Ministry of Sound Unveil a New Campaign and Video Marking a New Era for the Club - Data Transmission

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Ministry of Sound Unveil a New Campaign and Video Marking a New Era for the Club


Back in ’91, in the heart of Elephant and Castle, Ministry of Sound kicked off its journey, becoming a hot spot for electronic music lovers in South London. They had a simple mantra: prioritize sound, then lighting, and lastly design. Fast forward 30 years, and this joint is a global party hub, drawing crowds from all corners of the planet week after week.

Lately, they’ve been all in on a big project. Since August, Creative Director Simon Moore has been on a mission to give the club a whole new look and feel. They revamped their website, “All Gone South,” and switched up their programming. Plus, with the help of art director Galen Bullivant and curator from Satellite, they cooked up a slick video to shake up how folks see the club.

Inspired by that dreamy vibe from ‘Singing In The Rain,’ they wanted to capture that same feeling you get when you hit the dance floor. The club itself became the stage to showcase all the cool updates inside. They even drew parallels between the club’s evolution and the human body, using dance as a metaphor.

Dancers Zakarius Harry and Delilah Grocott Cain played a big role, using their moves to show the progression of a night out at Ministry of Sound. It’s like finding your sweet spot away from the daily grind, where the music takes over and you can just let loose. They glide through the different spaces, vibing with each unique feature, all set to a killer soundtrack by Magnus Brandt.

The team wanted to get back to basics, focusing on the club’s core values and putting the spotlight back on the music. And they nailed it. The video captures the club’s diverse vibes, showing just how far they’ve come in 30 years.

“The video shows off Ministry of Sound in a way never seen before. 

Sometimes less is more, and in the case of the club it meant literally stripping things back to reconnect with the rawness that was evident when Ministry of Sound first opened its doors.

On the opening night, there was no alcohol, three flashing lights and some moody security guards keeping an eye on a mix of people all there to hear good music on an amazing sound system, which has parallels to what we have done. We’ve plenty of exciting shows coming up and have ambitious plans and projects as the club continues to evolve. 

We want to keep pushing the limits and expectations of what nightclubs can be. As part of this evolution, we have a brand new website launching, a bespoke fragrance now found exclusively in the club made by Mark Buxton – which is the first of its kind – and a packed summer season’s worth of shows including Ministry of Pride with Fat Tony, Bob Sinclar, Demi Riquisimo, Piano People, Ammara, Bambounou, NTS, Foreverland, 31 Years of Jungle Mania feat. General Levy and Future Disco with Dimitri from Paris to name a few.”

Mike Hollingshead

They went all out with the filming too, using everything from Snorri cams to drones, giving us a real cinematic experience. And forget those short, clickbaity ads. This video’s a bit longer, bringing back that old-school campaign vibe.

Ministry of Sound isn’t just looking back at its glory days; it’s paving the way for the next generation of nightlife. They’re all about creating a space where music lovers can come together without sacrificing quality. This video? It’s just the beginning of their next chapter.

Oh, and speaking of new vibes, and thinking outside of “The Box”, they’ve even launched their own fragrance, courtesy of scentologist Mark Buxton. Plus, they’ve sprinkled in some magic around the club, like a fancy two-bicle toilet for the ladies with a secret surprise feature…

A new state of intention and the dawn of a new era, this is the Ministry of Sound but not as you may know it…

More info and tickets can be found here!


13th April: Pulsate w/ Ammara, Daire

3rd May 2024: Future x 31 Years Jungle Mania (General Levy, Basslayerz, Micky Finn) 

5th May 2024: Piano People with Mellow & Sleazy

17th May: Future x Bob Sinclar 

8th June: Future Disco w/ Dimitri from Paris, Lovebirds (day+night)

28th June: Future x Will Sparks 

29th June: Ministry of Pride 

13th July Future Day x Sound of Garage DJ Luck & Neat 

3rd August 2024: Demi Riquisimo (Day Party)
