How Long Does The Flu Last? – Forbes Health

How Long Does The Flu Last? What To Know


Medically Reviewed

Dr. Jeffery Landsman is a family medicine, lifestyle medicine and geriatric physician at Mercy Personal Physicians in Lutherville, Maryland.
Jeffery Landsman, M.D. Family Medicine / Lifestyle Medicine / Geriatric Medicine
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The colder months bring lower temperatures, shorter days and an increased risk of getting the flu. While usually not severe, the flu can be of higher concern for at-risk individuals. Luckily, there are things we can do to prevent the flu, treat this condition and stop its spread. Here’s what you need to know about the flu so you can enjoy a safe and healthy winter season.

How to Know if You Have the Flu

Influenza, commonly called the flu, is a contagious viral infection.

A respiratory illness, mild to moderate cases of the flu can cause symptoms like runny nose, sore throat, body aches, headaches and fatigue. Some people with the flu may also experience a fever, feverish chills, vomiting or diarrhea, but not everyone has these symptoms.

If left untreated, the flu can lead to further health concerns, like sinus infections and pneumonia, according to the CDC. Some of these complications, such as pneumonia, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) and encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) can lead to severe complications or, in rare cases, death.

Pregnant people, children younger than five, adults over 65 and those with pre-existing chronic conditions like diabetes or heart disease are most at-risk for more severe flu symptoms and complications.

Telling the Difference Between the Flu, a Cold and COVID-19

While the flu is serious, it can occasionally be difficult to diagnose because symptoms are so similar to other illnesses, such as the common cold and COVID-19.

While only a medical professional like your general practitioner can make a true diagnosis, people with the flu are more likely to experience symptoms such as fever, aches and chills than people with a cold. Sneezing and a runny nose are more common with the cold.

Telling the difference between COVID-19 and the flu can be trickier. In the case of COVID-19, symptoms tend to be more severe and last longer, and it’s known to spread more easily than the flu. The only way to tell which you have for sure, however, is to test for both.

How Long Does the Flu Last?

Flu symptoms usually appear two to three days after contact with the virus, according to the University of Pennsylvania Health System, but you may start to feel sick anywhere from one to seven days after contracting it. After four to seven days, most symptoms should diminish, though fatigue and a persistent cough can last longer.

However, according to Gregory Buller, M.D., the Chairman of Medicine and Associate Chief Medical Officer at Bridgeport Hospital in Connecticut, these numbers are highly subjective and the flu can actually last longer. “Generally, symptoms last five to seven days, though those with weakened immune systems and infants may be symptomatic longer. Those with immune system problems and infants may be contagious for a longer period too,” he explains.

Those who have already gotten their flu shot may experience less severe symptoms which often go away earlier than the four-to-seven-day mark.

The flu doesn’t usually last as long as a cold (which the CDC states can last anywhere from seven to 10 days).

How Long is the Flu Contagious?

While not as contagious as COVID-19, the flu can spread rather quickly. Someone with the flu can pass the virus on to another person before any sign or symptoms, and five to seven days after symptoms develop. Usually, the flu is most contagious within the first three to four days after symptoms start.

Even if someone feels like they’ve recovered from the flu, it’s important to remember that they can still infect others within that five-to-seven-day window.

While the exact timeframe that one is contagious may be hard to pin down, a good way to know when it’s safer to be around people again is a lack of fever for 24 hours “without the need to use a fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol,” explains Michael Jhung, M.D., the associate director of epidemiologic science (ADES) in the CDC’s Influenza Division “Until then, you should stay home from work, school, travel, shopping, social events and public gatherings,” he continues.

This is especially important if you work in a school, medical facility or a setting where high-risk groups, such as those with chronic illnesses, the elderly and children younger than five, frequent, stresses Dr. Jhung. Stay away from family, coworkers and friends who are at high risk until you are completely sure your symptoms have gone away.

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Treating the Flu

While most people will recover from the flu on their own, anyone who is over the age of 65, has a weakened immune system or chronic disease, lives in a nursing facility or is pregnant should see a doctor after they first notice flu-like symptoms, advises Dr. Buller. Additionally, severe cases of the flu—such as those that occur in individuals already in a hospital—may need to be treated with antiviral medication.

If you find yourself sick with the flu and don’t have any preexisting conditions that may put you at risk for complications, stay at home and rest as much as possible. Over-the-counter pain medications can help reduce fever and other symptoms. Staying warm and drinking enough fluids can also help.

If you find that your symptoms are not getting better or seem to be getting worse, the CDC recommends watching out for the following warning signs that the flu might be taking a turn for the worse:

  • Persistent chest pain or difficulty breathing
  • Seizures
  • A lack of urination
  • Severe weakness, muscle pain or unsteadiness
  • A worsening of medical conditions from a chronic illness
  • Symptoms that get better but then return

Warning signs differ for children and it’s always best to discuss personalized warning signs with your doctor since the CDC’s list is not exhaustive.

How to Protect Yourself Against the Flu

The best way to protect yourself from the flu and complications from it is to get your annual flu shot. Approximately two weeks after getting your flu shot, your body is better suited to avoid the strain of the virus most prevalent in a given year. Not only are you less likely to contract the flu after getting the shot, but symptoms should be less severe and disappear quicker if you have your shot.

Despite its effectiveness, the flu shot is not recommended for infants under six months and anyone with an allergy to gelatin, antibiotics or other flu shot ingredients. If you have an egg allergy or have had Guillain-Barré Syndrome, a condition where a person’s own immune system attacks their nerves, consult your doctor before getting the shot.

Along with getting a flu shot, you can lower your chances of contracting the flu by practicing healthy habits. “In addition to flu vaccination, take everyday preventive actions that are recommended to reduce the spread of flu like avoiding close contact with people who are sick, limiting contact with others if you’re sick, covering coughs and sneezes and washing hands often with soap and water,” states Dr. Jhung.

The CDC also recommends refraining from touching your face when in public, disinfecting surfaces and staying hydrated. Eating well and getting enough sleep can also boost your immune system against the flu.

While the flu is a serious illness, there are many ways to protect yourself against it, from getting your flu shot to naturally boosting your immune system. If you do get the flu, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to recover at home and be back to business as usual within a week.

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