The Record Club: Fatboy Slim | To celebrate Record Store Day 2024, Fatboy Slim joins The Record Club with Bowers & Wilkins! Jess Iszatt will be hosting this special interview and... | By The Record Club | Hello and welcome to The Record Card brought to you by Record Store Day, the Official Charts and National Album Day and proudly in association with Bows and Wilkins. My name is Jess Iszatt and we are very excited to say that tonight's episode is a Record Store Day special and our guest is Fatboy Slim to talk all about the release of Everybody Loves A Remix and exclusive vinyl release available this Saturday, April the 20th, from Your local record store. If you don't already know, Record Store Day is a huge celebration of independent record shops, the culture of record shopping, and the art of vinyl and that is what we champion every single week here on the Record Club. If you're new here, we're going to be spending the next half an hour or so talking to Fatboy Slim about the brilliant new record and then we're going to be putting forward some of your questions about the album for him to answer, about the record. So, if you want to get involved, drop us a question in the comment section below. I'm going to be asking a selection of them in the second half of our chat and one lucky person who sends in a question today will be randomly selected to win a pair of Bowers and Wilkins PX7 season two over in noise cancelling headphones. Obviously a wicked prize that you do not want to miss out on. You also do not want to miss out on this record. Trust me. Head out on Saturday to get your hands on a copy. But first let's get straight into this week's Record Club and say a big hello to Norman. Welcome along. Here I am. How you doing? You alright? I'm good. I'm good. How are you? Listen, very well. I'm I'm if I look a little weird by the way, my eyes, I've spent all afternoon doing a photo session with some really heavy makeup on and I'm not used to it and then my daughter just tried to clear all the makeup on. She's put all this weird serum on my face. So, my eyes are smarting a bit. So, if I look a bit weird, I'm sorry, that's why. It's fine. You're looking very HD and I feel like your background is just the perfect background for the Record Club as well. Admiring yeah it's old old school. Old collection. Is this a collection that you go through regularly? Or is it like quite a static? No this this dish just there is that's the CD element. Which to be honest is mainly kind of reference things. Cos most of my collection is is vinyl. But I can't I can't really show you at the moment. Er you have to believe me it's it's over there. Um but the main amount of it is in my studio next door. There's about 8, 000 in there. 8000 records. I just say by the way, there's a thing with the younger generation My my children that they call records vinyl s. Vinyls, yeah. Yeah. Corrected that a few times vinyl. Of course. But which is I think in this yeah, can I just lodge my grumpy old man complaint? By educate us. Record s. Which is short for phonographic recordings. Record is short for that. They're not in vinyl s. Vinyl is what they're made out of. Not what they are. Okay Hey. The tree ends here. You can you can now get on sorry. Right. Clip that. Save that. Spread the word And we've all been educated here and therefore. Um right. Well obviously it's the the Record Club and so we're doing it right in that sense. Er each week on the Record Club we like to kick things off with a question from one of the many amazing independent record stores from across the UK. This week's question comes from Crash Record s in Leeds. Have you been there? I've not. No. Well, they've actually, they've, they've been quite cheeky. They've got two questions for you. Um one of them says, Record Store Day is a chance to get your hands on some very limited releases. We'd like to know what record you would most like to own that you haven't already got. Oh, that's a good question. Um, I've been I've been collecting the records for nearly 50 years. So, I pretty much got all of them. Um Oh, I don't know. No, I think, I think I've got all, as far as I know, I've got all the ones I've, that I've ever wanted, and yeah, I make it a point if there's one that I want, I make a point buying it. I guess, make, maybe an exclusive that's coming out this Saturday, then you'll, you'll find out about. There's probably stuff coming out on this Saturday that when I look it up, it's like, I need one of them. So yeah, it's something that's, that's brand new and good for you. And, the second question from Crash Record s, they're asking, everybody loves a remix, arrives this Record Store Day, which is Saturday, on a super cool looking. We're all doing our product. Tonight. Okay. Here we go. It's a very active looking record you have to admit. It is beautiful. I mean, it is so sick. Um so, they said, this is on a call, Zoe Trobani, which by the way, you've educated me on what a Zoetrope is as well because I didn't previously know or I didn't know the name for it. Um Strobe, you put strobe light on it whilst it's playing and it's the basic basis of films of of of motion pictures. That's the idea like you you you look through and it strobes each different things and you make it look like it's really moving. So yeah so when you play this on your record day and you look at it it should animate and turn into a a feature film and