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Monday, 13 August, 2001, 12:39 GMT 13:39 UK
Charlatans' Rogers has cancer
The Charlatans
The Charlatans, with keyboard player Tony Rogers (middle)
The keyboard player of indie band The Charlatans, Tony Rogers, has been diagnosed with testicular cancer, the band has confirmed.

The band, about to release their seventh album Wonderland, announced the news on their website.

Rogers, 35, has undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy and according to the band's statement his chances of recovery are very high.

The band's previous keyboard player, Rob Collins, died in a car crash in July 1996.

The statement said that during treatment Rogers has been "at times quite poorly, very tired and has been forced to spend time in hospital or in recuperation following treatment".

It adds: "The initial signs to his prescribed treatment are proving positive."

The band's manager Steve Harrison told BBC News Online: "Tony is totally determined.

"I spoke to him two weeks ago and he says it's not going to beat him.

"He's got too much to do and too many songs in his head."


Rogers' diagnosis was confirmed just before the group's concert in Wrexham on 28 June.

Since then he has undergone surgery in a private hospital in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, after helping make the band's video for their new single Love Is The Key, released on 27 August.

Rogers was quoted as saying in Saturday's Telegraph magazine: "The whole band is a unit.

"Nobody has to deal with anything on their own, come good or bad things."

Rogers is expected to undergo further chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The Charlatans play the Chelmsford and Stafford festivals this weekend and release their new album, Wonderland, on 10 September.

They are also set to announce autumn tour dates shortly.

The band's manager added the keyboard player was hoping to perform with the group through the autumn.

"Tony's expected to do as much as he can, and when he feels comfortable with it, we'll do it."

See also:

19 Nov 99 | New Music Releases
CD Review: The Charlatans
18 Sep 00 | Sci/Tech
Smashing the music business
07 Jun 01 | Health
Testicular cancer deaths plunge
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