Explain the mechanism of photosynthesis.
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Explain the mechanism of photosynthesis.

Last updated date: 02nd Jun 2024
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Hint: Photosynthesis is a process mainly performed by autotrophs. It involves two major types of reactions and the product obtained from the process helps plants to grow and survive. It also produces a gas that is vital for animals for respiration.

Complete answer:
Photosynthesis is a process in which the light energy obtained from the sunlight is used in the manufacture of oxygen and sugar molecules in the presence of carbon dioxide and water. The mechanism of photosynthesis involves two processes; the light reaction that takes place in the thylakoid membrane that leads to the production of NADPH and ATP. Another important reaction involves the light-independent reaction also known by the name ‘Calvin cycle’ that occurs in the stroma of the chloroplasts which is the final step that produces sugar. The NADP and ATP energy-rich molecules play an important role in light-independent reactions to fix the carbon dioxide in order to synthesize glucose molecules.

Additional information:
Glucose made in the photosynthetic process is converted into chemical energy. Oxygen is the other major product of the process which is released into the atmosphere via stomata. Organic molecules found in most organisms is due to the result of photosynthesis which is the ultimate source of carbon compounds.

Note: In the organelles of plants, photosynthesis occurs inside the chloroplasts. Mostly, chloroplasts are present in all green plants and a special pigment called the chlorophyll is found inside the organelle. These pigments have specialized structures called photosystems that are involved in the process of photosynthesis.