that's how yeah that's how it feels. I'm I'm full of useless knowledge today aren't I? No I love it. I love it. Er they're asking though what is the coolest vinyl variant that you own? Maybe it's a special colour or artwork or another Zoe Trope? Er one that springs to mind was when when they first started doing picture discs in the 80s I was in a band called The House Minds and the record company really wanted us to have a picture disc and we really didn't because it was just like too much of a fad and in those days, picture disc didn't actually play very well. They looked good but they hadn't quite got the the the thing and they'd never sounded very good. So, we said, they said, what's your design for pitch this? And we said, can can it be pitch this or crab? And a picture of a toilet? So we made a toilet shaped picture disc record which just said picture discs are **** And that's always I just I don't know. It tickled me. It tickled me at the time and still does. It's funny because it's so anti. It's like dada. Like you're like I want to literally put a toilet on this. Yeah. I mean I can't believe the record company went through. I mean this. They probably were like this is genius. Artistic. It's artistic freedom. And with this so I've noticed that well I'm imagining actually I can already see sort of what's going to happen on the face of this. People at home. This is available on Saturday. Um what did you have to do this. I imagine it was a photoshoot of sorts. Or is it AI? What's happening here? No, it's all, it's all AI. I mean, now the the outer one. I'm just going to see if it's it works actually. There might be a way we can make this work on Oh, this is awesome. Okay. Eid. If I get that speed right, that by hand getting the speed right, this is, no, this is not, isn't it? Orange. It's not hugely working, is it? No. No. But I like. Those things of me there, those things of me, that's a, like a visual from the live show. So that is me actually saying, Fatboy Slim is in heaven. As I believe. Um, so yeah, no, it's just the, like, the images that when they spin around, they should come to life. And present, prevent a, a moving image. Again, you're going to to get your own to see it properly but that was a little a little model for you. That's a failed experiment. I should have checked that first whether it worked or not. Alright well obviously big ups to Crash Record s as well. I'm assuming that they've got loads of these in stock. Um right well Norman can you tell us a bit about why you chose to release this record? Um for Record Store Day? Like what what was the ignition to get this out as a special out? The idea is. I I'd come from such a background in in records and in and my own in fact my only honest job outside being a musician. The only honest job was working in a record shop. So I failed tremendous affinity. So when Record Shot comes around each year I I I want to get involved and I want to do something. But obviously I I'm not really producing a huge amount of music and so I haven't got something new and exclusive to play you. And I haven't got any sort of offcuts and B sides and rarity because I haven't made any new stuff. So the only way I could get involved is is to normally it's to put out stuff that hasn't been on vinyl before. So it's pretty much all of these remixes have been available. Yeah. They've all been available before like as a stream or as a download. But they've never been available on vinyl. So the the idea is just to to to have a special vinyl version. But to for to be honest the the I just want to be involved in Record Store Day and it it just gives me an excuse to put something out on vinyl. Will you be heading out on Record Store Day? Would you head to any of the record shops? I hopefully will be, yeah. I hopefully will be and like you said, you know, there must be new stuff that's coming out exclusively to Record Store Day which I should be buying. Is there an art to record digging? Because I imagine if someone's maybe doing it for the first time, it might be a bit overwhelming or yeah, or maybe you have some tricks of the trade that you can share. Well, I mean, with this, there's two kinds of record shopping. The the you know, the crate digging of old stuff and then the buying of of new stuff and they're very different beasts really. Uh it's and I suppose it sort of strikes me. It's weird because new vinyl is is it's kind of highly regarded but it's quite highly priced. And it's it I just recently bought from my daughter just got a a record player for Christmas. And so we bought her a load of vinyl. I was amazed how much like the the the new albums cost. But the a lot of those albums I was buying her were like classic albums that she just wanted to have. And I was thinking if you look second hand for them you could it's a lot cheaper. If you don't you know if you don't have to have the pristine copy or the gate fold thing. I've noticed that you know the the new ones will have like you can't come with posters and gate fold sleeves and that. No just wandering around buying pre-owned pre-loved records is a is a fabulous pastime. And you always end up chatting to someone else in the shop or the guy who runs the shop. You you're it's the smell. The smell of vinyl is is a is a powerful and evocative thing for me. So yeah it's a that that's the sort of often is where you be it's not something that you can source and