December 8, 1980 – The Last Photos Of John Lennon – The Beatles

December 8, 1980 – The Last Photos Of John Lennon

These photos of John Lennon were all taken outside of the Lennon’s Dakota Apartment as he and Yoko Ono were leaving to the Record Plant Studio on December 8, 1980 between 5:00 -5:30 PM to finish mixing a song.



Last Photos Of John Lennon December 8, 1980

Sadly one of the last photos taken of Lennon alive is this famous photo of him signing an autograph for his murdererMark David Chapman.



This photo below claims to be the very last photograph ever taken of John Lennon alive.  The photographer is Paul Goresh, the photo appears grainy and fuzzy because his flash failed to go off.



Lennon would be murdered upon returning to the apartment at approximately 10:45 PM  Sadly, the very last photo of John Lennon was snapped by an attendant in the New York City Morgue a few hours after Lennon had arrived. The guy who took the photo received $5,000 from the National Enquirer.  John Lennon was cremated the very next day.  



John Lennon And Paul McCartney Last Photos Together




  1. Heeeeellooooooo

    I am from Brazil, I am beatles fan since 1980.

    I did loved the photos.

    Did you know the CIA killed John Lennon?

    The CIA brainwashed Mark David Chapman.

    He dont remember what he did.


    • You’re a fucking idiot!

      • No, he’s correct. Chapman could not have killed John as per the ballistic evidence, gunshot holes in the Dakota vestibule windows and medical evidence from the Roosevelt hospital E.R. staff who said John was hit by bullets in the front, exiting his back. All witnesses place Chapman behind Lennon 20 or so feet away. The medics also stated the shots were from close range. Also through the body shots are not compatible with hollow points, which is what Chapman had collected from cop Dana Reeves. Cynthia, check out David Whelan’s new book ‘Mind Games’. You will learn a lot.

    • RUBBISH! Beatles fan since 1980! F*** Off. I grew up with them bought all their records when they were released. Days when you could buy them in a News Paper shop. Unless you saw them in concert! Which I did! First saw them in a show bag photo in 1962, does the murder of John make you a fan in 1980? NO! Moron!

      • you grew up with them? lol and you have their records? I highly doubt you were 1 of the “tuned in” aaaaaand probably still dont have a clue what they were actually saying from 66-1970…. and you caught the Beatles live ? that makes you a fan ? lmfaooooo…. MORON ! good one lol 20min concert !

  2. I do not understand why we have a photo of John Dead. It is not something that needs to be seen. IMO.

  3. I think if the CIA wanted to kill Lennon, they would have had it done during the 1972-73 period, when Lennon was political and hanging out with Abbie Hoffman. No matter, it is a far fetched story anyway. He was killed by a guy who had severe mental issues. Let’s hope he never sees the light of day and stays in his cell until the day he dies.

    • Sean Lennon thought the same thing !!! WTF happens to people with that much power? they ALL get wiped out ! MLK ,Malcolm X,the Kennedy’s … sorry Mr.Rubbish,but its not that far fetched tbh…

  4. Unfortunately John Lennon was a very controversial figure he attracted a lot of attention on himself with his political statements over the years I do think he decided to drop out for 5 years to raise Sean and to gain privacy after his peace years sleep ins and saying how great the Beatles were and more popular than Christ but once he came back with a new record he became a target again purely by the fact of what he had said in the past and a nut job decided to go to NY and murder him …

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