامتی دیده نمی‌شود، و ورود همه به آن آزاد است؛ این پارک در وهله‌ ی نخست به نظر خانواده‌ جالب می‌آید؛ اما پس از چندی آن‌ها به وجود هیولاهای وحشتناک پی می‌برند و سرانجام از آن مکان فرار می‌کنند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 18/03/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for ✨Bean's Books✨.
648 reviews2,958 followers
October 9, 2018
#16 "Enter if you dare...."
Lizzy, her parents, her younger brother and his friend are all on their way to Zoo Gardens Theme Park, but when her father leaves the map at home and they take a wrong turn they end up staring at a sign that reads "Welcome to Horrorland where nightmares come to life!" The attractions seem fun and everyone's excited to try things out. Things turn scary very quickly however. Suddenly things aren't so fun anymore.
Profile Image for La loca de los libros .
363 reviews245 followers
January 31, 2023
Sigo en modo nostálgico y por eso les traigo hoy la mini reseña de otro libro de Pesadillas que hemos leído con las más peques de casa. Se trata del primer número de la colección, Un día en Horrorlandia.

Miedo poco, teniendo en cuenta al tipo de público al que va dirigido, pero sí han habido situaciones un tanto agobiantes.

En esta ocasión, Stine nos mete en situación cuando una familia decide coger su coche para pasar el día en un zoo, por el camino se pierden y justo cuando se paran en el arcén ven un monstruoso cartel que les da la bienvenida a un parque peculiar llamado Horrorlandia. No se lo piensan más y los hermanos protagonistas junto con el amigo de uno de ellos, consiguen convencer a sus padres de pasar un divertido y terrorífico día en familia en ese parque apartado y solitario.

Todo empieza a ir mal desde que dejan su coche en el aparcamiento. Pero piensan que todo no es más que una broma y deciden seguir adelante en su siniestro viaje.

Lizzy, la narradora, nos irá relatando todo lo que les va sucediendo y sus sensaciones, pasando de la perplejidad al puro terror al ver que las atracciones no son tan inofensivas como creían en un principio; toboganes que parecen no tener fin, relajantes paseos en ataúd en ríos verdosos, la agobiante casa de los espejos y muchas sorpresas más les esperan a estos incautos visitantes.

Una lectura muy divertida que te leerás en un suspiro y con un final que nos ha sorprendido y hecho sacar una carcajada 😆

Como ven, lo hemos pasado en grande, ahora queremos ver el episodio correspondiente de la serie televisiva que hicieron en los 90' que apenas lo recuerdo.
Profile Image for Carmen.
2,070 reviews2,276 followers
April 29, 2015
On re-reading the Goosebumps series, I am surprised by how INSANE these books are. I have no idea what kind of ... substances... Stine was enjoying when coming up with this series, but the books are just so WEIRD. This is #16, and let me tell you, they are not getting any saner.

Lizzy, 12, her 10-year-old brother Luke, and his best friend Clay are driving with Lizzy's parents to Zoo Gardens. But the family gets horribly lost and stumbles onto a remote amusement park called HORRORLAND.

As soon as they get out of their car to buy tickets, their car explodes.

Yes, you heard me correctly. THE CAR EXPLODES. And they decide to go into the amusement park and spend the day there anyway. Stellar parenting, Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Great job. Dad is told there are no phones in the park, but "We'll take care of it." This is said by the ticket-taker, a person dressed up like a giant monster. And the dad just ACCEPTS THIS. *blink blink

So. The parents and the kids split up to explore the park. The kids go onto a scary Doom Slide, they go into a House of Mirrors that tries to crush them into human cubes, they pass by an alligator pond stocked with real, live alligators.

The park is littered with signs saying NO PINCHING.

The kids are getting more and more scared.

Like I said, this is some weird &^%$.

I am enjoying my trip down Memory Lane with Stine's Goosebump series immensely. Immensely. These books are such a hoot.

I really like the opening line to this one:

As we entered the gates to HorrorLand, we had no idea that, in less than an hour, we would all be lying in our coffins.

