30+ Synonyms for Because with Examples | Another Word for Because • 7ESL

30+ Synonyms for Because with Examples | Another Word for Because

If you’re looking to expand your English vocabulary, it’s essential to learn synonyms for commonly used words. One such word is “because.” While it’s a simple conjunction that we use daily, it’s always good to have alternatives to keep your writing fresh and interesting. In this article, we’ll explore some synonyms of “because” that you can use in your writing to convey the same meaning in different ways.

Because Synonym

30+ Synonyms for Because with Examples | Another Word for BecausePin

Because Meaning

“Because” is a conjunction that is commonly used to express the reason or cause behind something. It is a frequently used word in English and has many synonyms that can be used interchangeably.


  • They canceled the event because of the heavy rain.
  • She needed to rest because she had been working long hours.
  • The flight was delayed because of the stormy conditions.

List of Synonyms for Because

  • Since
  • As
  • In light of the fact that
  • On account of
  • Owing to
  • Inasmuch as
  • Seeing that
  • Due to the fact that
  • For the reason that
  • In that
  • As a result of
  • On the grounds that
  • In consequence of
  • Thanks to
  • In view of the fact that
  • For the sake of
  • By reason of
  • Given that
  • In consideration of
  • In virtue of
  • In the interest of
  • For the purpose of
  • By cause of
  • By virtue of
  • In behalf of
  • In the cause of
  • On the side of
  • On the part of
  • For the reason of
  • In view of
  • In light of

Types of Synonyms for Because

  • Synonyms that express the same idea: “since”, “as”, “given that”.
  • Synonyms that express a similar idea: “due to”, “owing to”, “thanks to”.
  • Synonyms that express a contrasting idea: “although”, “even though”, “while”.

Common Synonyms for Because

Because vs. As

Because” is used to introduce the reason for something. It is more direct and explicit in showing cause and effect.

As” is used to introduce a reason or explanation that is already known or assumed by the listener. It is often used when the reason is more general or when the focus is on the result rather than the cause.

  • She didn’t go to the party because she was feeling unwell.
  • As she was feeling unwell, she didn’t go to the party.

Because vs. Since

Because” is used to give a reason or explanation for something. “Since” is also used to give a reason, but it often implies that the reason is ongoing or still relevant.

  • I stayed home because I was feeling unwell.
  • I haven’t seen her since she moved to a new city.

Because vs. For

“Because” is used to provide a reason or explanation for an action or event. “For” is also used to indicate a reason, but it is often used to explain the intended purpose or benefit of an action.

  • She went to bed early because she was tired.
  • he went to bed early for better rest.

Because vs. Due to

“Because” is used to introduce a reason and is followed by a subject and a verb. “Due to” is used to modify a noun and is often followed by a noun or noun phrase.

  • I went to the store because I needed to buy some groceries.
  • The game was canceled due to bad weather.

Academic Language for Explaining Reasons

In formal writing, particularly within an academic context, articulating causation with precision is paramount. We often employ a variety of expressions to denote reasons, aiming to enhance the clarity and sophistication of our argumentation.

Insofar as – To the Extent That

Insofar as functions as a synonym for because when we wish to define the boundaries or scope of a reason within our argument. It adds a nuanced limitation to the cause we describe.

  • ExampleWe have increased our research budget insofar as our funding allows.

To the extent that is similar, suggesting that the reason provided is only applicable to a certain limit.

  • ExampleOur study is significant to the extent that it contributes new insights into the field.

In Light of – Taking Into Account

In light of is utilised when incorporating external factors or previous knowledge into the reasoning presented in our writing. It provides a prelude to an argument that considers these elements.


  • Contextual discoveries
  • Historical precedents
  • Established theories

Taking into account also integrates additional information or circumstances into the cause-effect relationship, laying the groundwork for a well-supported argument.


Factor Considered Application in Sentence
Recent studies Taking into account recent studies, we propose that…
Environmental changes Taking into account the environmental changes, our hypothesis is…

By Virtue of – By Effect of Some Quality

By virtue of indicates that the reason is tied to an inherent quality or characteristic.

  • Italicized ExampleBy virtue of his extensive experience, the researcher provided unparalleled insights.

By effect of some quality mirrors this implication, highlighting a specific trait that causes the observed outcome.

  • Bold ExampleBy effect of her meticulous nature, her experiment yielded precise data.

Synonyms for Because in Different Contexts

In Formal Context

  • Hence: You did not study for the exam; hence, you failed.
  • Therefore: The experiment yielded unexpected results; therefore, we must conduct further research.
  • Consequently: The company failed to meet its sales targets; consequently, it had to lay off several employees.
  • As a Result: The budget was cut; as a result, several projects had to be delayed.

In Casual Context

  • Cos: I can’t go to the party cos I have to work.
  • Cuz: I can’t come to the movie tonight cuz I have to study for my exam.
  • Since: I’m not going to the party since I have to work early tomorrow.
  • As: I’m not going to the party as I have to work early tomorrow.
  • Thanks to: Thanks to your help, we were able to finish the project on time.

In Academic Context

  • Thus: The data shows a significant correlation between smoking and lung cancer. Thus, it can be concluded that smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer.
  • Ergo: The study found that students who received extra tutoring performed better on their exams. Ergo, providing additional academic support can improve student performance.
  • In View of: In view of the fact that the company’s profits have been declining for the past three years, it is clear that changes need to be made to the business strategy.
  • On Account of: On account of the recent increase in crime rates, the city council has decided to allocate additional funds to the police department.
  • For the reason that: You should go to bed early for the reason that you have an important meeting tomorrow.
  • Due to the fact that: The flight was delayed due to the fact that there was a storm in the area.
  • On account of: You cannot eat peanuts on account of your allergy.
  • Owing to: The concert was canceled owing to the singer’s illness.

Absolute and Near Synonyms for Because

Absolute Synonyms for Because

Synonyms Meaning
As Used to introduce a reason or explanation.
Since Used to indicate the starting point of a period of time or a past event.
For Used to indicate the reason or purpose of an action or situation.
Seeing that Used to introduce a reason or explanation.
Inasmuch as Used to introduce a clause that explains or qualifies a statement.

Near Synonyms for Because

Word Meaning
As a result of Indicates a consequence or outcome
On account of Indicates a reason or cause
Due to Indicates a cause or reason
Owing to Indicates a cause or reason, similar to “due to”
Thanks to Indicates gratitude for a positive outcome

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some other words that can be used instead of ‘because’ in English?

There are several words that can be used instead of ‘because’ in English, including ‘since’, ‘as’, ‘due to’, ‘owing to’, ‘on account of’, ‘given that’, ‘in view of’, ‘considering that’, ‘seeing that’, and ‘for the reason that’. These words can be used to convey cause and effect in a sentence.

What is a more formal synonym for ‘because’ in English?

‘Inasmuch as’ is a more formal synonym for ‘because’ in English. It is commonly used in formal writing such as academic papers, legal documents, and business reports.

What are some transition words that can be used instead of ‘because’ in English?

Some transition words that can be used instead of ‘because’ in English include ‘therefore’, ‘thus’, ‘consequently’, ‘as a result’, ‘hence’, ‘accordingly’, and ‘so’. These words are used to show the cause and effect relationship between two events.


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