‘A Quick 5’ with Sherrod Brown, Actor in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar 50th Anniversary Tour’ at The National Theatre | Maryland Theatre Guide

About the author

Susan Brall

Ms. Brall is a graduate of the City College of New York with a B.A. in Theater. She has an M.A. in Theater from the State University of New York in Binghamton with a concentration in Directing. Growing up in New York City gave her a chance to see many Broadway and Off-Broadway productions. After college she worked as a Recreational Therapist and Activities Director. In that capacity she edited several house newsletters. Although not directly employed in Theater, Ms. Brall worked in community theater in this area as well as New Jersey and central Pennsylvania as a director, assistant director, stage manager and other behind the scenes jobs. She also served as president of the former Columbia Community Players. Ms. Brall also lectures on theatre at a senior center.

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