ASTROGRAPH - Capricorn Horoscope for April 2024
Capricorn Horoscope for April 2024

Capricorn Horoscope for April 2024

Posted on in Capricorn |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a rather intense April, Capricorn, when transformation is in the air and also your understanding of family dynamics. In a season of communication and learning, you are making great strides, to the extent that you can stay open to this, on new ways of seeing the world around you. The Mercury Retrograde that begins on the 1st and continues through to Mercury’s direct station on the 25th, and beyond, fosters in you a great deal of useful introspection. Looking within being a subtle maneuver, it helps if you are prepared to take advantage of it. On April 8th, the Aries solar eclipse New Moon brings a sense of mission regarding the interior explorations that you find yourself to be in the midst of, while the Full Moon two weeks later, on the 23rd, leads you to a form of resolution. Affected are not only your root psychological issues but also dynamics of home and family concerns, including your family of origin. Home improvement might be another area that becomes subject to delay and rethinking of the original concept. It is possible that inner wounding could come up for you this month as well, and, if so, lead you into greater wholeness through concentration and loving acceptance.

The following was written by our guest columnist Elodie St-Onge Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The first week of April continues to be influenced by last month’s Pisces New Moon which incepted fresh energy for things related to talking, writing, social media and more extensively close friendships and your relationship with siblings. You are also still likely changing in the way that you conceptualize the world around you, your sense of beliefs and worldview has been transforming and this continues as well into the first week of the month. Many and varied choices in your self-expression and your projects represent another lively feature of the previous lunation cycle that is still winding down during April’s beginning.

With the Sun now currently in Aries, also, you could also have a lot to sort out as Aries Season progresses, especially at home or in your immediate environment. Something about your domestic life could be bugging you but there may not be an easy solution. If you can see the world as your oyster then you want to make sure you go exactly for what you want. Why settle for less?
Getting what you want is not always easy but it may be more about giving yourself permission to go after what you want than any real obstacle standing in your way.

On April 1st, Mercury turning retrograde in Aries continues to color your domestic world with a sense of introspective review and refinement and should technically slow things down. Keep in mind, though, that we are also between two eclipses as the month of April begins auguring fast-paced evolution regardless of how deliberate you want to be. Prudence this month could be the virtue to fall upon if all else fails.

On the 2nd and 3rd Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces which could make it harder to say what you mean and mean what you say. Communication could be slippery at best and negotiations could feel complicated or unclear. Venus enters Aries late on the 4th and forms a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius on the 5th and 6th emphasizing your domestic and family life and your resources. This could become increasingly important as the month progresses as you try to survey and consolidate what you have to work with. 

The long-awaited Aries solar eclipse and New Moon takes place on April 8th, to begin the month’s second full week. This again applies to in your domestic sector, and eclipses have a longer influence than a regular New Moon, up to six months. This particular solar eclipse is forming a very tight conjunction with Wounded Healer Chiron which may highlight long-standing feelings of inadequacy related to your upbringing or a family dynamic that needs to be addressed. This may have to do with fully accepting your individuality and ridding yourself once and for all of the detrimental labels you grew up with or the expectations that were put upon you. You tend to hide feelings of inadequacy under your stoic demeanor but it could be time to pierce an abscess and let the wound heal in the open air.

On April 11th, Mercury in Aries reaches the Sun, signaling the halfway point of its retrograde cycle which often correlates with new information coming in that can help you understand things more clearly. This particular moment could echo a scenario that was occurring in late March in relation to your family or with your home and although you may not be out of the woods yet, you could see things with a different eye.

The Sun’s entry into sensual Taurus on the 19th is good news and will bring a supportive influence for the next month, helping you focus on what you love and what brings you pleasure.

From the 17th to the 23rd of April, exact on the 20th, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus converge which for you may relate to your romantic or creative life. More extensively, this influence could bring new and exciting energy for personal projects and a desire to invest in your long term happiness.

The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives on April 23rd and although this may be an intense lunation for some, it could be a peak creative, social and relatively pleasurable Full Moon especially if you have the money to do what you want at this time. Pluto in Aquarius forming a square with this Full Moon could make you extra aware of what you have and what you desire right now. The things that money can buy could feel alluring under this Scorpionic light and it may be harder to temper your appetite for pleasure and social connections.

When it comes to your family or your domestic reality, Mercury turning direct in Aries on April 25th could finally begin to bring significant progress in the weeks ahead. Mercury will gradually straighten out, finally escaping its retrograde shadow 18 days later, on May 13th. You may feel a sense of clarity returning especially in relation to your living arrangement or a family dynamic.

The last few days of April are colored by Mars joining Neptune in Pisces on the 29th just as Venus enters Taurus the same day and Mars enters Aries on the 30th; an interesting sequence that continues to emphasize pleasure and indulgence in the following month of May still to come.

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