‘Hocus Pocus’ star Omri Katz says sequel would’ve been ‘more fun’ if original cast was more involved
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‘Hocus Pocus’ star Omri Katz says sequel would’ve been ‘more fun’ if original cast was more involved

" I just wasn’t feeling it," Katz said about his first viewing of the movie, before revealing he finally came around.
/ Source: TODAY

The kids from the original “Hocus Pocus” weren’t conjured up in the sequel, but they did see the recently released movie.

In the original, beloved 1993 film, Vinessa Shaw, Omri Katz and Thora Birch played the children who resurrect the 17th century Sanderson sisters, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, Bette Midler and Kathy Najimy. And while Shaw, Katz and Birch were not in the sequel, Shaw and Katz do have thoughts about it, as does Jason Marsden, who voiced the cat Thackery Binx in the original movie. 

“I remember we were at a convention the weekend it came out,” Katz told Entertainment Weekly. “As I was going to sleep, I was like, I’ll watch it. I think I got about 30 minutes in, and I found some joy in the beginning with the origin part, and then something about it, I just wasn’t feeling it.

“Anyway, I fell asleep, and when I got back to L.A., I watched the rest of it, and then I started to actually enjoy it, and I saw the fun in it. I think it would’ve been more fun if we were involved, but it was still very enjoyable.”

While Katz caught some z's during his initial screening of it, his co-stars were a little more receptive.

“I saw it, and I felt everyone salivating over those ladies again,” Shaw said. “It satiated my wanting to see them, and I love the new actors that are involved. I especially thought the backstory girls playing the witches as children were hilarious. I enjoyed it. It was fun.”

Vinessa Shaw as Allison, Omri Katz as Max, and Thora Birch as Dani in the movie "Hocus Pocus."
Vinessa Shaw as Allison, Omri Katz as Max, and Thora Birch as Dani in "Hocus Pocus."Alamy Stock Photo

Marsden also praised the sequel, but felt one of its newcomers should’ve had more of a role in it.

“I thought it was fun, but severe under-use of Hannah Waddingham (as the Sanderson sisters’ coven mother),” he said. “She was outstanding; I was hoping to see lots more of her.”

“Hocus Pocus 2” features new young actors, as well as a scene after the credits hinting at the possibility of another movie. Marsden, Shaw and Katz say they are game for taking part.

“Absolutely,” Marsden said.

“Yeah, it’s such a fun story and obviously having us reminisce about this makes it that much more fun, and the fondness keeps growing,” Shaw said.

“I’d be 100 percent down to do it … I haven’t read (the book sequel), but who’s to say there has to be continuity in terms of the story? You can create any story,” Katz said.

“If they were to take the book and turn it into a screenplay, it doesn’t have to be the witches coming back, they can do whatever they want, and people will be stoked to see it. The witches are 30 years older, so we’ve got to get this done sooner than later. We can’t wait another 30 years. Sorry, it’s the truth! I’m sure Bette does not want to be doing this at age 98.”