Scandalous: Ruby Ridge : FOXNEWSW : January 19, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   Scandalous Ruby Ridge  FOX News  January 19, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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anchor. they are both fantastic, please make sure you watch tomorrow and do, back next sunday when "the next revolution" will be televised. ♪ >> previously on "scandalous: ruby ridge". >> they built the house up on ruby ridge and they had religiously driven belief. >> the fed was to get randy weaver to oppose. >> this guy with cash and maybe he'll sell his shot off shotgun. >> they immediately nailed him as a fugitive. >> this white separatist held up. >> the guys were taken off down the hill. >> i remember hearing gunshots. that was not normal. >> in part everywhere, chaos. we have a dead marshall, dead boy in the weaver family held up at the cabin.
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♪ >> i think the radio was starting to hear something about an altercation that had happened and from that point the days started to blend. >> by the afternoon of friday august 21, 1992 the quiet isolated area of northern idaho known as ruby ridge have been overwhelmed by federal agents and out-of-town journals. just that morning the u.s. and marshall had been shot in the cabin belonging to randy weaver and his wife vicki. >> shots were fired and we got up there immediately picked.
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>> i was at the newsroom and we got a call saying there has been gunshots on the mountain and all kinds of la law enforcement joi. >> the word had gotten out so you want to make sure we don't have other people running in and out with guns, without guns. there were so many unknowns. >> one thing was clear, decorated u.s. marshal william degan was dead. >> he has been shot and killed in a confrontation with a fugitive in north. a federal firearms charge has been pulled in a cabin for naples more than a year. >> killing a federal law enforcement officer is a crime and that's what brought them into the picture. >> the fbi was mobilizing a stunning amount of men and material far more than the atf which originally arrested him on gun charges or the u.s. marshals service which was a year end half trying to haul him into court. >> we basically have to pull together essentially an army and
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all the resources we can get, will need generators, water, costs, tents, helicopters. >> enraged protesters also conversed. >> all go up there right now if the drop me by helicopter because it is not right. >> neighbors came in with signs, antigovernment signs and things got pretty heated. >> these are americans, god fearing people. >> they became a loud angry group and it was startling to see a level of antigovernment passion that they were demonstrating which i had never seen before. >> meanwhile, unbeknownst to anyone outside the cabin the weavers were mourning their 14-year-old son samuel. he was killed in the shootout with the u.s. marshals that morning. >> i remember my parents both being very broken. i myself was very, very broken just grieving all the memories
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of him and i running through my head. >> randy would recall the moment he learned his son was shot de dead. >> i was screaming and yelling and kissing him and holding him in my arms and vicki was walking around yelling. i don't know what she was doing. >> the weavers moved his body to a shed and then hunker down and the cabin. >> some point it started raining and the characteristically cold and rainy for august. it felt like the mountain was crying with us in a way. >> as fbi officials flew from washington, d.c. to idaho they drafted a strategy that gave their ages more leeway to protect themselves. >> it was put together on the thought process that we still have an active shooting situation going on. >> would turn the already bloodied standoff into an epic scandal. >> the rules of engagement that would've worked they figured would not work because they got this guy holding out on a remote
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cabin with his family. what can you do? the numerals were scribbled aboard in a notebook, they decreed that if any adult male is observed with a weapon prior to surrender announcement deadly force can and should be implement it. a shot can be taken without endangering the children. >> deadly force can and should be used against any adult with a firearm. this is the functional equivalent of the government saying forget everything else, the rules do not apply. >> the rising sun on saturday august 22 revealed a tranquil idaho landscape transformed. >> by the next morning it was startling to see the firepower that had this hundred on this area. >> you can see that helicopters flying overhead and descended. it was like a movie filmed on a war. >> i remember at a local airport
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with helicopters behind me, armored personnel carriers. >> randy weaver has told friends all he wants is to be left alone. with the sudden appearance of military hardware like this his one-man stand against the law is suddenly taken on the appearance of a "full-blown war". >> and only took 18 hours for the pretty massive force to show up. >> amidst the firepower of 400 law enforcement officers was fbi hostage rescue team. >> the fbi encircled the cabin and put snipers who are expert cyber shooters in key positions around the cabin. and they had the latest greatest weaponry with scopes so they could shoot a penny out of your hand at a considerable distance. >> one of the sniper surrounding the cabin was a west point graduate who had joined the rescue team after serving as an infantry officer in the u.s. army. >> unaware of the assembled forces mild below them randy and
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vicki along with her daughter sarah, rachel and ten -month-old remained in the cabin grieving over the death of their son. but then there was 24-year-old kevin harris who had the with them on and off since 1984. >> it was still quite but dad and kevin said we are going to go out and see if anyone is out there or anything out there. this time i said i'm going with you. >> we were on the top of the ridge over the little shed and we want to see it one more time. >> randy and kevin carried rifles unaware that made them fair game for the sharpshooters. >> it did not register right away that he was taken off to go to the shed and when i realized i said i need to be with him. dad was going south but he disappeared around the corner of the shed and i realized i lost sight of him. >> armed with a caliber rifle and the scope fbi sniper ron horiuchi spotted him.