look up. You just go and see what's there and, and think, oh, do you know, I've, I've, I've always wanted a copy of that, or I haven't heard that before, or, you know, as opposed to buying new stuff, it's like, you know it's just come out and you go and buy it, but yeah, great digging for me has always been, in such a pleasure, and obviously, I, I was great digging for years as a DJ, but so as a sample spotter to to try and find samples to make records out of. So, I used to, you know, I used to spend, you know, probably two days of my week in record shops. Do you have like a favorite record store or maybe one that's like your local or like the your yeah, your favorite one? Uh on my my local at the moment is resident in Brighton. Uh they they serve me very well but then, yeah, there's the the second-hand shops are probably where I'd spend more of my afternoons. I mean, I'll be honest, I don't work with vinyl anymore. I don't DJ with vinyl anymore Um just because it's too, it was too difficult to source techniques, 12 00s that that would clean and worked and to go on stage with us some knackered old some of these knackered old record player and have the dex jump. So I yeah so I've gone gone digital. So I don't it's not so much of a of of work thing for me anymore. But in my I would spend so many so many hours. I think A one Record s in New York was one of my favourites. My but my favourite or just thrift stores. Thrift stores America are great. They're much better quality of records than sort of Oxfam in England. Pretend to always get the same records. That's what I don't understand. Is there so many people have bought so many brilliant records And they've all in the last 10 years got rid of them. Because they needed the room in the house. And yet the Oxfam stores are still full of copies of My Fair Lady. And the the marching band of the spoons. So I don't know where all the good records are going. They're all on discords I suppose. Maybe people UK are just keeping them or maybe they're getting them to the right places. Yeah yeah. But yeah, as well as, as well as, the, most, I mean, most of the record stores involved in Record Store Day are things like resident that, that are, are serving the new stuff. Let's get back on topic, shall we? Yeah, I know. I well, I was going to say, you know, how you mentioned that you'd gone digital for various reasons. Well, we were just chatting about snow bombing last week. I don't think you would have been able to do six shows across the, the in with a whole piece of vinyl with you. It did actually have a flashback when we I had to go on a ski-doo from one of the to the other. The only way we could get there was a ski-doo which is quite it's quite a hairy experience. Not my favourite thing. And I remembered one of my nightmare journeys was a a skidoo ride in my younger days but I had like a box of I had 12 inch singles on my lap as we were trying to go up the mountain. And yeah no yeah there it's immensely more portable if you're digital these days. That's an image. I wish wish someone had packed you with that. That's quite funny isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Or or or the sec, I mean, the worst one was playing at Cafe Del Mar in Ibiza or was it Mamba? I think it might have been Mambo and I I'd been out on a boat and then we thought it would be fun to come in by boat but trying to get my box of records off a boat on a little dinghy. Precarious. Yeah. And I put I put it in like three bin liners in case it fell off. That was so funny. Yeah. Dory got his mum to FedEx onto a festival. Uh it was I think it was the first lost village and it just made me laugh so much because I was like imagining his mum packing his vinyl into a box and FedExing it over. Um well let's get onto actually the record before we dive into any of your questions at home. Um I want to know which remix on this record you were most happy with or excited by all like surprised by it at the time of getting the remix Um well I I mean I have to be I have to give up give big props to Calvin Harris for what he did with East Lee Road repeat. Cos I think that's probably the only one of my tunes where the remix was the hit and his version was so much better than mine. You know normally I'll put a tune out and then some of the remixes it's kind of nice but that was that became the hit. So big up Calvin for for doing that for us. So I've got a lot of time but obviously I've heard that one quite a quite a few times. I tend to be more excited about the Robinson version of Rockefeller Skank. I played. I love that. I literally love that one. A summer and really really got some but again I'm now a little bit over that because I played it so much. The newest is probably dance systems version of your mama. I really love what Harry Romero did with. Everybody loves a 303. Really really kind of sexy tech acid version And of course but the probably the biggest one at the moment really is Bruno Martini's version of easily, rave, repeat. It's a bit EDM for me. I don't actually play it in my sets but that's kind of the the biggest the the the most current and biggest out of them. Alright loose link but you've got a tune weapon of choice. But what is your current weapon of choice in your sets? In my set it is it's called satisfied by David Penn and Oh God. I should remember this finish David Penn on the Nice. Uh. We're going to have lots of people