Streets of Stalingrad (Volgograd) USSR 1970s
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  • Writer's pictureMichael Laxer

Streets of Stalingrad (Volgograd) USSR 1970s

This folder of postcards published in the USSR in the 1970's shows a variety of streetscapes, important sites and monuments in the city of Volgograd. Volgograd, of course, was called Stalingrad during the Second World War and was the site of not only the largest battle in human history but of the battle where the Red Army turned the tide against the forces of Nazi Germany and its allies.

Over the course of this pivotal battle in the history of the modern world the entire city of Stalingrad was completely destroyed.

The devastation was on a scale that beggars belief.

After the war the city was not only rebuilt but was rebuilt in a way that is both amazing and that also honoured the nearly incomprehensible sacrifices of the city's citizens and of the Red Army's soldiers during the battle with the creation of monuments to their heroism.

Without any further ado, here are the 31 postcards of 70's era Soviet Volgograd.

All of the captions below the photos are taken from the back of the postcard.

View of Lenin Prospect

Corner of Gogol St.

View of Peace St.

The Volgograd Planetarium

Volgograd at Night

View of the Volga

Lenin Volga-Don Canal

Street Scene

Children's Railway

To learn more about Stalingrad's children's railway see our post: Children's Railway of Stalingrad, 1949 (

Department Store

Obelisk over the common grave of the fallen soldiers of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars

Public Garden

Monument to Lenin on Lenin Square

Staircase leading to the Main Embankment

Gorky Drama Theatre

"The Grieving Mother" Memorial to the fallen soldiers of Stalingrad

Street scene of the Lenin Prospect

Monument to fighter-pilot V. Kholzunov Hero of the Soviet Union

Fallen Warrior Square

Memorial to the fallen soldiers of Stalingrad

Open air cafe

Central Market

Bridge over the river Tsaritsa

The 22nd Party Congress Volga Hydro-Electric Station

View of the Soviet Army Officers Club

View of the 22nd Party Congress Volga Hydro-Electric Station

Main entrance of the Dzerzhinsky Tractor Works

Interesting monument in front of the Tractor Works no doubt to honour the fact that during the battle factory workers built tanks under fire that were literally driven right off the production line and directly into battle.

Mill, a relic of the battle

Main Embankment

The Motherland Calls memorial complex to the fallen soldiers of Stalingrad

"To the Builders of Communism" Monument


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