In a ride, it turns out. A ride that has coffins as "seats." Great opening.
Profile Image for Matteo Fumagalli.
Author 1 book9,496 followers
August 21, 2020

"Una giornata particolare" è un romanzetto-baracconata che farà la gioia dei più piccoli. Letto da adulti, appare piuttosto sempliciotto (l'intera storia si struttura sull'ambiguità del vero-non vero delle giostre di Horrorland in una ripetizione di idee dove si lanciano urletti senza che nessuno si faccia davveromale) ma c'è qualche schizzo di grottesco (l'auto della famiglia di malcapitati che esplode a caso non appena questi giungono sulla soglia del parco di divertimenti, l'intera trovata delle candid camera e il finale comico-trash) e di genio (la stanza degli specchi che riduce gli umani a cubi di carne).

Menzione d'onore ai genitori (chiamate gli assistenti sociali, vi prego!):
Macchina di famiglia esplode. Il padre si dispera e cerca un telefono per chiamare un taxi. La madre non batte cenno, del tipo "che moda che è esplosa ora che siamo usciti tutti dall'auto!".
I bambini non battono cenno: "che moda che siamo in un parco paurosissimo!"
Il padre: "Vado a cercare un telefono!"
La madre: "No caro, vengo con te, che quando sei depresso fai follie!"
Lui: "E i bambini?"
Lei: "Li lasciamo da soli! Si divertiranno sulle giostre! Che modah!"


Ripeto, chiamate il telefono azzurro. SUBITO.
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
1,960 reviews965 followers
November 16, 2020
I will never be too old to love Goosebumps! This was one of the first ones I read when I was young and reading it again brought back so many good memories. This one remains ones of my favourites to this day, I’m just a sucker for anything remotely carnival/circus related. This story still holds up all these years later, I enjoyed the hell out of my reread of this one! I had forgotten most of the details of the story so it was like I was experiencing it again for the first time and I fell in love with it all over again. It still amazes me how brutal these can be for young teen/middle grade books, I’m not complaining but I am questioning my parents for letting me read these at such a young age.
Profile Image for Nick James.
84 reviews7 followers
July 10, 2012
Man, this brings back memories. This is, I think, the most popular in the Goosebumps series, right? This also might be my favorite.
The Morris family plan to go to Zoo Gardens but accidentally end up at Horrorland, where people dress up as "Horrors" and plan to kill you and not let you leave. The rides are even a bit suspecious, like a coffin river dide, a deathly game show, and a unescapable maze.
This was, like I said, my possible favorite out of all of them. None of them really scared me, but this one might have been the most excellent and creative one. I love this one, and if you or your kids love horror stories, this is their thing. If you haven't read Goosebumps, you're missing out. Where were you in the '90s? :)
Profile Image for Kevin Cambronero.
79 reviews24 followers
November 30, 2015
Recuerdo las pesadillas que me causaba la serie Escalofríos de niño, que me encantaba, y que veía a pesar de tenerlo prohibido, debido a las mismas pesadillas. Años después me entero de que estaba basada en una serie de libros, y tenía que leerlos sí o sí.

Éste es el primero de ellos que leo. Es muy corto y ligero, además de entretenido; es espeluznante y verdaderamente extraño. Al ser infantil, es muy fácil de leer y se va en una sentada. Tiene un final muy bueno.

Me gustó mucho.
Profile Image for Danny.
169 reviews
December 2, 2010
Ahhh, the Goosebump days. I would borrow so many of these from the library they seriously considered extending my limit of books checked out at one time. R.L. Stine you were a reprieve from a harsh and dreary childhood in which my mind wandered far away from the troubles of the day. I stole books into my bed and read far into the night by the faintest of lights. I might have better eyesight were it not for you; however, I regret not one page or line.
Profile Image for Reemi.
249 reviews194 followers
November 1, 2019
"A person can only die once here", The Horror said. "No one has ever died twice"

When my friend and I decided that we're gonna read about from the Goosebumps series, I decided to go with this one because it has the highest rating, after reading it, I wasn't disappointed.

This is a children's book about a family got lost in the middle of nowhere when they come across an amusement park called HorrorLand. They decided to give it a try, and as soon as they enter the park, weird and scary things start to happen.

I really enjoyed the book I was barely able to leave it and do other LIFE things. it's so engaging and fast paste, so Halloweenish , childish and somehow scary.

I'm more excited now to read more books in this series!

Thank you, Hanin for introducing Goosebuumps to me ...!

