Discover the Top French Search Engines for Effective Online Searching - Expertrec

Top French Search Engines You Should Know

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Search engines are crucial parts of today’s online marketing. Customers rely heavily on these search engines to find the exact products they are looking for. A website offers a variety of products and services, all of which cannot be displayed at once on the home page or the category list. 

Therefore, the use of search engines can be seen as parallel to that of the filters that differentiate the customers’ desired products from the plethora of online products on a website. Here are the top recommendations if you are searching for the most popular search engine in France. But before that, let’s delve deep into the various reasons supporting why you need a search engine for your website

Why Is A Search Engine Important?

To gift a superior browsing experience to your customers:

Customers spend a minimum amount of time searching for the products they are looking for on your website. With a search engine, the right products can be found instantly and will otherwise consume the customers’ precious time. 

This will eventually lower the user experience of your website and decrease traffic. Therefore a search engine boosts your website’s search results, securing better conversion rates.

To make your target audience associate with your site easily:

With a search engine, highlighting the products in front of your potential customers becomes a simple task. Custom search engines help you become popular among customers by placing your site right at the top, so your website secures the most clicks.

To secure the top rank among your competitors:

Search engine optimization not only benefits in improving the rank of your site but also helps you to rank above all your competitors. A better ranking in search results also helps you gain more clicks and make your brand popular on the internet.

To build brand loyalty among customers:

A steady search result for the desired products will make your website more convenient for customers to browse through. They will gain a sense of trust in your website and will prefer it over your competitors.

Why Would You Consider Using a French Search Engine?

If you need a French internet window, then a French search engine is absolutely necessary. While you can also change the location setting of Google, using a French search engine will help you with additional features and content on the search page. Let’s find out the top French search engines that you should know.


Expertrec offers customers an all-encompassing custom search engine with spontaneous and swift search results. It offers varied added features such as spell correct, auto-complete, filtered and faceted search results, and customized search results, among many more. 

With various interfaces, such as a visual site interface, search-as-you-type interface, and multi-language support, it provides the best experience. It helps you to delve deep into the behavior of your patrons. 

All these will give way to better conversion rates on your website. Expertrec site search uses the advanced technology of AI-based ranking to recommend the right products to the customers. This will impress the customers and build brand loyalty.


Qwant offers its customers the most privatized search engine. The browser doesn’t store a single browsing history of the website visitors, making it convenient for business owners or anyone looking for a personalized search engine. This makes it the most popular search engine in France.

Most modern search engines tend to keep track of the browsing history of the visitors. This proves advantageous to those who want to restore a certain web page from their past searches. But for those who prefer private browsing, Qwant is the best option for them.

However, the search engine also benefits French learners as they type in their language and French websites come up. You need to change your location setting, and you are good to go. You can search for anything from news to information and images.


This search engine has been developed by Microsoft and is a truly effective search engine for live search, video search, image search, and map search, among many more.

Unlike Google, Bing entertains a single index that offers mobile and desktop optimization. Though it does not come with its own operating system, they provide the users with everything they need via windows or IOS.

The search engine offers easy and simple use that gives the customers a smooth and quick browsing experience. Before use, you need to change the setting of the country to France for the best results.


The search engine offers compatibility with Android or IOS and helps its customers with default search filters for web search, image search, video, and news search. The search engine not only works specifically for France but its search results can be easily filtered by sorting the time and region of the search. The search engine offers safe search through cookies on the user’s personal browser.

Customers can also search some other internet search engines by using a hash sign followed by the entered data or the keyword. They offer speed searches and relevant results at the drop of a hat.


Exalead is a French search engine specially designed for business. They offer home to advanced filters on language and prove beneficial to region-based intellectual and scholarly search topics ranging from French intellectual movements to various historical figures.

Unlike all the above search engines, which offer a search engine for general queries like shopping, social media, important information, and news for customers, Exalead focuses on more personalized and specific queries. The search engine also refines your search in French and filters your search to recommend your top services according to your input.

Final Thoughts:

These are some of the most popular search engines in France. You can scroll through all these search engines like a native on a French website. No matter what type of information you opt for on the search engine, be it for educational purposes or news, or an in-depth search, you can perform your task smoothly by adopting a truly French style. If you’re looking for ways to make your website support French too, try out Expertrec for the search bar.

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