John Wiley & Sons Irving Fisher Cover Irving Fisher was one of the greatest and certainly one of the most colorful American economists. Wi.. Product #: 978-1-55786-305-8 Regular price: $52.24 $52.24 Auf Lager

Irving Fisher

A Biography

Allen, Robert Loring


1. Auflage Mai 1993
344 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-55786-305-8
John Wiley & Sons

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Irving Fisher was one of the greatest and certainly one of the most
colorful American economists. Widely acknowledged as the chief
architect of modern neo-classical economics, he was a writer and
teacher of prodigious scope and output whose business career
included the earning of a fortune from the invention of a card
index system, and its subsequent loss in the Great Crash. He was
also an active campaigner for numerous causes, including world
peace, prohibition, and 100 percent deposit reserve money.

This biography, focusing both on Fisher's personal life, as well
as on his intellectual contributions, will be of wide interest to
economists and of particular interest to American economics
scholars who regard him as their pre-1950 giant of the

Robert Loring Allen is the late Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri. His career as a professor of international economics and economic history spanned over 45 years. He wrote ten other books during his lifetime, including his most recent two-volume biography of Joseph Schumpeter.

R. L. Allen, Previously Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri