The Meaning Behind The Song: Miles Apart by Yellowcard - Old-time music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Miles Apart by Yellowcard


The Meaning Behind The Song: Miles Apart by Yellowcard

Yellowcard’s song “Miles Apart” was released as a part of their album “Ocean Avenue” in 2003. The song has resonated with fans for its heartfelt lyrics and relatable theme of distance and longing. Let’s dive deeper into the meaning behind this emotional track.

Title Miles Apart
Artist Yellowcard
Writer/Composer Ryan Key, Sean Mackin, Benjamin Eric Harper, Longineu Warren Parsons III & Peter Mosely
Album Ocean Avenue (2003)
Release Date July 22, 2003

The Emotional Journey of “Miles Apart”

“Miles Apart” narrates the bittersweet experience of growing up and moving away from loved ones. The song captures the nostalgia and longing for a simpler time when life was not as complex. The first verse sets the tone, with the lyrics “If I could, I would do all of this again, Travel back in time with you to where this all began.” The speaker expresses a desire to relive cherished memories and escape from the challenging reality of adulthood.

The chorus emphasizes the emotional bond that transcends physical distance. The lines “We’ll be miles apart, I’ll keep you deep inside, You’re always in my heart” showcase the enduring connection the speaker shares with the person they are leaving behind. It speaks to the idea that even if someone is physically distant, their presence remains a constant source of comfort and support.

The second verse reflects on the inevitability of change and the hardships that come with it. The lyrics “Now we’ve all grown up, gone on and moved away, Nothing I can do about it, nothing I can say” depict the reality of life pulling people apart, creating a sense of loss and longing for the past. The phrase “It all just seems so far, so far away” encapsulates the feeling of distance not only in physical space but also in time and emotions.

A Personal Connection

“Miles Apart” holds a special place in my heart as it reminds me of my own experiences. I vividly remember the first time I heard this song, a time when I was facing a significant transition in my life. I was preparing to leave my hometown and move to a new city for college.

The lyrics resonated deeply with me as I grappled with the realization that I would be physically separated from my loved ones. The melancholic melody and heartfelt vocals accompanied by the emotional lyrics mirrored my own feelings of both excitement and sadness about the upcoming changes.

Listening to “Miles Apart” became a cathartic experience for me. It provided solace during moments of homesickness and served as a reminder that even though I was physically distant from my family and friends, they would always be with me in my heart.


“Miles Apart” by Yellowcard captures the emotional journey of leaving behind a familiar place and loved ones. The song’s exploration of distance and longing resonates with listeners who have experienced similar transitions in their lives. Whether it’s leaving for college, moving for work, or any other significant life change, the song’s universal themes touch the hearts of many.

Yellowcard’s heartfelt lyrics and melodic composition make “Miles Apart” a timeless anthem for anyone who has ever felt the pain of being physically distant from the ones they hold dear. It serves as a reminder that even if we are miles apart, the bond we share with our loved ones will always remain in our hearts.

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