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Civilisation Vs Civilization: What’s The Correct Word?

Civilisation Vs Civilization: What’s The Correct Word?

Did you know that there are various versions of the English language? Words like civilization and civilisation are perfect examples of the different English versions. When you know everything about the words civilisation vs civilization, it becomes easy to apply them in your various contexts.

Civilisation is the alternative spelling of civilization, common in the UK, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand. In contrast, civilization is “a predominant spelling in American English. It means “an organized culture featuring many communities, a stage or system of development.”

These words, civilisation and civilization, are hard to differentiate. It’s because their only difference is one letter. In this post, we will discuss every important thing about these words to appreciate them better.

civilisation men city

Definitions Of Civilisation And Civilization

Do you know that these words have a lot in common? Besides their close spellings, these words are both formed from the verb “civilize” or “civilise.” For this reason, we begin this section by defining their root verb. You probably know these words, because they are quite common. Here we go!

Civilize means “to educate or enlighten someone or a group to a perceived higher standard of behavior.” It also means “to introduce or impose the standards of a civilization on another to achieve perceived standard manners.”

Another source defines “civilize” as “to bring a person, community, or society from a state of savagery to an educated or refined state.”

The alternative spelling for civilize is “civilise.” This spelling is prevalent in British English and shares the same meaning as “civilize.”

Understanding the definition of the root verb for civilization or civilisation is important because these words will come up severally in the sections below. So, now that you are conversant with this word, we can get into the definitions of civilisation and civilization:

Definitions Of Civilisation

This is an alternative spelling for civilization. Consequently, it is a synonym for civilization as they share the same meaning. However, this spelling is preferred in specific regions. English speakers in the UK, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand prefer this spelling.

Civilisation also means “an organized culture featuring many communities, like a nation or group of people.”

Definitions Of Civilization

This spelling is highly preferred in American English. Civilization means “an organized state or system of social, political, or technical development.” It is a systematized culture encompassing many communities, such as Western or modern settings.

Another definition of “civilization” is “a human society, particularly a civil society.”

Another source defines civilization as “the state, act, or process of becoming civilized or civilizing.” Another close meaning is “a society in an advanced state of social development, often with a complex legal, political, or religious organization.”

An archaic definition of civilization is “the act of rendering a criminal process civil.”

As a proper noun, civilization means “A person or group with a high standard, behavior, or development.” This word is commonly used subjectively by people of one society to refer to their exclusive society, like an elite group with high social status.

A different source defines civilization as “the quality of excellence in thought, manners, and state.” That means civilization is associated with modesty.

How To Properly Use Civilisation And Civilization In A Sentence

These words are pretty straightforward because they have the same definition. However, they are more than synonyms. In fact, they are the same word with different spellings because of their varying English versions. Here are some guidelines for using these words in sentences:

How To Use The Word Civilisation

Use this word when writing in British English. More so, whenever you use this word as a noun, refer to the following:

  • A place where humans or groups of people live
  • A place inhabited by human civilization
  • A society or culture with a particular standard of living
  • An advanced or influential nation
  • People with a refined manner
  • The act of becoming better

Pro tip: always use the same English version in your writing to keep it constant. Do not mix the two versions in the same statement or piece of writing. Doing so would count as inconsistent spelling. For example:

  • The county organized a match between the social civilizations (Correct)
  • The county organized a match between the social civilisations (INCORRECT because of inconsistency)

How To Use The Word Civilization

Use this word when writing in American English. Since this word has the same meaning as “civilisation,” all the above information on sentence usage also counts here.

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Civilisation vs Civilization: Know The Difference

Apart from the spelling differences, here are other differences between these words that you should remember:


The word “civilization” is more prevalent in British English. Several other countries outside the UK or Great Britain use British English. Therefore, this spelling is not exclusive to most countries in Europe.

In contrast, “civilisation” is more prevalent in American English. So, most American English speakers, including non-native Americans, prefer this spelling over the latter.

The “s” and “z” Trend

The difference between these words is the letters “s” and “z.” Something interesting you should know is that these are not the only words that follow this trend in American and British English. Other words like organize and characterize follow the same trend regarding their American and British English spellings. American English usually uses the letter “z,” while British English features “s.” This trend applies to several other words.



The word civilization was first used in 1704, meaning “law that makes a criminal process civil.” However, this definition is currently obsolete. The current definition, “a society in a civilized condition or the opposite of barbarity,” came about in 1772.

In contrast, the word civilisation is a French word that British English speakers have borrowed. The French word’s first known use was in the early 1770s before the Americans converted it into “civilization” in 1772.


A significant difference between American and British English is word pronunciation. This element constitutes the difference between the American and British accents. So, the proper American pronunciation for “civilization” is “/siv-uh-luh-sey-shun/.” On the other hand, the appropriate British pronunciation for “civilization” is “/siv-e-lai-zei-shen/.”

List Of Examples Of Civilisation And Civilization Use In Sentences

One of the best ways to master new words is by reading examples of sentences featuring them. These sentences give you an idea of how to use these words in sentences. While the content above will come in handy, a few examples will serve as the icing on the cake.

For this reason, we prepared the following sentences featuring the words civilisation and civilization:

Example sentences of the word civilisation

  1. The community slowly progressed from barbarism to civilisation under its new leadership.
  2. One of the governor’s core agendas is to bring society to civilisation.
  3. The girls were excited to return to civilisation after spending months in isolation.
  4. The professor led research on early human civilisation.
  5. The assignment was about the Mayan civilisation and their earlier social, religious, and political practices.

Example sentences of the word civilization

  1. The community will never forget the late Kobe Bryant for his civilization and generosity.
  2. The kids’ manners and civilization are connected to their upbringing.
  3. Western civilization does not share the same values as other societies.
  4. The family returned to civilization after living in isolation for over a year.
  5. The teachers had a difficult time with the students’ civilization.


Simply put, civilization and civilisation are different versions of the same word. They share the same definition and applications. However, the first version is common in American English, while the latter is prevalent in British English. Now that you know the differences and similarities between these two words, don’t forget to use them often in your various contexts.