scribbling this down and getting it. Amy Penn, Anna Fire, satisfied. Uh I think it's out. Um I got sent a couple of weeks ago. That is my huge tune at the moment. It's a real. It sounds like the Cuban brothers no the Gibson Brothers. Not the Cuban Brothers. No, not the Cuban Brothers. They're completely different sort. Uh the Gibson Brothers who did Cuba. Um it sounds like Gibson Brothers but like brought up to the 21st century and doing some really quality gear. Uh and also I know that there is a big disparity. I mean snow bombing was pretty good actually. There are a lot of female DJs on the lineup. Thankfully I was one of them as well. Um if you were to get a female or perhaps non-binary producer to jump on a remix of one of your tunes. I remember yeah there's a couple of artists that you've had on your stages. I was at Creamfields last year. I'm not going to put any names in your mouth but who would you pick to jump on a remix of your I don't know. Um interesting And interesting and and might be pertinent. Might happen. Um and I saw Sarah's story always comes to mind because I think she's in in terms of female DJs. She's kind of like the the the figure head And so I I figured go the start of the you know start at the top and then it'll filter down. Or well actually what I what I would do if it was right now I would say to Sarah who's really hot right now because because I I I it's only kind of when we do things like Mine Ahead that I get to see everyone. Um so yeah. Sarah's story would be my linchpin. Oh she is such a good person because Tastemaker as well. She sings as well I don't know what she mad stuff she could do with a remix that would be awesome. Um I'd definitely back that. Er and also I remember so you've mentioned it already. You don't make much new music but is it a complete no to ever doing a Fatboy Slim Record album? I think probably an album record, yes. Because they, they kind of cease to be able to really in the way that they were, when, when we were buying vinyl records, that was the, the, the conglomeration and that was like, everything would, it revolve around that album, but the way that the the releases come out now, it's not quite so important that things are packaged up into that length, you know, and, and I think a lot of people like to have just stuff coming out and shriveling out rather than going oh this is an album and you listen to it from start to finish. Um and yes and the idea of me sitting down and spending that amount of time writing a whole album is probably not going to happen in my lifetime. It's just and I mean I I just haven't got the passion for making records that I used to and every now and then I I I have something and I think oh yeah and we bunged that as out as a single because I've got a single coming out actually next month called Role Model. And every now and I have a little idea and but I don't yeah I I just haven't got the passion and but I I but I also I just don't think an album is relevant anymore. I would put put out a a you know a flow of of singles. I'm going to say I'm going to I'm going to say that's a good answer for you. I think for us albums are very important. But I do agree. Don't forget I'm not represented. No this is true. Normal listeners because I'm in the business you because I'm a DJ I, I, I, you know, I'm not listening to album tracks. I'm, I need a, you know, a flow of singles. So, maybe, you know, it's just, that's just my, my take on it. I also think on top of that, the dance music scene is, is completely different. It is like, you can create an album if, like you said, the passion is there, but if it's not, there isn't any need for it. Yeah, and I made quite a few over the years, I think possibly made enough. I mean you still want the records. So, I'm here for it as well. Just nipping the new music questions in the bud. Although the new song, did you say next month? Uh yeah, I think it was fairly imminent. Yeah. We we've just yeah, we're just making a video for it. Yeah. I should be role model. Role model. Everyone and also this Saturday, the everybody loves Remix. Lucas area. On your Facebook page is asking, what was your favorite ever record to play? That's a big one my favourite ever record to play God. Um I I still really love Born Slippy. It just it just reminds me of a moment in life and a a moment in music And just never ceases to to raise my spirits and it's a good it's a good get out of jail record in your in your DJ sets. Er we have Seren on YouTube. He's saying what was the design process with the Zoetrope effect? The design focuses from my end was somebody designed it and they showed it to me. He said do you like this? And I said yeah Uh yeah, I mean, I'm I'm I'm assuming I'm hoping that it was done by someone very scientific as well as artistic but I wasn't involved in, in the process apart from, okaying it as a, as a great idea. They did send me about four different kind of, takes on it, and, and I chose this one, but I should at this point, give props to the person who did it, but it's not written on there. Anyway, big problem. I did do. I can't, well, even if it is, people can get their own coffee this Saturday as a record store day special and I think it might say it in a small print. So, I can't say it. If you, maybe you have to be playing it before it appears magically in there. This is true. Uh weigh in on Fatboy Sims Facebook page says, hi, Norman. What