[image error]
Profile Image for Elena Rodríguez.
822 reviews460 followers
October 18, 2023

Primera novela, al menos de la versión que tengo yo, de esta aclamada serie de novelas. Voy a ser sincera. Esta lectura no la tenía planeada, pero debido a una serie de circunstancias personales acabó en mis manos y le di una oportunidad.

“Me ha dicho…que nos vayamos ahora que aún podemos.

Objetivamente esta novela, teniendo en cuenta que se trata de una novela destinada a un publico infantil-juvenil está bastante bien. No lo considero una lectura “terrorífica” en sí. Yo creo que se puede llegar a sentir tensión, pero basta. Tampoco considero que el autor pretenda hacerles morir de miedo a sus lectores, sino enseñarles que las historias de miedo pueden ser divertidas como conseguir que pasen un buen tiempo leyendo, y motivarles a leer otras aventuras.

Aquí una persona solo puede morir una vez. Nunca nadie ha muerto dos veces.

Ahora, personalmente a mi la novela no me ha gustado del todo. Le achaco al hecho que no estaba en el mejor momento para leerlo y considero que este argumento no me gustó del todo. A pesar de ello, tengo curiosidad por el resto de la saga. Eso sí, cuando tenga ganas.

En conclusión, una novela interesante, ágil, llena de acción y aventuras.

Pero no había nadie que pudiera ayudarnos.”
Profile Image for ❥ Jory.
237 reviews32 followers
July 24, 2015
One Day at Horrorland is, without a doubt, my all-time favorite Goosebumps book. It was my favorite when I was a little nerdy bookworm in 5th grade, and it is STILL my favorite Goosebumps book after 10+ years. (I’m bad a math, okay? I’m 23 now, you do the math.)

This Goosebumps novella is starring Lizzy and her family (along with a nerdy friend of her brothers, who is like a fat boy version of me when I was his age). They are on their way to the zoo for a vacation when they get lost because Lizzy’s dad forgets the map at home. They stop on the side of the road to see if they can finds some type of a map and stumble upon a sign for Horrorland (in my opinion one of the coolest ideas for a theme park I have ever heard of). The sign is this monstrous green thing with horns and a menacing look in his eyes. It tells the family that Horrorland is just one mile away if they are in for some frightful fun.

Of course the kids are stoked when they see the sign and they coax their dad to head to the theme park. They find the theme park practically deserted (and secluded, which is the first sign of danger!!!!) when they arrive. They head for the front gate and they aren’t even 10 feet away from their car when IT BLOWS UP. LIKE OUT OF NOWHERE. The family is obviously freaking out at this point because GASP! WHAT IF WE WERE IN THAT CAR WHEN IT BLEW UP!

They rushed to the main entrance where they are greeted by this monster who is green and huge, with horns and a purple tail (???). Lizzy’s dad at this point goes up to the monster and asked him if he could use their phone to call the police, because the first thing you think to do when your car blows up is to call the police. (Do you? I wouldn’t know, my car has never blown up.) The monster tells him that there are no phones whatsoever in the theme park, not even a payphone, and if they would like they could enter Horrorland and visit for a few hours while they figure out the car situation. Free of charge.

So the family enters, and the amusement park is freaking awesome in my opinion. If a theme park was run by monsters and had things like a WEREWOLF VILLAGE I found think it was brilliant. Like you could legit make bank off of something like that. Crowds would flock. So anyways back to the story. They enter the theme park and the parents let the children go off by themselves while they search for the phone.

The kids go off into the theme parks and ride some of the coolest rides (again, this would make bank!!!) I have ever heard of, or have ever read about. There’s the Doom Slide, where you choose 1 slide from a group of 10 of them and slide down. But be careful, because you could pick the Doom Slide, which makes you slide forever! (They actually were probably on that slide for only 10 minutes, but they could have sworn it was forever.) There’s the Room of Mirrors where the mirrors are literally everywhere and they could almost crush you to death! (The way Stine writes that Room of Mirrors scene is actually quite A+. Being crushed into a square by mirrors is probably a fear for everyone and Stine captured that nicely. There was also the Barn of Bats, where as soon as you walked in the doors slammed shut and bats start attacking you. Or do they? Because as soon as the doors were opened there were no bats in sight. Maybe it was their imaginations???

