40 Facts about Palau - Facts.net
Gwynne Casteel

Written by Gwynne Casteel

Modified & Updated: 02 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Britannica.com

Palau, an enchanting archipelago in the western Pacific Ocean, is a hidden gem that often goes unrecognized among its more popular neighboring destinations. With its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and diverse marine life, Palau is a paradise for nature lovers and adventurous travelers alike. This small island nation is made up of over 340 islands, each offering its own unique charm and beauty. From stunning rock formations to World War II relics, Palau has a rich history waiting to be explored. Whether you wish to dive into the depths of its famous underwater wonderland, explore ancient cave systems, or immerse yourself in the culture of the Palauan people, this article will give you a comprehensive insight into the fascinating country of Palau. So, sit back, relax, and let’s discover 40 intriguing facts about this captivating destination.

Key Takeaways:

  • Palau, a tropical paradise, gained independence from the US in 1994. It’s famous for scuba diving, jellyfish lake, and commitment to environmental conservation. A small population, rich culture, and unique traditions make it a must-visit destination.
  • With over 340 islands, Palau offers outdoor adventures, bird-watching, and stargazing. Its vibrant marine life, World War II history, and traditional cuisine add to the allure. The country’s blend of natural beauty and cultural authenticity makes it truly unforgettable.
Table of Contents

Palau is an island country located in the western Pacific Ocean.

Nestled between the Philippines and Guam, Palau is a tropical paradise renowned for its stunning landscapes and vibrant marine life.

It consists of over 340 islands of various sizes.

Palau is made up of numerous islands, including the main islands of Babeldaob, Koror, and Peleliu.

The official languages of Palau are Palauan and English.

Palauan is the traditional language of the indigenous people, while English is widely spoken and serves as the language of government and commerce.

Palau gained its independence from the United States in 1994.

After being administered as a United Nations Trust Territory, Palau became an independent nation with its own government and constitution.

The capital city of Palau is Ngerulmud.

Ngerulmud is one of the smallest capital cities in the world, known for its unique architecture and peaceful ambiance.

Palau is famous for its world-class scuba diving and snorkeling sites.

The crystal-clear waters surrounding Palau are home to an abundance of marine biodiversity, including coral reefs, colorful fish, and even shipwrecks.

Jellyfish Lake in Palau is a popular tourist attraction.

This unique lake is home to millions of harmless jellyfish, offering visitors an unforgettable swimming experience.

Palau has a rich cultural heritage.

The Palauan people have a strong connection to their ancestral traditions, including traditional music, dance, storytelling, and arts and crafts.

The Rock Islands Southern Lagoon in Palau is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Known for its stunning natural beauty and diverse ecosystems, this area is a haven for marine life and nature enthusiasts.

Palau is a dream destination for outdoor adventurers.

With activities like hiking, kayaking, fishing, and bird-watching, Palau offers a range of exciting experiences for nature lovers.

Palau is home to the world’s first shark sanctuary.

The Palau National Marine Sanctuary protects sharks and other marine species, promoting sustainable tourism and conservation efforts.

The traditional Palauan currency is the United States dollar.

As a former trust territory of the United States, Palau adopted the US dollar as its official currency.

Palau has a tropical climate with high temperatures throughout the year.

Visitors can expect warm weather and occasional rain showers, making it perfect for beach lovers and sunseekers.

The flag of Palau features a golden full moon symbol.

The golden moon represents peace, while the blue background signifies Palau’s connection to the ocean.

Palau has a small population of around 18,000 people.

Despite its small population, Palau boasts a welcoming and friendly community that embraces its cultural heritage.

The traditional Palauan diet consists of seafood, taro, and tropical fruits.

Palauan cuisine reflects the island’s natural resources and is known for its fresh flavors and unique culinary traditions.

Palau is home to the Milky Way Lagoon.

This natural wonder is famous for its white mud, said to have rejuvenating properties that leave the skin feeling smooth and refreshed.

The Palauan archipelago forms part of the West Micronesia eco-region.

This eco-region is known for its high levels of biodiversity and unique ecosystems.

There are no public buses in Palau.

Travelers typically get around using taxis, rental cars, or by hiring a local driver for their transportation needs.

Palau is a popular destination for bird-watching enthusiasts.

With a wide variety of bird species, including the endangered Palau owl, bird watchers can enjoy spotting unique and beautiful feathered creatures.

Palau is known for its commitment to environmental conservation.

The country prioritizes sustainable practices and has set an example worldwide for its efforts to protect its natural resources.

The famous Peleliu Battlefield in Palau was the site of a significant World War II battle.

History buffs can explore the remnants of this historic battlefield, which played a role in the Pacific campaign.

Palau is an excellent location for stargazing.

With minimal light pollution, stargazers can marvel at the beauty of the night sky and observe celestial wonders.

Palau has a unique traditional village system.

Each village has its own chiefs and councils responsible for local governance and community affairs.

The traditional Palauan wedding ceremony is a vibrant and joyous celebration.

It involves traditional dances, feasting, and the exchange of cultural gifts.