is, what is your best record to find? That is what is your record find. There we go. What's the best one that you've found? Oh, well, Wayne. Um my best record find was in a junk shop. I found a copy of the Pastor Peas album by the JBs for ten P. And at that time, it was worth about thirty quid and I just couldn't believe. I just found it literally sort of four doors down from my house in a in a second-hand shop. That is amazing. Ten P. Yeah. I've still got the ten P label on it just to remind myself. And it was, yeah, it was it was such a a sought after and brilliant record. Um JB's being James Brown's back in band. Fred Wesley and yeah. 10 P for 30 pound record. That's insane. That well that's a catch on any any level. Er we've got dips on Twitter who says how did you narrow down all the remixes out there to make the selection for this record? Just the ones that we thought were most well they're they're probably about the the the sixth most recent that we've that we've had done. Er so they're yeah. The the the latest update. Actually I just thought a better answer for Wayne from before. Actually of what was my best find. My best find was buying a record by Camille Yarbra called Take Your Praise. Er which was it was like a bootleg of of of funk classics or funk well funk rarities actually. And this it was basically what the it was the vocals from Praise and it stopped. No. We come a long long way together through the hard times and the good. And so I sampled that and put it on Praise You. And so I think yeah probably that would in terms of what that's done for my career and what I've I've the success I've had with that record. Yeah. That purchase which was a bit more than ten P. I think it was like five pounds or something but probably the best five pounds I ever spent. Yeah amazing. Historic now isn't it? Yeah. And we have Ethan on the Record Club's YouTube which says it's saying what is your favourite remix that you've ever done? My favourite remix that I've ever done Um I heard I I did a version of Outcast. Fresh and So Clean. Which kind of I forgot for ages and I heard it the other day and I was like oh this is good. And then I then I realised it was me. And yeah. Yeah. I I think because because some of the main obviously you know there's things like Brimfield of Asher and and things that have that have that did really well but I can't sort of you you hear them quite a lot and you you take them a bit more for granted. But yeah no outcast. So sorry. I didn't put my phone on silent that someone's still ringing me. I don't know how to stop that. Hold on. Sarah. Just live on a a live stream. I can't talk. I'm on a live stream. Yeah, yeah, no, we finished about 15 minutes. Right, thanks, bye. About that. To be fair, that's the first phone call that we've had lots of pets, but no, phone calls on the road. Sorry, but I do apologise. Um, where was I? Sorry. Uh, we were talking about I've, I've actually lost it as well. Um. It's his clean. Oh, yeah, and you were saying about your outcast? Yeah. I feel like that's a good answer to be fair. I am a big fan of that song generally and yeah. We have one more actually from Michael who is asking who's your favourite crowd to play at to around the world. I think the Rochness crowd was the best. Rocknest crowd was in the top five. Um in terms, yeah, in terms of volume and exuberance, they were, they were a great crew. I don't know, I really love the Brazilians. I really enjoy the Brazilians. They're like, they're like the Rock Less crowd but slightly better looking. Maybe a bit more talented. Am I allowed to say that? Is that too rude? Um you know passion mixed with yeah. No if there was a top five that it would be Brazil, Japan Brighton, the stores, which is the village where Loch Ness is. Uh and Italy. Italian. Okay. Italians are nutters. They really they've got a passion about music and a passion about partying that's second to none. It surprises me that Japan would be second but I like that. I like that. Oh that was that particular. That was the top five but I'm not I don't have to think about the order and for now we'll put Rock Ness at number one. Okay there we go. Well thank you Michael for your question. Um well Norman that is actually oh we have time for today. We've obviously loved having Fatboy Slim join us. Make sure to grab yourself a copy of the Everybody Loves a Remix vinyl exclusively for this Saturday from your local record shop this Saturday April the twentieth. For one day only kids. Go out and get it. On Record Store and it was been and anime a lot better than we have been modelling today. Uh I'm also very excited to announce that the winner of this week's Bowers and Wilkins Wireless has prize is if I can get my words out. Uh we have Wayne on Fatboy Sims page. So please you know what? Cos you know those are those Bowers and Wilkins are the ones that I use at home. But I'm. Are they? One. I haven't got the wireless ones though. You need to be getting these PX seven season 2 over here. I know. Noise cancelling bad boys. Is Still with a Um yeah please slide into the Record Club's DMs. We'll get those headphones to you and then you could be like Fatboy Snowman I. Um thank you of course everyone for joining us. Sending in your questions. This plus all previous episodes are available to watch back on Spotify or YouTube. Fatboy Slim Thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for having me.