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>> was coming alongside the shed and around the corner and heard the gunshot. >> it freaked me out. we had no warning, i don't know where that came from. >> ron horiuchi shot him in the shoulder. >> shot to the back and a shot to the shoulder and i heard him say her psycho and this is what happened i've been shot in my immediate thought is we audit to cover, we got to get to the house. at that point my mom had heard the gunshot and she opened the door to our cabin and she was screaming get in the house, get in the house and my thought was the same thing. i put my hand on my dad's back and i pushed him toward the house. >> sara, randy and kevin reached the force under porch and vicki holding her ten -month-old stayed behind the cabin door as
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she held the open. >> we get on the porch and my mom is standing holding the door open with her body screaming get in the house, i gav come up pusg down through the door and i hear the loudest boom in my left ear. >> the bullet crashed through the door window inches from sara. it was so loud and explosive and left my left ear ringing and i felt a brief hit my face. i did not understand in that moment fully what was happening, i sort of felt kevin fall in front of me and my mom dropped to the side still holding the baby and just crumbled at the
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door and i tripped over kevin still with the momentum of getting in the house. suddenly my brain put it together, mom fell, kevin fell and i heard a horrible boom and i knew. the fence however, did not know that the second bullet struck vicki weaver in the face killing her instantly. >> my dad started to say they shot mama, they shot mama. we all immediately had the realization that mama had been holding the baby and we were like oh my gosh is the baby -- >> i went over and picked the baby out of vicki's arms and checked her out and she had blood in her hair and she was all right and i handed her to rachel and checked vicki.
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when i picked her up and over she was like a washrag, she was gone. i pulled her inside the house and later beside the kitchen table and she was gone. >> the same bullet that struck kevin in the shoulder. >> kevin was on the floor in front of me and he was bleeding out everywhere. i remember getting towels to try to help kevin in a blanket because he was cold and wanted to get him water and my dad said we natively get to cover mom. and i remember getting a blanket and help to cover her and her face was being covered and when you cover someone up you don't cover their face. you just don't cover their face. >> for the weavers, this cabin was supposed to be their escape from society and the government.
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to their mind they left iowa to be alone. but even on that mountain in the middle of nowhere that government found them, threaten them with prison and ultimately targeted them for execution. their greatest fears fears that once got the dismissed as coupes appear to them to have come true. >> the second day when we were fired upon with no warning, no inclination that it was even coming. like today was no accident, they were just shooting to kill. >> the time to join us right now go to, the perfect companion to the fox news channel featuring your favorite fox news personalities like you have never seen before,
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you can talk to animals? dr.-yes.ttle. [ roaring ] [ screaming ] wonderful. what bird stuff can you do? well what bear stuff can you do? [ roaring ] you win this round. [ distant roar ] is he speaking... dragon? [ roaring ] nobody told me there'd be a dragon. [ roaring ] [ screaming ] i'm too beautiful to die.
