36 Facts about the movie Madagascar - Facts.net
Ardella Martinez

Written by Ardella Martinez

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Peacocktv.com

Welcome, fellow movie enthusiasts! Get ready to journey into the wild and embark on an adventure like no other, as we dive into the fascinating world of the movie Madagascar. Released in 2005, this animated comedy film captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with its hilarious storyline and lovable characters. Directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath, Madagascar takes us on a wild ride as we follow the misadventures of four Central Park Zoo animals who find themselves stranded on the exotic island of Madagascar. In this article, we’ll uncover 36 fascinating facts about the movie that will bring back memories and maybe even reveal some surprising details you never knew. So grab your popcorn, sit back, and let’s dive into the wilderness of Madagascar!

Key Takeaways:

  • Madagascar, released in 2005, is a popular animated film about four animal friends. It’s filled with humor, catchy songs, and teaches valuable life lessons about friendship and staying true to oneself.
  • The movie’s success led to sequels, a franchise, and even a prequel focused on the lovable penguins. Its vibrant animation and memorable characters continue to captivate audiences of all ages.
Table of Contents

The movie Madagascar was released in 2005.

The highly popular animated film, Madagascar, was first released in the year 2005 to critical acclaim and commercial success.

The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation.

DreamWorks Animation, known for creating numerous successful animated films, produced Madagascar.

Madagascar follows the story of four animal friends.

The movie centers around the adventures of four animals – Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, and Melman the Giraffe.

The main characters are voiced by a talented cast.

Ben Stiller lends his voice to Alex, Chris Rock voices Marty, Jada Pinkett Smith voices Gloria, and David Schwimmer voices Melman.

The film was directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath.

Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath co-directed Madagascar, bringing their creative vision to life.

Madagascar was a commercial success.

The movie grossed over $532 million worldwide, making it a box office hit.

The story is set in the Central Park Zoo.

The initial setting of the film takes place in the famous Central Park Zoo in New York City.

The animals embark on a journey to Madagascar.

After a series of events, the four main characters find themselves transported to the wild and exotic island of Madagascar.

The film showcases the importance of friendship.

Madagascar highlights the bond between the four animal friends and the challenges they face together.

The movie is filled with humor and comedic moments.

The film’s witty dialogue and hilarious scenes provide entertainment for both children and adults.

Madagascar inspired multiple sequels.

The success of the first film led to the creation of two sequels: Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa and Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted.

The characters in Madagascar have become iconic.

Alex, Marty, Gloria, and Melman have become beloved animated characters, recognized worldwide.

Madagascar has a catchy soundtrack.

The film features an energetic and lively soundtrack, including the popular song “I Like to Move It” by Reel 2 Real.

The movie received positive reviews from critics.

Madagascar was praised for its humor, animation, and voice performances, earning favorable reviews from movie critics.

The film won several awards.

Madagascar received nominations and won awards in categories such as Best Animated Feature and Best Original Song.

The movie appeals to audiences of all ages.

With its engaging story and vibrant animation, Madagascar captivates viewers from young children to adults.

The film explores themes of self-discovery and embracing one’s true nature.

Through the characters’ journeys, Madagascar addresses the importance of staying true to oneself.

Madagascar features colorful and visually stunning animation.

The vibrant animation brings the lush landscapes of Madagascar to life, mesmerizing audiences.

The film has memorable catchphrases.

Catchphrases like “I like to move it, move it” and “Smile and wave, boys, smile and wave” have become synonymous with the movie.

Madagascar spawned a successful franchise.

Besides the sequels, the franchise expanded to include spin-off TV shows, video games, and merchandise.

The movie’s success led to Madagascar-themed attractions at theme parks.

Theme parks around the world introduced Madagascar-themed rides and interactive experiences for visitors.

The film’s success paved the way for DreamWorks Animation’s future projects.

Madagascar’s popularity contributed to the success of other DreamWorks Animation films, establishing the studio as a major player in the animation industry.

Several notable celebrities made cameo appearances in the film.

Madagascar features cameo voices such as Sacha Baron Cohen as King Julien and Cedric the Entertainer as Maurice.

The movie’s humor appeals to both children and adults.

