Birthday Invitation Maker - Create Birthday Invitations | Canva
50th Birthday Invitation

Free Birthday Invitation Maker

Easy to create and customize

Eco-conscious, high-quality prints

Fast and free standard shipping

Customer happiness guarantee

With hundreds of free layouts to choose from and a library packed with awesome images, creating the perfect birthday invitation in Canva is ridiculously easy.

How to make a birthday invitation - Canva

Birthday invitation cards designed with ease

Use Canva to create a custom birthday invitation your friends and family will love! Our selection of layouts have been designed to suit every type of birthday celebration – from a family gathering to a cruise or weekend getaway.

Use our drag and drop design tool to add your personal flair. You can change the images, fonts and colors in any of our layouts to create a birthday invitation that suits your event (check out some of our cute birthday card ideas here). Explore some of our cute birthday card ideas for inspiration, and make your invitation stand out with personalized touches like thank you cards(opens in a new tab or window) to express your gratitude for their presence.

How to make a birthday invitation

Create a birthday invitation

Open Canva and type "Birthday Invitation" in the search bar to make your own invitation.

Browse through Canva’s library of beautiful and professionally-designed templates to find a template that’s perfect for you. Use the search tool to filter by theme, color, layout or style.

Make your invitations more fun by exploring millions of professional stock photos, images, illustrations and other graphics in Canva’s library. Use the handy drag-and-drop tool to move elements to your design.

It’s your design, so add a personal touch. Upload your own images, photos and art work. Create a unique design by mixing and matching font combinations, color schemes and other graphics.

Once you’re happy with your design, send out your birthday invitations to friends and family through social media, via email, or order high-quality prints through Canva Print. Plus, get free shipping too.

Create a birthday invitation

Make birthday invitations in any theme or style

Our library of images will suit even the most diverse birthday invitation needs. Canva gives you access to over 1 million premium images, graphics and illustrations. Many of these images are free, while the rest are all offered at a very competitive price. From funky to sentimental, there are literally thousands of options for you to choose from.

To add a personal touch, you can also upload your own images for free. Once you have saved them, you can use them as many times as you like.

Polish and personalize to your heart’s content

If it’s a traditional gesture you’re after, print your birthday invitation and send it in the mail! Click on the “Send to Print” button and let Canva Print take care of your gorgeous, new birthday invites!(opens in a new tab or window) We’ll even deliver them right to your doorstep.

If you want to share your invitation on Facebook or the web, simply click the Share button and choose whether to send your design via email or post it directly to your social media account.

Print, send, and share your birthday invitation card instantly

Allow your friends and family to add comments and suggestions on your birthday card without the hassle of showing them in person. To allow other people to edit your design, click on the Share button and choose the “Can edit” option. This will give them access to edit your design in their personal Canva account.


Birthday invitations should cover who, what, when and where. Announce whose birthday is being celebrated, what kind of party or event is being planned, the date and time of the event and the location where it’s being held. Include contact information so that guests can RSVP.

Birthday invitations typically fall under the category of bigger-sized invitations, at 4 x 6 inches or 5 x 7 inches. This leaves enough room for photos, images or illustrations as well as party details while balancing it all out with white space.

Birthday invitation cards use a bright color scheme with colors that contrast each other, have an eye catching header, might use a color filter to make text pop out from the background and usually have one image as the focal point.

Quotation mark
@canva is simply outstanding as a tool to create designs. Using Canva is such a seamless experience that once you sit down to design, you don't feel like getting up. It's addictive and useful. Keep going Canva.


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