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>> sunday august 23 federal agents reporting to ruby ridge around the country were surprised by what they saw. the weavers still hold up in the cabin did not strike them as issued off set. >> when i arrived on the 23rd i heard the rules of engagement and i heard paul saying that does not make sense there's no way you can get someone surrendered if you have a shoot on sight rules of engagement. i said it's going to be the normal deadly force policy of the fbi which is if your life is in danger or someone else is in danger then you have a right to shoot free that is only time. >> the fbi revoked a taste of
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rules of engagement and reached out to the weavers. >> my command post which was in the armored personnel carriers we had out there was 60 meters from the cabin and i think the situation spiraled out of control at the very beginning and i think they were trying to catch up all along. of course they were not aware that these horrible events had occurred. >> so the agents understand why randy weaver did not respond to their pleas to research. >> by this time i did not want to negotiate with anybody or talk to anybody. >> we felt at that point that none of us were going to make it out of this deal alive. we felt that they were there to take us out and they did not really care one way or the other. so my focus immediately became on survival which was close the curtains so they cannot see us
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and kill us. >> as the hours passed government agents started to piece together what they thought happened over the past tw two f. >> it appears that agents do not believe randy weaver fired the shot that killed the deputy marshal on friday. instead filing for tomorrow murder charges against his friend kevin harris who is also believed to be held up in the cabin. he now faces the death penalty if convicted. >> then the hostage rescue team made a discovery that reveal the situation was much worse than imagine. >> there were small fish sheds adjacent to the cabin and we needed to move those so we had a better line of sight. and prior to moving them i had the hostage rescue team member check the cabins out before we move them and that's when they discovered the body of sammy weaver. >> it found out sammy weaver 14 years old had been killed during the initial incident and his father places body and an outbuilding for several days before the feds recovered it. it was pretty stunning to learn
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that two people were dead from a been in combat and seeing a young boy was very difficult and really set the tone of how serious this whole thing was. >> the initial story firefights, marshal is dead and then it seemed unbelievable that this thing seemed to be spiraling out of control. [shouting] >> randy weaver son died during the initial shootout friday. >> the news confirmed the most dreadful suspicions of the antigovernment protesters at the roadblock. [shouting] >> there was immediate shock, anger and fear over the news that a child too young to drive was dead after shootout. >> it ratcheted up the public of what was going on and really put a damper on what our adjuster was also.
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>> from "america's newsheadquarr witnesses and testifying of the senate impeachment trial of president trump. senate minority leader chuck schumer saying earlier tonight
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he will force both on witnesses and documents. according to the new york democrat he has had no luck getting majority leader mitch mcconnell to negotiate and many republicans dismiss the articles of impeachment as a political witch-hunt. prince harry speaking out publicly for the first time sunday since he and wife megan decided to step down from senior royal duties. prince harry saying he felt great sadness but found no other option so they can have a more peaceful life. harry says his decision was not made lightly and is praising the family for supporting him and his wife. now back to scandalous. >> monday august 24 category 5 hurricane andrew ripped through florida drawing much of the national media attention away from the standoff with randy weaver. northern idaho remained riveted
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on the fiasco on ruby ridge. >> never has north idaho witnesses firepower from the federal government. >> we just saw american carrier go by what do you think. >> this is asinine and ridiculous, it's a total show of force designed to control people in their minds. >> this was not a major hostage rescue situation because basically a barricaded subject. to have all of these agencies with their premier focus, you can see why the people in idaho thought this was armageddon basically. >> is this america, who runs america, let's decide people come on. >> are we in iraq or what? >> more and more the fence felt like they were under siege. >> truck today there was police tape across the bridge and the feds were on one side and the media and the protesters on the other. >> where we were kept by the police barricade was 2 miles away from weaver cabin and we
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cannot see the cabin from their and nor can we tell what was going on. >> feds were not talking during the occasion and we aren't his abating there will be developments occurring at a more rapid pace. >> in fact the feds had an idea the extent of the debacle. >> nobody up there new that vicki weaver had been shot and killed and that randy weaver had been shot and that kevin harris had been shot. >> is there any progress? >> we cannot comment on anything of that nature. >> protesters gathered at the roadblock 30 miles from the weaver's cabin and whatever vehicles go by the supporters let the outrage show. >> the meeting was in the boiling pot. you have vehicles parked for both directions blocked, homemade signs. >> this turned the situation on the roadblock into a powder cake. >> hundreds of people filed in, skinheads from all over [bleep]
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[shouting] >> disgrace to the white race. >> it was an intense atmosphere along going on and a lot of unknowns. it was very difficult to cover journalistically. >> it was a very dramatic scene group undergoing david a. >> randy weaver's wife, teenage children and newborn baby in the cabin. federal agents must worry how these residents will react if there is violence on the mountain. >> there seemed no way out for the weaver's or the feds. >> most everyone here and they agreed that weaver is a white supremacist who wants to be left alone but that's where the agreement ends. he is a fugitive on the federal arms charge, heavily armed and dangerous. her frenzy is a moral man willing to die for his conviction. >> it is very clear we were going to have a very difficult time to establish a report or trust with randy weaver.
