General Hospital (full episodes): General Hospital 2-3-23 Full episode

Friday, February 3, 2023

General Hospital 2-3-23 Full episode

General Hospital 2-3-23 Full episode 3rd February 2023

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  1. This shall be good between Nicholas and Spencer let's see what all Spencer and learn from his dear old daddy

  2. Did you see Nikolas face when Spencer said he has that information against him he deserves everything that is coming to him

  3. This episode, and yesterday's episode, were so good I'm rewatching both this weekend. Where has this been?!?!

    Spencer was SSSSSSOOOOOO delightfully Cassadine today!!! What a pro, and running circles around Nikolas. When he so brilliantly delivered Nikolas's lines back to him to make his veiled threat, I squealed. Dealing his father such a blow with loving Laura unknowing in the background, just brilliant. So Cassadine. That's the suave and menace and cleverness I miss from the Cassadines of old. Spencer's little evil smile, too, that's soap gold--something you absolutely love to hate. What I wouldn't give to see him act with Tyler Christopher one day. Sigh. And for a brief second during their discussion, because of a sudden move the actor made, I thought Nikolas was turning and winding up to slap Spencer, and I almost died. I'm convinced these soaps need more slappings now, and I'll take them anywhere I can get them, lol! I do feel for Laura. She's been battling these Cassadine men her entire life!

    Oh, the looks that Finn shot Elizabeth today, what an actor he is too! And Elizabeth made some steps toward forgiveness today, felt so bad for her. She's just lost. You can see what a tortured life she's lived, she needs some good things to come her way, and less time around psychos (more time with Finn!).

    Whelp, maybe Ava is the one to finish Nikolas off! After the discussion with Austin about who she once was...she won't tolerate any guff from Nikolas. And Wyndemere looks so good on her, she was gorgeous head to toe today! Loved the coat, loved the blue top...future Cassadine queen, somehow!

    1. Yes @ JustLaugh you explained it very well and these two pacyors had some chemistry today especially Spencer , his eyes were so telling poor Laura didn’t know what to do or who to defend , this nick showed some emotion too but still ♥️ Tyler Christopher best and yes would love to see those two do scenes together , and is Ava the knew Helena ? Looks like maybe she’ll have some story with the good docs family whoever they are , I’m sure someone besides miss Wu is going after sonnys territory , can you imagine Ava running port Charles 🤔 hmmmm never know that would be interesting! Have a good weekend all stay safe ! And as always thank you Bob ! Much appreciated! 😊

    2. I would love for Ava to take Helena's place on GH, she has so much potential. They can throw her in to the Cassadine storyline, I'd love that, they can rope her in to the sonny territory fight story too, with Austin along for the ride since he's an unwilling participant connected to this mystery threat. Rope her into everything!

  4. Spencer really nailed those scenes today. So glad Elizabeth told Finn everything. I always thought keeping Esme locked up was awful, but hearing Liz say it aloud was cringe. I wonder if Finn's going to convince her not to go to the police. I think she should. Maybe she can claim mental distress, because homegirl needs mad therapy. I think Nicholas took advantage of her mental state to warp her into all of this, and Spencer called it when he found out they were supposedly together.

    1. I thought it showed real character for Spencer to recognize what his father did to Elizabeth was wrong. Spencer is different from this Nikolas in that fundamental way. You could feel his disdain for his father today, and how hard it was for Laura to watch. And Finn is the friend Elizabeth needs right now--she should never have lied to him. They have covered up crimes together too, LOL. All these people got serious issues they need to help each other with... :)

  5. Is it me, or was Ava and Austin vibing today? They have potential.

  6. Also Nicholas really has the nerve to talk about anyone crossing lines... I mean dude has crossed ALL the lines. He's such a man-child. I'm so tired of people thinking just cause they donated some sperm and egg that they automatically deserve to be parents. While I agree that it's not ideal for a young college kid to be raising a baby... teenagers are forced to take care of their siblings all of the time due to neglectful parents. And poor Laura! The actress deserves an Emmy. She plays the role of distraught mother very well.

  7. Is there a way you could re upload the episode from 6/1/22, as it says it is unavailable. Thank you so much.

  8. First Thank you so much Bob you are awesome Second Spencer was right on today telling Nik off and Third can't wait until Monday to see if Ava does the same thing I think Nik will just disappear but feel sorry for Laura

  9. I dont know but the new Nikolas gives me the creeps. Ewwwww!! Spencer on the other hand Genuis.

    1. New Nikolas walked in at a tough time in the storyline, for sure! He was cringe for me the previous episode with Esme, but he was knocking it out of the park with Laura for me, so I'll give him a chance. Spencer awesome!!!! More awards for him...

    2. Lol I know rt ! And loved Spencer too , he’s been doing a great job !

  10. New nick’s emotional range depth is so much better! Nice to see him having some sort of feelings! He looked so mad at the end clip when he went to Ava’s, look like he wanted to kill her! If looks could kill! I hope Finn takes Ava back !

  11. Still would love tyler Christopher to come back !

  12. spencer outlining why he despise nicholas just love every thing about it every word, now can the writers have michael do the same to sonny in the same eloquent manner spencer is saying to nicholas everything i wish michael would say to sonny

    ava should realize windemere spoon island is no prize isn't that place a jinx a lot of bad things happen to anyone who lives there that place is full of bad karma so yes ava cannot wait for you to move in going to enjoy this lol

    so nina so called revenge on carly assuming it has to do with insider trading, nina will be affected, doesn't drew own crimson that company is under the banner of aurora, so if that company will be under scurtiny that will mean so will crimson, also wont the federal agency investigating the insider trading crap look into why nina bought the metro court because carly used the metro court as collateral to invest in aurora, and wont that mean federal agencies being in sonny business the guy got that whole arms deal going down

    please nina do it the blow back on nina and sonny will be delicious the world of trouble that could bring for that psycho please do it nina

    did elizabeth say she has never helped nicholas do criminal stuff, nicholas had hayden shot in the head and elizabeth knew encouraged it they recently changed the story to make it seem like elizabeth did not know but she knew because she wanted to hold drew identity hostage

    elizabeth and finn didnt they keep quiet about peter being dead they thought he was dead and they hid the body in a fridge in the basement of the hospital who is finn to judge nicholas lol, yes nicholas is for more devious in his crimes but still glass house much

    they better not put finn and elizabeth back together they made a terrible couple and so does chase and brooklyn let it go writers

    ooooh chase and blaze vibing but they should give chase and sasha a chance

  13. I friggen luv luvluvvvvvv soencer and how he acts and the things he tries to stand for and the way he speaks. Specially when he gets passionate about the topic.
    Just wow. Wow. What an amazing actor for a soap. He really is incredible at it.
