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Seasons of Life

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Each season of life delivers us into new ways of being and thinking. On LFE Sunday, we reflect upon the stages of faith and beliefs that grow and expand as each of us grows into our own self, sharing memories and thanking those who have been a guiding light this year.

COVID Precautions

UUCCH is open for Sunday service in person for those vaccinated and boosted if eligible, masks are recommended (N95, KN95, KF94), and are available at the door. We follow these periodically updated guidelines both for Sunday services and for other gatherings. Please do not attend UUCCH events if you test positive, are symptomatic or have been in contact with a COVID positive person within the previous five days. We continue to offer virtual services each Sunday at 10:15am, and many of our other groups and activities are meeting virtually, or in dual platform.

June Split Plate – Ceasefire, NJ

This month’s plate collection will be split evenly between UUCCH and the Ceasefire NJ. All cash, and checks, and online/text giving, unless indicated for some other purpose (e.g. Stewardship) will be divided.

Along with monthly Zoom meetings to coordinate key gun violence prevention groups across NJ, Ceasefire NJ has a Safe Storage of Guns Working Group, which is working with key legislators and allies to promote a Safe Storage of Guns bill. If passed, such a bill could prevent suicides, domestic gun violence, and accidental shootings by having only the authorized purchaser of guns in the home be able to access them. Since 2018, CFNJ has successfully advocated for over 20 new gun safety laws. Correlating with that, New Jersey had the lowest rate of gun violence in 2023 in over 15 years, since this metric began to be tracked.CFNJ is funded on a bare-bones basis. With your support, we can continue such high impact organizing.

Click here to learn more about our split plate in the past.