Trouble with data after removal of SIM card - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. djsvet's Avatar
    my phone got messed up today simply by booting it up without SIM card. I lost mobile data and nothing could help it - hard reboot, wipe, re-flash, BB Link Reload - nothing.
    Then desperately I started going into Engineering screens options and under 3GPP -> Utilities, the second entry said PS Attach = NO. I have no idea what that stands for, but pressing the PS Attach Toggle changed the status to "Yes" and data came back up.

    Why I think this is important:

    Don't mess with the Engineering Screen if you don't know what you are doing because some if its values are obviously not stored in the OS/System partition and there is no RESET TO DEFAULTS option.
    Last edited by djsvetljo; 11-17-13 at 11:38 PM.
    11-17-13 11:28 PM
  2. Nharzhool's Avatar
    my phone got messed up today simply by booting it up without SIM card. I lost mobile data and nothing could help it - hard reboot, wipe, re-flash, BB Link Reload - nothing.
    Then desperately I started going into Engineering screens options and under 3GPP -> Utilities, the second entry said PS Attach = NO. I have no idea what that stands for, but pressing the PS Attach Toggle changed the status to "Yes" and data came back up.

    Why I think this is important:

    Don't mess with the Engineering Screen if you don't know what you are doing because some if its values are obviously not stored in the OS/System partition and there is no RESET TO DEFAULTS option.
    I know this seems offensive and stupid at the same time but I need to "mobile data", are you referring to Cellular Network Data? You said that your SIM card is not in and never said you put it back in...

    Also, have you tried with a different SIM?

    I'm not trying to be a knob here, just trying not to overlook the simple things...
    11-17-13 11:44 PM
  3. djsvet's Avatar
    Yes, cellular data. Obviously I have re inserted the SIM. Sorry I don't specified those things - they are in another thread. And yes, I have tried different SIM card. Also, my SIM worked fine in another phone, so it wasn't the account either.

    The point is to let users know that some settings in escreens are not re-set after reflash. There isn't too much info about escreens in the forum.

    Posted via CB10
    11-18-13 12:04 AM
  4. djsvet's Avatar
    To who ever change the title:
    The point was to let forum members know that some settings in escreens do not get defaulted when OS is restored, not to troubleshoot. So I suggest changing it again to reflect that.

    Posted via CB10
    11-18-13 12:49 PM
  5. Nharzhool's Avatar
    To who ever change the title:
    The point was to let forum members know that some settings in escreens do not get defaulted when OS is restored, not to troubleshoot. So I suggest changing it again to reflect that.

    Posted via CB10
    I really wish I had a spare Z10 so I could d**k around with all these settings and see what happens. :-P

    I really like to tamper but don't have the cash to do it. haha
    11-21-13 10:19 AM

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