ChatGPT for teams | OpenAISkip to main content

ChatGPT Team

An always-improving superassistant for every member of your team

Generate better code, craft emails, analyze data, and supercharge any type of work in a collaborative team workspace.

Get insights from documents and datasets, in any format

A conversation between a user and ChatGPT about visualizing data from a spreadsheet.

Accelerate coding. Fix bugs faster. Learn new frameworks or languages.

A conversation between a user and ChatGPT about finding a bug in code.

Easily build content, from visuals to text

A conversation between a user and ChatGPT about creating blog content.

Brainstorm and research more effectively

A conversation between a user and ChatGPT about finding research on a topic.

Used by every team at companies of all sizes

  • Campaigns

  • Content creation

  • Campaign analysis

  • Market research

  • Sales outreach

  • Summarization

  • Account research

  • Competitive analysis

  • Budget planning

  • Forecasting

  • Market research

  • Financial analysis

  • Customer analysis

  • Business reviews

  • Business planning

  • Project management

  • Code reviews

  • Documentation

  • Debugging

  • Design pattern suggestions

  • Benefits helper

  • Trainings

  • Policies

  • Onboarding

ChatGPT that’s built for work

Secured for your workspace

Get a dedicated workspace for your team with admin controls, team management, and stringent security. We never train on your data or conversations.

An interface representing a list of team members.
Advanced models & analysis

Consistent access to the most powerful OpenAI models and advanced capabilities like DALL·E for image generation, Browsing, Data Analysis, and more.

An abstract painting with a bold orange block beside a dark blue field, separated by a rough, unfinished edge against a pale blue backdrop.
Customized for your team

Collaborate by creating and sharing GPTs — custom versions of ChatGPT for specific use cases, departments, or proprietary datasets.

A list of GPTs overlayed on an abstract green background.

Teams do more, faster with ChatGPT

  • 12.2%

    more tasks completed

  • 25.1%

    faster task completion

  • 40%

    higher quality work

Harvard Business School.(opens in a new window) Employees at Boston Consulting Group given access to GPT-4 compared to peers without access.

“We use ChatGPT in almost every part of our business, from financial modeling and communications to recruiting and note taking, and it’s accelerated everything we do.”
Connor O’Brien, VP of GTM Strategy & Operations, Sourcegraph
Join thousands of teams evolving their work with ChatGPT
An impressionistic painting with broad strokes of yellow, blue, and red, creating a bright, abstract landscape or a sunlit sky above colorful terrain.
For innovative companies looking to scale securely
This is an abstract image featuring a soft focus blend of colors with a dominant orange triangle fading into a creamy white background.
Responsibly deploy AI to students, faculty, researchers, and campus operations
An abstract expressionist painting of a desk and chair near a window in a warm color palette.