Media From the Heart by Ruth Hill | Interview With Producer Kevin Duda, “In the Key of Love” & “Two Turtle Doves”

Interview With Producer Kevin Duda, “In the Key of Love” & “Two Turtle Doves”

By Ruth on March 25, 2020 in Interview, movie, television

As I have affirmed on countless occasions in the past, I simply adore highlighting those who labor behind-the-scenes to bring our favorite movies and shows to the screen. Kevin Duda happens to be one of those extraordinary people, and a few months back, I had the opportunity to speak with him about the Hallmark movies with which has had the opportunity to be involved.  In these unpredictable times, the Hallmark Channel recently premiered his first Hallmark movie, In the Key Of Love, and in honor of that milestone, I am thrilled to share our interview. 

Photo by Justin Clynes

RH: Kevin, it’s so nice to virtually meet you.

KD: Ruth, same here. I’m sure you meet a lot of people via phone and email.

Definitely. And I’m very happy to reach out and chat with you. I know Christmas was a very busy season, and it can be difficult to schedule these kinds of things. 

It was. I’m glad it worked out to talk to you too. I’m participating in more and more Hallmark works and events.

Oh, that’s cool. Maybe we’ll meet in person one of these days.

That would be great.

In the Key of Love crew at Hallmark TCA’s

So my first question is how did you decide that you wanted to pursue a career in film and TV?

That’s a really good question. I didn’t actually decide that film and TV was right for me. I got more connected with it because I’m more in development. Interestingly enough, my whole background is mostly in theater. I was always kind of interested. I was an actor for a while, but my heart was always in development and creation of new properties, new projects and storylines and that kind of stuff. So when the opportunity presented itself and I realized that how Hallmark develops and breeds properties was not too dissimilar from how we create properties in theater, I took an interest.  There’s just a bit of a quicker timeline with film and TV. When I saw that it had a similar philosophy, timeline, and structure, I was able to put everything that I knew from the theater into that effort. I met Ashley Squires, one of the development execs for Crown Media, and we started talking about a project that I had in mind. She helped me structure it, but as I worked on it, I also realized that Hallmark wasn’t the perfect place for this idea. But through that conversation, we got to know each other a bit, and I definitely found that I appreciated her approach to development and creation. She saw my potential and gave me the opportunity to move over to Hallmark and start working with them.

I love theater, and I especially love musical theater. I was a music major in college, and then I was a music teacher for many years. My voice was my main instrument. My family and I go to musicals as often as we can. We recently saw Miss Saigon, but I think Phantom of the Opera is the one I’ve seen the most times. I first saw it on Broadway when I was seventeen, and then I’ve seen it three other times in various cities. I cannot believe that show is still going strong after all these years.

Absolutely! When you think about it, you create a story and you hope it keeps going for a while and that story will touch people all over the world. And look at how many people that production has touched and still continues to do so. It’s touched so many people in different countries, different languages, and even different productions. It’s amazing.

So you were much involved with bringing In the Key Of Love to Hallmark, right?

Yeah, that’s correct.

Little Women on stage

I will tell you that I absolutely loved that movie. I didn’t know who Laura Osnes was before I started hearing about the movie. It caused me to look her up, and now I’m a huge fan. 

Good, I’m so glad! That was such a fun movie to develop. This was the first movie I pitched to Ashely after I knew my first idea wasn’t gonna work. We started working on that and got a writer involved. My friend, Joe Ricci, wrote the script. He’s a Broadway guy who was in Saturday Night Fever. Then Julie Foldesi, who wrote the music for that–we were in Little Women together. It was great to pull my friends together to work on this script and this project, and very quickly as we started building the role of Maggie, I thought, “You know who would be good for this role? Laura Osnes!” I actually reached out to her and asked if she would want to be considered for the role. That put the ball in motion, and here we are.

In the Key of Love

I know one of the big issues last year was how it was supposed to air on the Hallmark Channel and then it got pulled and put on Hallmark Movies Now instead. I know people got very upset when that happened. But as we know, it’s Hallmark’s prerogative to make those kinds of changes if they choose to do so. And I understand they were using it to help promote their new show on there, When Hope Calls. It was nice to have something else coming out at the same time as the new show, but I know it did upset a lot of the fans. 

I understand all that. I always say that they made the best decision, but they made it a little late. It was hard because it seemed like an afterthought. The movie In the Key Of Love has Andrea Brooks from When Calls the Heart, so I think it was smart for them to use the movie to promote their spin-off show When Hope Calls. I’m glad it landed where it did. For the time it was on Hallmark Movies Now, anyone was able to watch it anytime they wanted. And now,  just this past weekend, Hallmark premiered it on the Hallmark Channel, so I think even more people got to see it. And they are supposed to reair it again next month and many more times, I’m sure.