Palau is home to some of the world’s best-preserved Second World War aircraft wrecks.

Diving enthusiasts can explore these historic sites and witness the remnants of the war firsthand.

A popular Palauan dish is bat soup.

While not for everyone, bat soup is considered a delicacy in Palau and is often enjoyed during special occasions.

Palau has a unique form of government known as the “Council of Chiefs.”

This traditional governing body upholds Palauan customs and traditions while also working alongside the modern government system.

The Palau Pacific Resort is one of the most luxurious accommodations in the country.

Nestled in lush tropical gardens, the resort offers guests a picturesque and serene experience.

The traditional Palauan bai is a communal gathering hut.

These traditional structures serve as meeting places for the community and play an essential role in Palauan culture.

Palau is home to one of the largest collections of marine lakes in the world.

These unique bodies of water are isolated from the surrounding ocean and are home to a diverse array of marine life.

The Palau International Airport serves as the main gateway to the country.

It is well-connected to various countries in the Pacific region and offers direct flights to major cities.

Palau is known for its vibrant traditional festivals.

Events like the Belau Games and the Independence Day celebrations showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Palauan people.

The Belau National Museum in Koror provides visitors with insights into Palauan history and culture.

Exhibitions feature artifacts, displays, and interactive exhibits that educate visitors about the country’s heritage.

Palau is a popular destination for fishing enthusiasts.

The surrounding waters offer opportunities for sport fishing, with the chance to catch a variety of fish species.

Palau has its own unique traditional currency known as the “shell money.”

Historically, shell money played an essential role in Palauan society and is still used in some ceremonial contexts.

The Palauan youth are actively involved in arts and culture preservation.

Efforts to pass on traditional knowledge and skills to the younger generation ensure the continuity of Palauan heritage.

Palau is home to the Palau Conservation Society, an organization dedicated to environmental protection.

This nonprofit organization works tirelessly to preserve Palau’s natural resources and raise awareness of sustainable practices.

Palau has a strong focus on marine conservation.

Efforts like the Palau Pledge, a commitment to responsible tourism, aim to protect the marine ecosystem and promote sustainable travel.

Palau’s unique blend of natural beauty and vibrant culture make it a truly unforgettable destination.

From its pristine beaches to its ancient traditions, Palau offers a glimpse into a world of unparalleled beauty and authenticity.


Palau, a hidden gem nestled in the Western Pacific Ocean, is a paradise like no other. With its pristine beaches, crystal clear turquoise waters, and rich cultural heritage, this island nation captivates travelers from around the world. From its incredible underwater wonders to its breathtaking landscapes, Palau offers a multitude of unique experiences.

Whether you’re exploring the famous Jellyfish Lake, immersing yourself in the traditional Palauan culture, or diving into the vibrant coral reefs, Palau never fails to leave a lasting impression. Its small size belies its vast natural beauty and cultural significance.

As you venture through Palau, you’ll encounter fascinating wildlife, ancient ruins, and a warm and welcoming local community. With its commitment to conservation and sustainable tourism, Palau is not just a vacation destination but also a testament to the importance of preserving our natural wonders for future generations.

So, if you’re seeking an unforgettable adventure filled with relaxation, exploration, and cultural discovery, look no further than Palau. This tropical paradise will leave you spellbound and craving for more.


1. What is Palau known for?

Palau is known for its stunning natural beauty, including its pristine beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and unique marine biodiversity. It is also renowned for its historical and cultural sites, such as the stone monoliths of Ngarchelong and the Bai ra Orrak traditional meeting house.

2. How do I get to Palau?

Palau is accessible by air through its international airport, which receives flights from major Asian cities such as Tokyo, Manila, and Seoul. There are also direct flights from Guam and Taipei. Once you arrive, you can explore the islands of Palau by boat or local transportation.

3. Is Palau safe for tourists?

Yes, Palau is generally considered safe for tourists. The local community is friendly and welcoming. However, as with any travel destination, it’s important to take standard safety precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

4. What are the must-visit attractions in Palau?

Some of the must-visit attractions in Palau include Jellyfish Lake, Milky Way Lagoon, Rock Islands Southern Lagoon, and the Palau Aquarium. Additionally, diving and snorkeling enthusiasts should not miss the opportunity to explore the diverse marine life in Palau’s coral reefs.

5. What is the best time to visit Palau?

The best time to visit Palau is during the dry season, which runs from November to April. The weather is pleasant, with minimal rainfall and cooler temperatures. However, Palau’s tropical climate allows for year-round visitation, and each season offers its own unique experiences.

Palau's enchanting beauty extends beyond its pristine beaches and lush landscapes. Delve into the captivating facts about Palau Sant Jordi, a cultural gem that showcases the island's rich heritage. Explore the stunning underwater world of Palau's reefs, teeming with vibrant marine life and breathtaking coral formations. For a glimpse into the island's modern marvels, uncover the fascinating details about Palau de Congressos de Catalunya, a state-of-the-art convention center that hosts international events and conferences. Each of these remarkable aspects of Palau offers a unique perspective on this mesmerizing island nation.

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