The 55 Best Photos of Norway - Heart My Backpack

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  1. <3! I have seen some sights as beautiful in Norway, and even some of the same sights (Bakklandet!), but this does make me wonder why I'm currently sat at a desk procrastinating, I mean, taking a break from work!

    • Haha when I was organizing all my photos I kept thinking, what am I doing at home I should be exploring the world!

      • Ahem… here I am one year later, doing the same thing for the updated version! But at least this time I am nominally still ill (I think I’m really getting better now but have been feeling weak for most of the past six weeks) and also on my lunch break. It was really nice looking at these pictures (again)!

  2. I love all your photos, Silvia! I want to go to Norway…NOW! I do hope to get there soon. Every image and every story makes me want to go that much more. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Silvia! I love your blog! Your pictures of Norway are making me want to plan our next arctic getaway! My husband and I went to Iceland last March in hopes of finding Northern Lights. Sadly, I left pretty broken hearted BUT we had a great time and seen some beautiful places. While you were in Norway did you ever have to pay for tours searching for the Northern Lights or were they just abundantly there?

  4. Beautiful photos! I’m from Canada and my boyfriend (an EU citizen) and I are planning to move to Norway in a few months. Your blog fills me with hope (that I will be able to hopefully work in a supermarket or something if my Norwegian progresses) and excitement for all the exploring we will get to do!
    Thanks for all of your tips and shares.
    PS. what kind of wildlife have you encountered on your hikes?

  5. Beautiful photos on Norway. I have seen a few videos online about traveling to Norway. One thing that caught my eyes is the waterfalls, The water runs so hard and so clear. There are even some hidden places only accessible by train. I will put this on my bucket list!

  6. Wow stunning photos. I’m moving to Norway in August and so looking forward to discovering the beautiful country and making memories of my own. Thanks for all the tips ❤️❤️

  7. Hi Silvia!
    I am planning a 21 day journey through Norway, starting at the end of July. I have read many of your posts and I am getting super excited for my upcoming travels! I do have a question(s) though…I plan to start in Stavanger and end in Trondheim. I will be driving and I am wondering what the current price of gas is, and what to expect in terms of cost for tolls, etc? I plan to zig zag through scenic routes and avoid tunnels as much as I can. My next questions is will this be enough time? I plan to stop for a few days in several locations. I am used to driving long distances, but do you think I will be rushing things? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

    • I think that’s a great amount of time for that trip! Tolls usually cost around 25 kroner for cars, but some of the bigger tunnels can be 100 or 200 kroner. Gas is around 16 kroner/liter, but you can Google that for a more exact price.

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