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trust is essential for a negotiator. >> the fbi would address their pleas to vicki weaver as well not knowing their sniper had already killed her. >> we directed a lot of her negotiation toward vicki because we knew she was a real strong person in the family and we had information that she directed randy's action. >> they had a loudspeaker that they would cry out vicki please interest. >> another mistake by the government to harden randy weaver's. >> they would say good morning mrs. weaver, how are you doing how's the baby. >> we had pancakes for breakfast, what did you have. >> they figured she was the quickest way to resolve the standoff not knowing that she was underneath the kitchen table dead. >> that was horrifying for all of us. and very much in assault with whatever wet we have left. we had no voice and no 911. we had no phone and no way of communicating with the outside
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world. i remember my dad screaming you shot my son and you killed my wife vicki. and just trying to communicate his side to whoever, wherever. >> and fbi helicopters swooped down over randy weaver's home and smoke rises gently from his fireplace, a deceiving picture. >> nearly five days after the standoff began and no communication with the weaver family, the government shifted their strategy once more. >> federal agents reported on what has so far been slow progress. they snuck over train to get a phone in the cabin. >> at one point they had said that they were sending a robot onto the front porch. >> we sent the robot to the front porch with the phone to hopefully somebody would talk. >> my dad looked out and said there's a robot and a shotgun attached to the robot aimed at
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the phone. >> i got a chance to look at the robot and had a sawed-off shotgun on the side of it with a bullet aim to the telephone which later they said was empty. i don't believe that and i'll never believe that. >> it's ludicrous that they thought we would go to a phone that a shotgun aimed at it when all they had shown us this entire time that we were outside we would be shot at. >> that was obviously not the thing to have when you're trying to solicit someone to take the phone from the robot. that did not work. >> across the country in quincy, massachusetts, william deegan's family and friends were mourning the loss of the deputy u.s. marshal. more than 2000 people attended the funeral. >> the tragedy on the hillside in idaho and did the life of a young man who was a loving husband, devoted father, loyal son endearing brother and
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faithful friend. >> i don't think our hearts will ever stop leaking. >> i am talking to you personally. >> back in idaho law enforcement got help from a surprising source. radio personality paul harvey who learned that randy like to listen to his daily broadcast. [crowd boos] paul harvey actually taped an appeal to our family too, alive. >> a telephone has been left outside your door on the porch, reach out and pick it up and nobody will shoot. this had become a national event and probably an international event to have paul harvey making a plea to weaver on his radio program to give up, that was quite unprecedented.
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>> if you would just reach out and talk into the portable telephone. >> but his plea would have no effect at all. >> by then i believe we were all dead. my daughters felt that way, we all felt that way. it was just a matter of time. >> the appeal to surrender the whole time felt like you talk to me. it felt like were in the open, they could take us out. i was bound and determined not to let any of the rest of my family die. >> vicki has been dead for several days inside the cabin, kevin is wounded, children, the fbi circling the cabin and have been there for several days, how will this resolve it sometime.
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by thursday august 27 the first contact with randy weaver was through the common wall. >> there is a point when dad started to yell that he wanted to talk to his sister. >> this afternoon the federal agency that is a hopeful sign. someone in the common made a response to plead to talk. >> one of the things that we went forward with was his sister and got her as close as we could to try to bullhorn into the cabin. >> dad tried to medicate that mom was gone and she cannot hear what god was saying. >> we had suspicious and what they were doing i started yelling go home, get on the plane and go back home i don't want to appear. >> it was frustrating. then we went back friday morning and did the same thing with her. again failed. this time randy shouted that he was willing to talk with someone else. >> after we brought randy's sister to talk to him unsuccessfully, he mentioned
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that he had a radio inside the house and he had heard on the the radio that he was involved without a perimeter and they be willing to talk to bowe bright. >> i wanted somebody to come help negotiate something because i knew things were not right. >> he was a former green beret, heavily decorated vietnam to that who is famous as array of conspiracy theories and as ruby ridge was unfolding he was running the third-party campaign for president on antigovernment christian identity platform. the slogan, god, guns and rights. >> he showed up with a robot and was supported by all the people with robots. and talk to the media and sensibly and told him he could solve the problem. >> he knows i'm someone he can trust we have a common with special forces. >> there was great anger at the roadblock of gunfire erupting, a lot of tension, here comes bowe
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as a headline. >> the feds were running out of options. >> is very problematic when you introduce negotiators that are not trained and you don't know what their motivation is pre-but in this situation we are forced to look and find and try to come from with somebody who can do this. >> i thought it was applicable city stunt that he was trained to get support for the christian identity people, the antigovernment folks and survivalist. i did not have a whole lotta hope that this would succeed. >> lesson two hours after they received his request to speak with him, special agent in charge made the call to bring him in. >> they tracked him up and gave him a weeklong course of negotiation and about an hour, don't go into the cabin. >> he made his way to the reaper
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cabin. >> when he was a lot of that's when things change. he had trouble communicating with randy and he got mad and got out of the truck and stood alongside the track and yelled at the cabin. >> at one point he said forgive this i need to be able to hear randy and he needs to be able to hear me. he went up to her house and was able to talk to my dad. we were able to have a little bit of conversation through the house. dad was able to tell bowe what happened mom. >> randy told him his wife had been killed and that he had been wounded, kevin was wounded and when he came back down the amount he told us that vicki was dead and we were shocked. >> we just got an update from federal authorities regarding what is going on in the weaver cabin above us and we are told that the tragic news. >> kevin is all right but he did suffer a wound.
