Toddler Boy Adorably Acts Out 'Monsters Inc.' Every Time He Watches It - WeHaveKids News Skip to main content

Toddler Boy Adorably Acts Out 'Monsters Inc.' Every Time He Watches It

He knows every scene by heart.

They say variety is the spice of life, but the average toddler would probably disagree. Little kids love doing the same things over and over again, whether it's eating a particular snack, reading a certain book, or watching a beloved movie. The predictability and familiarity helps young children to feel safe—even if the repetition gets a little boring for you!

In an adorable video posted on May 3, a toddler boy is watching his absolute favorite movie in the whole world: "Monsters, Inc." We know it's his favorite movie because he acts out every single moment of the film as it's happening...and he never misses a single cue!

"He acts out Monsters Inc. & Monsters University every time it's on (which is at least once a day)," wrote @auntmaddie1193. So cute! His memory is honestly super impressive, too. Commenters were huge fans of his performance.

"I love when babies memorize movies! Not a care in the world, no bills, no stress, just Monsters Inc.," wrote emicakes5.

"He is PUNCTUAL and PRECISE and obviously highly intelligent," wrote Ismaeel.

"The cough was peak comedy," wrote Nat.

"His scary feet were very on point and scary indeed," wrote MK.

"Monsters Inc." will probably be a source of comfort and happiness to this kid for the rest of his life! Of course, he's not the only kid to fall in love with this classic film—or to develop an obsession with monsters in general.

Why Do Kids Love Monsters?

While monsters in books and movies might have started out as terrifying, more benign versions of the fantasy creatures are now super popular with little ones for a good reason.

"Instances where ‘happy’ monsters are introduced to young children as brightly illustrated and over-exaggerated, often results in the child creating an association between the monster and a happy ending (therefore viewing this figure as non-threatening)," according to Nature.

"An early introduction to monsters allows the child to fully explore and develop their imagination—they are completely immersed in a world of make-believe. Although monsters have always been present in children’s literature, and will likely continue to exist in this manner, it is important to champion the positive impact that this figure can have on the growth of a child’s imagination and as a therapeutic tool for which a child can rely on."

Kids love "Monsters, Inc." because the monsters are relatable and the story helps them to work through their own emotions.

"'Monsters, Inc.' doesn’t simplify dialogue, cues or narrative for the kids, and it validates their fears," according to Michigan Daily.

"It draws their attention through the widely relatable fear of the monster in the closet or under the bed but doesn’t establish monsters as amorphous evil things. Instead, the monsters the children fear are sentient beings who also fear them."

It's safe to say the toddler boy in this video isn't afraid of monsters...he might even want to be one himself!

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