Hallmark TCA’s memories

My mom and I enjoyed the movie when we saw it last year on Hallmark Movies Now. We loved the story, the music, and everything. I love the fact that they took somebody from Broadway and put her in a movie. I notice that is becoming a trend in many different markets. 

Yeah, I think they’ve realized there’s so much musical talent out there, and when they want musical talent, they don’t have to look for an actor who can sing. They can look for a singer who can act. And, of course, Laura can do it all.

Oh my goodness, she is absolutely amazing! And I even introduced her music to my daughter, and she looked up a recording of Bonnie and Clyde and just loved it. So my daughter is a fan now too. 

In the Key of Love

I’m so glad. She’s such a nice person to work with, and she’s also stellar. She’s a star. One of our Broadway stars.

You know, I try to keep up with Broadway, but out on the West Coast here, it’s not always that easy. I sometimes forget to check out who the new stars are on Broadway. But I love that Hallmark brought her in for this movie. And they even brought her back for a Christmas movie too. 

That’s right. A Homecoming For the Holidays.

Andrea is a good friend of mine. It was so neat to see her in this movie. And the setting was gorgeous. Bowen Island was where it was filmed, right?

In the Key of Love
Hallmark TCA’s

Yes, that’s right. It was gorgeous where we were filming. Clare Niederpruem, who is the director, and Maclain Nelson, who was the producer–they did such a great service to the film by really searching out the most beautiful location. I remember them saying that they wanted areas with windows that overlooked the trees and the water. They wanted to make sure that everyone realized just how beautiful this island is at each and every given time of the movie, which I thought was so smart. They really did a great job on that. 

Almost without exception, everybody who has seen the movie has said nothing but great and positive things about the movie. I know some people thought that Hallmark was hiding the movie on their streaming service, but I knew that wasn’t the case. And now that Hallmark is showing it on their regular channel, I think it’s clear that they weren’t doing that. I think that once people gave the movie a chance, they really loved it. 

I’m so glad so many have seen it now and that they love it.

Nikki DeLoach

Now, your next Hallmark work was Two Turtle Doves, right?

Yes, it was. Ashley came to set when we were filming In the Key Of Love. She asked me about scheduling and I noticed a twinkle in her eye. I thought she had something brewing. The next thing I knew, she sent me an email that said she had this movie going into production, and she would love for me to work on it. I said “yes” immediately. I didn’t really know much about the movie, but quickly after that I got the script, and I completely fell in love with the script. Then I got to set and fell in love with everyone on set. I just love Nikki DeLoach and Michael Rady and Michaela Russell. It was just the greatest cast.

Two Turtle Doves the day Michaela’s little brother visited set

That movie was very special to me. I knew I was going to love it, but this one touched me and spoke to me in unexpected ways. I got very emotional at times, and there were such wonderful messages throughout. Hallmark movies don’t always deal with the issue of grief in quite the way this one did, so it was really nice to see that. 

Yeah, it was nice for us too. We called it a bit of a deeper dive because of the topic at hand. First and foremost, I think it’s really hard for anyone to tell a story in eighty-five minutes. There’s a lot of information t get out, and then when you’re talking about information that is a bit deeper than most of the holiday stories and aren’t the normal palette for these holiday films, it can be even more of a struggle. I think when you start to go into grief, then there’s a whole other level. Then with Hallmark, we want to have the romance to balance out the grief and the healing in addition to the romance between her and Michael’s character…it was a really tender touch. And I have to say that cast and the director, Lesley Demetriades, were just astounding to watch. It was something to watch Lesley make the right calls and how she got the cast in and out of those tender moments without sitting on them for too long. When we watch these kinds of holiday movies, we don’t watch so we can wallow in that kind of heavy emotion. We watch so that we can come out a little less scathed than if we were watching a normal drama.

Michael Rady, Nikki DeLoach, Michaela Russell Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman

What truly spoke to me was making the most of the time you have together. My daughter and I already spend a lot of time together, but because of that movie, I jumped on the bandwagon and bought a vacation package for this summer to Disney World. I had been wavering for a while, but I sprang into action spurred on by this movie. I realized that in less than two years, she would be off to college, and this movie made me realize I needed to make the most of our time together. It was the scene where Michaela’s character and Michael’s character were talking about how it was okay for Christmas to change every year. 