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randy is in good health, unfortunately vicki is dead. >> you can hear gasps from the reporters from the footage and it was very dramatic and i noticed, i'll never forget this that jean had a tear and as i and he was as dumb struck as anybody. >> is much as the news stunned law enforcement, and enrage protesters at the roadblock. >> [bleep] [shouting] >> i'm sure the group felt here's the federal government coming into our community and killing a whole family. they saw as a threat not only to the lifestyle but to them. >> we are going to war. >> they kept mushrooming and he became more surreal and were wondering is anybody in the family going to get out alive.
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>> i cannot comment,. >> finding out that vicki was dead knowing that we directed a lot of our conversations to her and you can just imagine what that was like for the kids, the people inside their to hear her name mentioned constantly while she is dead on the floor of their people. it's around us. >> it's a real low point for us as negotiators it was agreed we go from here. often we apologize for this so friday night was a bad day for us. but bowe had established communications. >> all of a sudden they're cooperating. and that is good. when they were able to share what had happened it was like oh my god.
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>> let's pray for resolution tomorrow. >> that was the first sign of hope i think for me personally is that maybe there is light in this tunnel and maybe we will get on th out alive. i'm your mother in law.
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well, wait are you even a bird? what bird stuff can you do? well what bear stuff can you do? [ roar ] you win this round. what's the worse that can happen? i'm too beautiful to die. step away from the light. ah, there is no light i'm alive!
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>> vicki and sammy we were were dead. kevin harris was still alive nine days after he'd been shot in the shoulder. the fbi did not want him added to the body count and looked at him again as a negotiator. >> he and jack went into the cabin. >> they had two choices. get harris medical attention or watch him die on therefore. >> i was torn because i knew kevin needed medical help. i had watched him suffer to the point he did not want to live and it was hard to see him go but i knew it had to happen. >> the next afternoon kevin here surrendered. >> at 147 today kevin here's came out of the house and was givingiven emergency medical
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treatment. >> they got him out which is a huge compliment. >> certainly there was some relief, we knew with his surrender that hopefully it was a matter of time when this would end and without any more bloodshed. >> later that day beau picked up the body of vicki and carried her out. >> i convince my dad to let him come and carry my mom out and my dad knew after that many days that this needed to happen. >> progress is being made but the weaver family was still fearing for their life. >> i had 0 trust for anybody at that point. >> that had been shredded. >> the next day he remained in the cabin and continue to plead. >> it's a mistake for you to go down in the cabin if i don't. you need to come out and tell
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your story. let's go out like a man and bring this to a close. >> beau let us know in so many words that we were on borrowed time. and i did not really trust him either but he had come in and put my mom ove over his shoulded carried her out like he promised he would. he finally convinced me that it was time. you and the girls it's time to go. >> together, randy and his daughters took their first steps outside in 11 days. >> when we stepped outside the cabin door i was waiting, i was waiting for the gunshot that i knew was coming to take me out or to take all of us out. i had pretty much just accepted it. and so every step away from the common that i took was looking
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federal officials had randy in custody and awaiting trial. >> i don't think most of us believe the government was in the business of only telling a portion of the story. we believe that the government told the whole truth and it turned out we were wrong. >> evidence that mr. weaver sho shot. [inaudible] >> all of a sudden all the news was about what's going on. >> i was watching it on booktv and bawling my eyes out. >> there's a cloud hanging over the fbi in a cloud hanging over the department of justice. who should be held accountable. >> if i had taken one more step.
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>> many of us in the united states were surprised by the level of antigovernment feeling under the fabric. hello america, i'm markel event. this is life, liberty and levin. doug collins, how are you. >> i'm good. it's good to see you. >> you been busy. >> just a little bit. you're the top of the. [inaudible] i've got a lot of questions for you. let's talk about witnesses. then we'll get into some of the other issues. republicans on the


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