Anyways they go on those rides all while searching for their parents (which they eventually find). They decide before leaving that they are going to go on one more ride together, the Coffin Cruise. Yes, you heard me right. Coffin. Cruise. You lay in a coffin and drift down a river. I kid you not, that is the actual ride. But of course in the middle of the ride the coffin slams shut and you are almost out of breath from screaming and crying, but still. A coffin cruise. Where can I sign up?
After the ride, they decide they need to get the hell out of this amusement park, but oh wait, they can’t. Because the Horrors (those green monsters from the front gates who are actually the only workers in the amusement park) have padlocked the doors. They are trapped in Horrorland.

Oh, but PLOT TWIST! They are actually on a game show called Horrorland Hidden Camera on the Monster Channel (???). They have won a car and are free to go. Finally! An escape from the terrible Horrorland. All they have to do is go through some yellow door and they will be out in the parking lot. Of course, they go through the door and PLOT TWIST! THERE IS NO EXIT! THEY ARE TRAPPED IN A MONSTER OBSTACLE COURSE AND THEY HAVE ONE MINUTE TO RUN FOR THEIR LIVES! LITERALLY!

So the one minute starts and monsters and rabid pigs and all of these random things start attacking the family, and they all end up surviving the course. But wait, they can’t leave. Because no one leaves Horrorland. At least, not alive. They are guided to this purple lake that is kind of like ooze where you are sucked into it as soon as you land on the surface of the pond. Terrified, Lizzy ends up coming up with the miraculous idea of pinching the monsters which ends up DEFLATING THEM. They start deflating monsters left and right and make a run for it, where they find a bus in the parking lot that they steal and drive home.

They arrive home to find that one of the Horrors has actually latched onto the bus and has followed them home, only to give them free passes to Horrorland next year. And that’s how the book ended.
It’s one of my favorites. Probably for the Horrorland aspect. I’m telling you, Stine should have sold that idea to someone. I would love to go to some park like that. Minus the whole monster potentially killing you bit. That part can be left out.
Profile Image for Veronica Morfi.
Author 3 books412 followers
October 14, 2014
Rating: 4/5

This is where it all begun. Lizzy, her brother Luke, their parents and Luke's friend Clay are terribly lost. They can't seem to find their way to Zoo Gardens Theme Park, so when the see a sign for Horrorland they decide to give it a try. Big mistake since the rides there are not just scary but deathly.

One Day at Horrorland was very entertaining. I don't remember it being so much fun. I loved Horrorland, best theme park ever. And Lizzy was not such a bad MC either, her brother though was really annoying. I can't wait to revisit all the horrors in the next books set in Horrorland.
Profile Image for Zoey De Leon.
184 reviews
October 5, 2023
Horrorland. An iconic title and atleast the fan favorite. I enjoyed it but not as much as most people. although I think most Stine's type of writing kinda brings this down because the lack of descriptions on what should been an awesome theme park and the atmosphere, but that's just a minor flaw that I found atleast in my own viewpoint (It was still imaginative, alright).

I didn't find this book scary but by the end atleast gets the book intense. I think the humor is the more main point of this one and I really liked that aspect, especially that funny ending.
Profile Image for Alex.
163 reviews36 followers
December 27, 2020
Lizzy Morris and her brother Luke has been asking their family to take them to a theme park. In the end they plan to visit the Zoo Gardens Theme Park with Luke's friend Clay accompanying the Morris family. Lizzy's father loses the way and end up next to another theme park named Horrorland. The children are excited and they plan to visit this park instead.

Unfortunately their car explodes and they are stuck with the horrors. They enter the wierd rides and realise there's more to this theme park than meets the eye. When they try to escape, they find out that they are locked in and trapped!
Profile Image for Coos Burton.
836 reviews1,410 followers
October 31, 2016
"Un día en Horrorlandia" es uno de los grandes clásicos de la serie. Me resultó super entretenido, ideal para estas fechas.
Profile Image for Paige.
31 reviews
December 14, 2012
Ofcourse, R.L. Stine has created a book that can give you nightmares. A family of two parents and two siblings, after losing their way to zoogardens, travel to a nearby amusement park that is in the middle of nowhere. It is called horrorland. At first, they thought the land was pretty good and it was free. Afterwards, the children and the parents were roaming around on their own and that is when the kids started to realize that something wrong was going on there. The screams of the people and the crying parents seemed too real to them. They finally found their parents who eventually also thought the same. They were in a game show, survived, and went home.
amazing book
i thought it was for lil kids
but rl stine's books are for all to read right?
Profile Image for Benji's Books.
295 reviews
October 6, 2023
Another good entry in the Goosebumps series, with an ending that caused me to look directly into the Invisible camera lens recording my life story in disappointment.

