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The flashlight a collectable item introduced in the beginning of both Afraid of Monsters and Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut. It is an essential item, providing light to help the player navigate through the numerous dark areas in the game. In Afraid of Monsters the player begins the game with the item automatically eqipped. The Director's Cut requires it to be found and equipped in the beginning of the hospital, and introduces the mechanic of batteries.



Batteries are items exclusive to Afraid of Monsters: Director's Cut are are used to power the flashlight. They are found throughout every location in the game similar to pills and will recharge 8, 6, or 3 of the flashlight power when picked up depending on if the game is being played on easy, medium, or hard respectively.


  • The flashlight is vital for proper navigation through the dark areas in the hospital, the city, the forest, and even in Heaven.
  • While the original game features a rechargeable flashlight that slowly recharges while it is off and slowly discharges while it is on, Afraid of Monsters DC uses batteries which last around 15 seconds while the flashlight is on. This adds extra challenge in conserving battery power for particularly dark areas.
  • In Afraid of Monsters DC, the flashlight can recharge itself up to 5 batteries. The player can use this information to leave the discovered batteries as bonus storage. If it is necessary to leave the area or to proceed into another area without being able to turning back, the player can backtrack for the discovered batteries and pick them up for bonus storage.
  • The flashlight can reveal the enemies' positions without having to aim directly at them. The light can be used as a scanner while pointed at the ground. If the light collides well enough with the target, the flashlight can lock onto the target, making it easier for the player to spot it.


  • The flashlight in the original Afraid of Monsters functions identically to Half-Life's flashlight, while the Director's Cut changes the flashlight by adding the battery requirement.
  • The flashlight world model in Afraid of Monsters: Directors Cut is of a Maglite, an actual brand of heavy duty flashlight. The batteries in the game are D size batteries, which are commonly required in many models of Maglite flashlights.

