Zara Larsson's evolution: from teen sensation to boss lady - Los Angeles Business Magazine

Zara Larsson’s evolution: from teen sensation to boss lady

Two years ago, Swedish pop star Zara Larsson went independent - buying back the rights to her master recordings and setting up her own record label.
Two years ago, Swedish pop star Zara Larsson went independent - buying back the rights to her master recordings and setting up her own record label.

Two years ago, Swedish pop star Zara Larsson went independent – buying back the rights to her master recordings and setting up her own record label.

Introduction to Venus

This week marks a significant milestone in Zara Larsson’s career as she launches her fourth album, “Venus,” under her own imprint, Sommer House.

Embracing Control

Speaking to the BBC, Larsson expresses her newfound sense of empowerment, describing herself as a “boss lady” and emphasizing her feeling of maturity and control over her music.

Journey to Success

Larsson’s journey to this point has been remarkable. She gained fame at just 10 years old by winning Sweden’s equivalent of Britain’s Got Talent with a rendition of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On.”

Label Transition

After signing with the Swedish label TEN, Larsson achieved international success with hits like “Lush Life,” “So Good,” “Ruin My Life,” and her collaboration with Clean Bandit on “Symphony.” However, in 2022, the label’s head, Ola HĂĄkansson, decided to close the company as he approached retirement.

Ownership Concerns

Aware of the pitfalls faced by artists like Taylor Swift, who lost control of her master recordings when her label was sold, HĂĄkansson approached Larsson about buying her masters before his retirement.

Taking Control

Recognizing the significance of owning her master recordings, Larsson seized the opportunity. She established her own label, Sommer House, ensuring that the songs that shaped her career remain under her control.

Release of Venus

“Venus” was released after a carefully orchestrated rollout, featuring four singles, including collaborations with David Guetta and an 80s-inspired power pop anthem.


With the release of “Venus” and the establishment of Sommer House, Larsson asserts her autonomy in the music industry and looks forward to a future where she dictates the direction of her career.

Gary Monroe

Gary Monroe is a seasoned contributor to the Los Angeles Business Magazine, where he offers insightful analysis on local business trends and economic developments. With a focus on Los Angeles' dynamic commercial landscape, Gary's articles provide valuable perspectives for entrepreneurs and business professionals in the city.

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