Where to watch 'Shrek Forever After (2010)' on Netflix | Flixboss

Shrek Forever After

2010 • 1 h 35 min AnimatedComedyFamily United States

Movie. A bored and domesticated Shrek pacts with deal-maker Rumpelstiltskin to get back to feeling like a real ogre again, but when he's duped and sent to a twisted version of Far Far Away—where Rumpelstiltskin is king, ogres are hunted, and he and Fiona have never met—he sets out to restore his world and reclaim his true love.

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Where can you watch Shrek Forever After?

Available on Netflix in the U.S.

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Is Shrek Forever After on Netflix USA?

Yes, Shrek Forever After is available to stream on Netflix USA. It was added to the streaming service on May 1, 2024.

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Age Rating

'Shrek Forever After' is rated suitable for all ages, indicating it contains no material that parents would find inappropriate for children. It's perfect for family movie nights, offering content that is accessible and enjoyable for viewers of any age.

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