Nikki DeLoach, Michaela Russell Credit: ©2019 Crown Media United States LLC/Photographer: Steven Ackerman

That’s so nice to hear, Ruth. First of all, we were all a mess behind the monitors as Michaela was delivering those lines. When you talk about Hallmark, there’s always good faith and something to learn in all these movies. Sometimes it’s a lesson we’ve already learned. Sometimes it’s new information. But that one was for everybody. I think everyone I’ve talked to has had the same reaction. Sarah Montana, who wrote the script, was able to write a line that said, “It’s okay to make new traditions.” In other words, we can still have what we have always had as well as making room for new traditions we want to introduce. I love that you had that response, and I love that it affected you that way. You know, after being on set every day and watching it being filmed, it still had that same effect on me when I was watching the finished product.

In the Key of Love

As I always say, I love Hallmark movies and at least ninety percent of them are favorites of mine. However, even if there is a Hallmark movie I don’t really like, I always say that watching a “bad Hallmark movie” is better than most of the other stuff out there on other networks.

Absolutely. This past season, I had someone stop me in the airport in Winnipeg and ask me, “Do you work for Hallmark?” I was like, “Jeez, is it written on my face? Is it that obvious?” She said, “No, I actually heard you talking to the customs agent.” She went on. “I just want you to know that I’m just so happy that there’s something I can watch with my daughter. I don’t worry about what I’m gonna see. I know it’s going to be a beautiful story, and I don’t have to worry about any unseemly or unsightly content. It’s gonna be okay for my daughter to watch.”

A New Year’s Resolution

Now, I know you did film another Hallmark movie that we haven’t had the opportunity to see yet. Can you tell us about it?

Sure. I was up in Winnipeg for six weeks, which included prep work with the director, the production company, the director of photography. It’s a lot about scouting locations, going through scripts, casting roles, prepping props, approving costumes…it’s a lot of that. Then we filmed for almost three weeks. It was first called New Year, New Me. Then it changed to A New Year’s Resolution. It stars Aimee Teagarden and Michael Rady.

I think Aimee Teagarden was in her first Hallmark movie in 2018. 

Yes, Once Upon A Christmas Miracle.

A New Year’s Resolution

Right, it was based on a true story. It was a top favorite for me that season. I didn’t even know about her until that movie. 

So this movie was supposed to air in between Christmas and New Year’s, but for whatever reason, it didn’t happen. We have hopes that Hallmark will show it at another time, maybe even this upcoming season. The story of the movie begins with Christmas, and then we quickly go into New Year’s. It all about Aimee’s character and the resolutions she makes. The main story is that through her friends, she realizes she has been saying “no” a lot. She’s been turning down social obligations, and it’s been work, work, work. But even at work, she’s said “no” a lot. She’s kind of been operating with tunnel vision. So she makes a New Year’s resolution for a month to say “yes” to every social invitation she gets. Of course, because this is Hallmark, she meets Michael’s character on New Year’s Eve when she makes this resolution. She says to him, “You know, you can just ask me out and I have to say ‘yes.'” But he tells her he’s not going to ask her out because he wants to be sure that she wants to do it. He doesn’t want her to do it because she has to say “yes.” So it’s great because it infuses this romance and this playful flirting that goes back and forth where she could say “yes” at any time if he asked, but he doesn’t ask her because he doesn’t want her to say “yes” just because she has to say “yes.”

Photo by Justin Clynes

This one sounds really great and may be just the thing that’s needed with this year we are having. I love the premise and that it’s a little bit different. Hallmark has done some New Year’s movies in the past, but not too many. And I don’t know if they’ve ever done anything involving resolutions before. After all, we know people always talk about New Year’s resolutions, so this may be the perfect movie for us to watch this upcoming season. It will be fun to see Aimee in another role ’cause I loved her in her first Hallmark movie. And with Michael in it…it’s always great to see him. 

He’s a dreamboat. On and off camera, he’s the nicest guy. And Aimee is the sweetest. I was a big fan of hers. I watched every season of Friday Night Lights. I just love her. So I was a bit of a fan for the first days I was on set. And she was like, “We’ll become friends. Don’t you worry.” {laughs} And we did. Thankfully. She was really wonderful, and I loved working with her. We also had the same director as Two Turtle Doves. Leslie was just great in this one too.

In the Key of Love

Oh, that’s fantastic! I have been looking forward to it since I noticed it being filmed, so I really hope we see it this year! I know Hallmark has been filming a lot more in Winnipeg. In fact, I have Andrew Walker to thank for my Winnipeg history lesson a few months ago. 

