Sungshin Women’s University: Tuition, Admissions, Rankings

Sungshin Women’s University: Tuition, Admissions, Rankings

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#23 Best University in South Korea

Founded in 1936, it is one of the country’s oldest and most prestigious women’s universities. The university is named after its founder, Sook-Chong Lee, who envisioned providing quality education to women in Korea during a time when opportunities for women’s education were limited. The university is committed to promoting women’s empowerment and fostering leadership qualities among its students. It strives to create an inclusive and supportive community where women can thrive academically and personally.

Sungshin Women’s University Overview

Institution Location
Seoul, South Korea
Institution Type
Institution Founding
Institution International Enrollment
International Enrollment
Institution Total Enrollment
Total Enrollment
Institution World Rankings
# 1138
StudyAbroadAide World Rankings
Institution Best Value Rankings
# 1156
StudyAbroadAide Best Value Rankings

Sungshin Women’s University World Rankings

Here are the world rankings of Sungshin Women’s University from reputable ranking sources:

QS World University Rankings #901

Ready to take your education to the next level? Discover the top universities in South Korea by clicking here.

Tuition Fees at Sungshin Women’s University

Sungshin Women’s University tuition fees for both bachelor's and master's students are discussed in this section.

Bachelor's Tuition Fees

Student Type Annual Tuition Fees in KRW
Domestic Students 7,522,000 KRW - 10,692,000 KRW
International Students 7,522,000 KRW - 10,692,000 KRW

Master's Tuition Fees

Student Type Annual Tuition Fees in KRW
Domestic Students 8,288,000 KRW - 11,544,000 KRW
International Students 8,288,000 KRW - 11,544,000 KRW

Although this range provide a good estimate of tuition costs at Sungshin Women’s University, the actual fees depend on your chosen program. Thus, for more exact figures, you may refer to Sungshin Women’s University tuition fee pages.

Ready to save in tuition and study in South Korea? Click here to read our guides to tuition fees and cheapest universities in South Korea and start planning your dream education today.

Admissions At Sungshin Women’s University

If you wish to study at Sungshin Women’s University, you’ll need to know the admission process, requirements, and other relevant information. Those may vary based on the program you’re applying to Sungshin Women’s University.

Moreover, the process and requirements for Sungshin Women’s University international admission may differ from domestic admission. Thus, if you’re an international student, check what additional requirements you need to submit and how you can validate your academic credentials.

To help you find all the admission-related information, we’ve compiled the bachelor's and master's admission pages of Sungshin Women’s University. Select which one applies to you and take note of the process and requirements.

Degree Admission Pages
Bachelor's International Admissions Page
Master's International Admissions Page
Planning to study in South Korea?

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Language Requirements at Sungshin Women’s University

If you wish to be a Sungshin Women’s University international student, you’d wonder if you need to speak or write the native language of South Korea before you can study in the institution. That depends on what language requirements they ask from you.

For Sungshin Women’s University, these are the language requirements or test scores that you need to submit:

Korean Language Requirements

Korean is the native language of South Korea. Thus, if you intend to take courses taught in Korean, Sungshin Women’s University will require you to submit TOPIK scores as proof of proficiency or fluency in the language.

These are the minimum scores required for bachelor's and master's students:

Degree Minimum TOPIK Scores
Bachelor’s 3
Master’s 3

English Language Requirements

International students in South Korea are often required to submit proof of English proficiency. For Sungshin Women’s University, your proof may come in the form of IELTS, TOEFL, CEFR, or Duolingo test scores.

These are the minimum scores required for bachelor’s and master’s students:

Master’s 5.5 80

Specific scores may vary depending on your program. Make sure to check out the language pages of Sungshin Women’s University to know more about the required scores.

Degree Programs offered at Sungshin Women’s University

There are several Sungshin Women’s University majors or degree programs for bachelor’s and master’s level that you can pursue. Here are some of them:

Bachelor’s Programs
Korean Language and Literature
Political Science and Diplomacy
Media Communication
Information Technology
Global Medical Science
Beauty Industry
Fashion Industry
Western Painting
Master’s Programs
Social Welfare
Oriental Painting
Industrial Design
Convergence Beauty
Real Estate

If you want to know what other academic programs Sungshin Women’s University offers, please visit the bachelor’s and master’s course pages. These pages will give you detailed information of the programs they offer.

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