Gilbert Bécaud - Je me fous de la fin du monde (English translation)
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I don't care about the end of the world

Among my billion stupid things
I prefer you by far.
I love you, I persist and I sign
And time can do nothing about it.
You don't ask for anything, you just pass by
Light and simple, like a good morning
You rainbow me all the space
With your six feet of love.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
The other ones were Martians.
When they landed on my heart
When they put their hand in mine,
I needed a translator
You're all laughter and sunshine.
You only have the sorrows of a bird,
You dream as soon as you wake
You say you find me beautiful.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
Where are you taking me, where are you taking me?
How far are we going to go?
You renamed me the Seine
The river of love suits you so well
I fill our suitcases with sky
Without saying that I am sometimes afraid,
That all our roads from Venice
Will lead us to Hiroshima.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
I don't care about the end of the world
But I wouldn't like the end of you.
Original lyrics

Je me fous de la fin du monde

Click to see the original lyrics (French)

Translations of "Je me fous de la fin..."