That’s cool! It’s a very eclectic city. I think that’s one of the reasons it’s nice to film there because if you want a city street, you have a city street. If you want a country road, you have a country road. If you want a lake, a beach, a forest, an amusement park…I mean, they just kind of have everything.

The other really great thing about the town is that they are so welcoming to the film industry. They’re really open, and everyone’s game to be a part of it. I’ll never forget on Two Turtle Doves, this great story that involved Sharon’s cousin, who was played by Heidi Fielek. It involved the house we filmed at. I remember the locations manager knew this particular house was the perfect house on the outside. I don’t remember if he knocked on the door or how they got connected, but he said, “We’re looking for a house and it’s for a movie.” The lady said, “Oh, I’m not sure if that’s a good fit.” When he told her it was a Hallmark movie, she was like, “Oh my gosh! Please film a Hallmark movie in my house! Whatever you need, let me know!” She came and visited the set; we were there for two days. She was so thrilled that her house was gonna be featured in a Hallmark movie. And it’s so funny because we’ve heard that from wardrobe as well. We’ll go shop costumes in Winnipeg, and they will go to a department store and say, “I’m purchasing for a Hallmark movie,” and the people in the store immediately go out of their way to help you. While they always are willing to help, they’re even more willing when it’s Hallmark.

Photo by Tyler Milliron, Milliron Studios NYC

So is there anything else upcoming you can mention? Maybe even in passing?

Well, we have some movies in the hopper. We’ve introduced a new movie for Lacey Chabert, who I am a big fan of. So I’m hoping to work with Lacey on this project. Of course, nothing is for sure right now. Hallmark is open to new stories. I am constantly working with writers in New York to develop new stories, new ideas, and new ways to tell stories.

I have noticed that very thing about Hallmark. While they still have their traditional rom-com movies, they are willing and open to other elements they haven’t included before. So fingers crossed everything works out for this project and any others. 

Thank you, Ruth. I know things are uncertain right now, but I’m excited for the future once we move past this crisis. And I want to thank everyone for all of their support of these movies.

Our pleasure, Kevin, and thanks for the wonderful interview. I look forward to watching everything coming up for you, and I hope this is the year we finally get to see A New Year’s Resolution

Me too. Thank you for reaching out. I hope everyone enjoyed In the Key of Love and Two Turtle Doves. Thanks to the Hallmark fans for all their support.

It is producers like Kevin for whom I am consistently appreciative! Being a Broadway aficionado myself, I cherish the fact that he comes from that world and brings that perspective with him into the movies he is developing and producing with Hallmark. I tend to think that he will continue this partnership which will practically ensure further Broadway crossovers into Hallmark and boundless quantities of music (I hope!). I am grateful to be able to witness his passion for the arts and his devotion to his productions. He is a hands-on producer, and in my opinion, that makes all the difference. Similarly, his loyalty to those with whom he has worked in the past makes him an exemplary fit with the Hallmark network because after all, doesn’t this network essentially do the exact same thing?

If you have not had the opportunity to watch In the Key of Love, be sure that you check your schedule for the next available showing on the Hallmark Channel. (As of now, it is scheduled for April 17th, but that is subject to change.) Moreover, in the light of the Christmas marathons Hallmark has been offering us, you never know when Two Turtle Doves might show up again. Furthermore, since A New Year’s Resolution is still listed on Hallmark’s website, we can hope that we will see it this holiday season! While you are checking out all of Kevin’s fine works, might I suggest you visit his links below and consider following him where applicable? There is no doubt in my mind that Kevin is the consummate behind-the-scenes person to join with Hallmark, and I am overjoyed that such a connected, intuitive, creative, effervescent soul such as he has partnered with one of the best networks in existence today. (And please, Hallmark, consider showing his New Year’s film this holiday season!!) Let’s support this man who has consistently brought his joie de vivre and work ethic to inspiring and enjoyable movies that we adore watching again and again!







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RuthView all posts by Ruth
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” — Franz Kafka Ruth is an inspirational entertainment journalist who instinctively sees the best in all and seeks to share universal beauty, love and positivity. She is an artist who leads with her heart and gives readers a glimpse of the best of this world through the masterful use of the written word. Ruth was born in Tacoma, Washington but now calls Yelm, Washington her home. She lives on five acres with her parents, a dog, two miniature goats, cats and a teenage daughter who is a dynamic visual artist herself. Ruth interviews fellow artists both inside and outside of the film/television industry. At the core of all she does is the strength of her faith.

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