The Meaning Behind The Song: Boys by The Beatles - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Boys by The Beatles


The Meaning Behind The Song: Boys by The Beatles


Title Boys
Artist The Beatles
Writer/Composer Wes Farrell & Luther Dixon (original by The Shirelles)
Album Please Please Me (1963)
Release Date March 22, 1963
Genre Rock, Sixties, British Rock, UK Cover
Producer George Martin

Boys is the first official Beatles song to feature lead vocals from Ringo Starr, who usually had at least one vocal appearance on every Beatles album (with the exception of A Hard Day’s Night, Magical Mystery Tour & Let It Be). Before Ringo joined the band, this song was still known as the drummer’s spot on their usual setlists, being sung by former member Pete Best. Despite the connotations of the lyrics from the original Shirelles song being about attraction to men, the Beatles never really minded performing it.

The lyrics of Boys might seem simple at first glance, but they carry a deeper meaning. The song talks about the thrill and excitement one experiences when they kiss someone they are attracted to. In the first verse, it mentions how kissing a girl can take you on a trip around the world, implying that love and attraction have the power to transport us to different places emotionally.

During the verses, a melodic interpretation of Ray Charles’ What’d I Say can be slightly heard. This adds a layer of musical homage and influence from the Beatles to their predecessors.

Personal Reflections

Boys holds a special place in my heart as one of the first Beatles songs I ever listened to. I remember feeling an immediate connection to the catchy melody, infectious energy, and the sheer joy that the band exuded through this song. It has remained a favorite of mine throughout the years.

When I first heard Boys, I was struck by how effortlessly Ringo Starr’s vocals fit into the song. His unique voice added a distinct flavor to the track and showcased his individual talent within the band. It was a refreshing change to hear him take the lead, and it highlighted the camaraderie and shared spotlight that made The Beatles so iconic.

As I delved deeper into the song’s lyrics, I realized that it captured the essence of youthful infatuation and the overwhelming emotions that come with it. The line, “My girl says when I kiss her lips, gets a thrill through her fingertips,” perfectly encapsulates the electrifying sensation that love can bring.

Boys also serves as a reminder that music has the power to transcend gender norms. Despite the original lyrics being written from a female perspective, the Beatles embraced the song and made it their own. This willingness to challenge conventions and defy expectations is one of the reasons why their music continues to resonate with audiences of all backgrounds.

In conclusion, Boys by The Beatles is more than just a catchy rock tune. It represents the band’s ability to infuse their own style and interpretation into a song, creating something that is both nostalgic and fresh. The energy and enthusiasm that exude from the track are contagious, making it a timeless classic in the Beatles’ discography. So next time you listen to this song, let yourself be transported by its joyful melodies and relive the magic of The Beatles.

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