The clever and witty humor in Madagascar makes it enjoyable for viewers of all ages.

Madagascar showcases the beauty and diversity of the natural world.

The film’s stunning visuals allow audiences to appreciate the wonders of wildlife and nature.

Madagascar has memorable and well-developed supporting characters.

Characters like King Julien, the eccentric lemur, and the mischievous penguins have become fan favorites.

The film’s success led to the creation of Madagascar-themed merchandise.

T-shirts, toys, and other merchandise featuring the characters from Madagascar became highly sought after.

The movie’s release was accompanied by a marketing campaign.

DreamWorks Animation embarked on a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote Madagascar, including tie-ins with various brands.

Madagascar teaches valuable life lessons.

The film encourages viewers to embrace adventure, friendship, and the importance of being true to oneself.

The movie’s animation is visually impressive.

The attention to detail in the animation brings the characters and their surroundings to life.

Madagascar has a heartwarming and memorable ending.

The film concludes with a touching resolution that emphasizes the significance of friendship and finding one’s place in the world.

Madagascar continues to be popular among audiences today.

The movie has garnered a dedicated fan base and remains an enduring favorite in the world of animated films.

Madagascar has been translated into multiple languages.

The film’s global appeal led to its translation and release in numerous languages, allowing people from different cultures to enjoy the story.

Madagascar has spawned numerous memorable quotes.

From “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you…” to “I can’t help myself. It’s a sickness!”, the movie is full of memorable lines.

The movie addresses themes of home and belonging.

Madagascar explores the idea of finding one’s true home and the importance of belonging.

The success of Madagascar led to a prequel focused on the lovable penguins.

The popularity of the penguin characters resulted in the spin-off movie Penguins of Madagascar, which delves into their own exciting adventures.

So, there you have it! The 36 Facts about the movie Madagascar. This animated film continues to captivate audiences of all ages with its humor, memorable characters, and heartwarming story. Whether you’re a fan of Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, or Melman the Giraffe, Madagascar is a delightful cinematic experience that has stood the test of time. Don’t miss the chance to embark on this wild adventure and join the fun!


Madagascar is a delightful animated film that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. With its unique storyline, lovable characters, and stunning visuals, it has become a beloved classic in the world of animated movies.

The film takes audiences on a wild adventure as a group of zoo animals find themselves stranded on the island of Madagascar. There, they must learn to survive in the wild and discover the true meaning of friendship and self-discovery.

Through its humor, heartwarming moments, and catchy musical numbers, Madagascar has entertained both children and adults alike. It has also spawned several successful sequels, further expanding the world and adventures of these lovable characters.

With its timeless appeal, Madagascar continues to be a favorite among moviegoers of all ages. Whether you’re a fan of animated movies or simply looking for an entertaining and uplifting film, Madagascar is a must-watch.


Q: Who directed the movie Madagascar?

A: The movie Madagascar was directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath.

Q: When was the movie Madagascar released?

A: Madagascar was released in the year 2005.

Q: What is the basic storyline of the movie Madagascar?

A: The movie follows the journey of four pampered zoo animals who find themselves stranded on the island of Madagascar and must learn to survive in the wild.

Q: Who are the main characters in Madagascar?

A: The main characters in Madagascar include Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Melman the giraffe, and Gloria the hippopotamus.

Q: Is Madagascar suitable for all age groups?

A: Yes, Madagascar is suitable for all age groups. It has elements that appeal to both children and adults.

Q: Are there any sequels to Madagascar?

A: Yes, the success of Madagascar led to the release of several sequels, including Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted, and Penguins of Madagascar.

Q: Did Madagascar win any awards?

A: Yes, Madagascar was nominated for several awards and won the ASCAP Film and Television Music Award for Top Box Office Films.

Q: Does Madagascar have any memorable songs?

A: Yes, Madagascar features the popular song “I Like to Move It” performed by Sacha Baron Cohen, which has become an iconic anthem associated with the film.

Q: Can I watch Madagascar with my family?

A: Absolutely! Madagascar is a great choice for a family movie night, as it offers entertainment and humor for all ages.

Q: Is there a message or moral in Madagascar?

A: Yes, Madagascar teaches important lessons about friendship, self-discovery, and the importance of embracing change.

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