The Mystery of Edwin Drood Chapter 3 Summary | Course Hero

The Mystery of Edwin Drood | Study Guide

Charles Dickens

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The Mystery of Edwin Drood | Chapter 3 : The Nuns' House | Summary



The Nuns' House rests amid the buildings of an ancient Cathedral town called Cloisterham. A woman named Miss Twinkleton runs the Seminary for Young Ladies which is housed in the Nuns' House. Rosa Bud is the star pupil at the seminary because she is a talented vocalist.

Edwin Drood arrives to call on Rosa Bud but neither of them is happy to see the other. Rosa Bud thanks Edwin Drood for the gloves he left for her the night before. She tells him about the fun she had on her birthday. The two decide to take a walk. Edwin Drood and Rosa Bud argue incessantly. She criticizes him for his career aspirations. Rosa Bud suggests that they pretend that he is engaged to someone else and she pretends that she is engaged to no one. They both show affection to one another when others are watching them. Rosa Bud and Edwin Drood part and neither are disappointed to see the other one leave.


A new mystery is presented through Edwin Drood and Rosa Bud. The two characters have very different interests and do not share a common vision of their future together. They are not happy to see each other nor are they excited to be married. Edwin Drood was in town but did not spend Rosa Bud's birthday with her. They put on a show for others and pretend to be happy together. The girls in the Nuns' House assume that Rosa Bud is excited about her upcoming marriage, and Rosa Bud doesn't dissuade them from their fantasies.

The obligation to wed creates a deep inner turmoil in Rosa Bud. She struggles to put on a happy face when Edwin Drood arrives and asks if they could go for a walk so she doesn't have to pretend. The only way she can possibly enjoy the walk is to pretend that they are simply friends. She rejects Edwin Drood's display of affection before they part even though it is just for show for the watchful eyes. To outsiders she has everything. She is talented, beautiful, and lively. However, this only deepens Rosa Bud's despair as she faces a life over which she has little control.

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