Latest News

  • The health map is a report that provides a detailed overview of the hospital sector, including an inventory covering structural resources and their organisation, and a statement of activities and utilisation rates for these structures.


  • Equality is one of the fundamental principles of our democracy. All websites and mobile applications of public bodies are subject to a requirement of non-discrimination of users, in particular on the issue of disability.

  • The first National Cultural Development Plan serves to guarantee freedom of expression and the necessary creative spaces, so that arts, culture and actors can continue to improve the quality of our lives.

  • Presentation of the Government

    Public procurement portal

    Find each public procurement on the Luxembourg public procurement portal (in French):

    Illustration avec lien vers le Portail des marchés publics portal

    Find all the information, procedures and services offered by Luxembourg public bodies on

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    GovJobs portal

    The Luxembourg State recruits! Get to know more about the job vacancies for state civil servants and employees (in French):

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