The Meaning Behind The Song: Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Deja Vu by Olivia Rodrigo

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Deja Vu” by Olivia Rodrigo

Olivia Rodrigo’s “Deja Vu” quickly climbed the charts following its release in April 2021. The song, which details a feeling of familiarity within a new relationship, has been praised for its relatability and haunting lyrics. But what is the true meaning behind the track?

Exploration of a Relatable Emotion

At its core, “Deja Vu” is a meditation on the feeling of nostalgia and its relationship to memory. The song starts with Rodrigo singing about seeing her ex-lover with a new partner and feeling a sense of deja vu. The sense of familiarity is rooted in the behavior of the new lover deftly imitating the habits of Rodrigo’s ex, from his choice of clothing to his favorite songs.

The song highlights how quickly someone can be replaced and how easy it is to slip into old habits with a new partner. The lyrics provoke the listener into questioning their previous relationships and whether they too felt a sense of “deja vu” in new entanglements.

The Power of Perception

Rodrigo’s lyrics encourage a critical analysis of the role perception plays in relationships. The new lover’s resemblance to her ex-lover is subjective, and the song highlights how easily perception can influence behavior. Rodrigo touches on this theme in the bridge of the song, where she muses, “Do you get deja vu when she’s with you?” She here postulates that perhaps her own behavior was influenced by her perception of her ex and his behavior, leading her to repeat her actions with a new partner.

The Universality of Heartbreak

“Deja Vu” has garnered critical acclaim for its relatable lyrics and the universality of its central theme: heartbreak. The song speaks to the universality of heartbreak, with Rodrigo’s lyrics touching on the universal feeling of loss and nostalgia. Writing about the song in Rolling Stone, Brittany Spanos explains that Rodrigo “captures the feelings of heartbreak so viscerally through her lyrics that it’s almost too real to listen to.”

According to Paul McAneny, a counselor at Next Generation Counselling and Education Services, “The universal theme that can be seen here is that it’s better to look inwards and question one’s own behavior in love and relationships, rather than repeatedly blaming the other person.”


“Deja Vu” is ultimately an exploration of the complex emotional tapestry that is heartbreak. The song functions as a reflection on memory, perception, and relationships, all framed through a sense of nostalgia for a time now gone. It has found a resonance with fans around the world because of its genuine and heartfelt writing. As Olivia Rodrigo herself noted in an interview with Apple Music 1, “[Deja Vu] is the feeling like you’ve been through an experience before, but you can’t really pinpoint it, you know?” In her song, Rodrigo has created an archetypal delicacy – a feeling that is recognisable to all and yet hard to define.

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