Bill Gates And MIT Unveil Quantum Dots To Mark Children | Armstrong Economics Skip to content

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children

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Bill Gates and MIT unveil quantum dot technology to mark children’s skin so they can be scanned for vaccine compliance and anything else to be determined later. The MIT researchers have been funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Cancer Institute. This new technology uses nano-crystal dyes called quantum microdots. These patterns of dye contain data that can for now mark that a vaccine has been received into the person’s body.

This pattern of dye is embedded under the skin as a vaccine is injected into the human recipient. Therefore, these dots can be injected into the body without our knowledge or consent under laws being prepared in many countries. These dots are bio-compatible micro-particles that are 20 microns in diameter. This arrangement allows the dye to remain fixed in place under the skin upon injection.

Gates Population Control

There is a much grander agenda going on. Bill Gates does not want to increase the world population, he was raised to worry about it. Simply put, I find it inconsistent that this guy is really trying to help humanity rather than limit the population when he is also developing chips that remotely control birth. Gates has been focused on India and Africa to reduce population growth.

This is why Republic forms of government are so dangerous. He only has to bribe politicians to create a totalitarian state. Democracy is where the PEOPLE decide these issue on a direct vote. This is why I am against career politicians of any party. They are for sale to the highest bidder.