However, it does have one killer cover by Tim Jacobus and yes, the ending has technically stuck with me after all these years, so I suppose I'll give this classic three stars. I have been spoiled by better Goosebumps books in the series, so I may be bias too.


So, basically it ends with the scary creatures having one weakness: pinching. It's not even a scary, bad ending. It's just a bad ending. But I understand these books aren't exactly written to be high literature, so that is forgivable.
Profile Image for Mónica Pereira.
132 reviews27 followers
October 28, 2018
Estes livros fizeram parte da minha infância e adolescência assim como a série televisiva o que eu gostava bastante de ver! Ainda me relembro daquela música da intro!
Gostei de entrar nesta aventura e relembrar momentos da vida que me fizeram entrar no mundo da leitura!
Muita gente não conhece estes livros mas aconselho a pegarem num e lerem! Talvez sejam surpreendidos!
Profile Image for Miquel Reina.
Author 1 book388 followers
February 11, 2016
The other day I was checking my parents library and I found this little book I read while I was still going to school. "One Day at Horrorland" is a book for young readers who love horror stories (in a soft way of course). Reading S. L. Stine books is like a juvenile prelude to the books of Stephen King and the truth is that It's a great and scary one.

Spanish version:
El otro día estaba revisando la librería de mis padres y encontré este pequeño libro que leí cuando aún iba a la escuela. Un día en horrorlandia es un libro para los jóvenes aficionados a los libros de terror. S. L. Stine es como la antesala juvenil para leer los libros de Stephen King y la verdad es que al releer la sinopsis tuve el vago recuerdo del miedo que sentí al leerla.
Profile Image for Books on Stereo.
1,371 reviews173 followers
November 2, 2016
Initial thoughts

1. This plot was crazy and creepy
2. I did not know how this was going to end and I loved that
3. The characters are so much fun
4. I definitely will be re-reading this next Halloween

Check out my full review:
Profile Image for Hanin Reads.
309 reviews46 followers
November 2, 2019
"People don't always take us seriously." she continued. "People come to horrorLand and think it's all a big joke. People laugh at the signs around the park. They laugh at the rides and attractions. But it's all very serious to us. All of it."
Profile Image for Brooke Nelson.
Author 2 books466 followers
July 17, 2021
I must embarrassing admit that I, a twenty-one-year-old, have never read a Goosebumps book until now. Terrible, I know, but child me never felt the need to pick one up. Now, I finally understand the hype. What an absolutely adorably creepy story!
Profile Image for Yv.
681 reviews26 followers
January 10, 2018
Ik zat dus helemaal fout met mijn 'Het horrorhuis was mijn favoriet'! Kwam deze cover tegen en opzekers dus dat dít mijn favoriet was en dat ik hier (te) vaak boekbesprekingen over schreef. Ooooh, wat baal ik dat ik die serie heb weggegeven, heb instant zin om te re-readen. Nja, misschien eens kijken of ik ergens de Engelstalige op de kop kan tikken voor een re-read, lijkt me ook wel heel leuk!
Profile Image for Jesus Flores.
2,215 reviews57 followers
February 16, 2022

Esta entretenido, y la idea de Horrorland suena muy bien.
3.8 stars


Profile Image for Alex | | findingmontauk1.
1,469 reviews92 followers
October 3, 2018
This is one AWESOME Goosebumps book! It evokes all kinds of nostalgia vibes with the kids being on vacation and how they ended up on their own to have fun and ultimately survive all the Horrors at the theme park. I was able to connect with the kids and share in their fears throughout the entire book and I loved that! The twist in this story was really cool too as I really had about 3 guesses as to how it would pan out - but none of my assumptions turned out to be true! Bonus points for really surprising me in a book from 1994! I loved this one and highly recommend any Goosebumps fans to read this one if you have not already. It's some good, fun horror!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,010 reviews

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