A Cork on the Ocean: Beach Boys and Wilson Brothers song-by-song | Page 827 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

A Cork on the Ocean: Beach Boys and Wilson Brothers song-by-song

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Lance LaSalle, Jul 16, 2023.

  1. Uncle Ernie

    Uncle Ernie Forum Resident

    Pity. Seems like it would've been the perfect time to heed our better angels.
  2. Past Masters

    Past Masters Beatles Fanthologist

    Well, that’s the tough part about all good things. We never know how long they will last….

    But I think the “‘Tis better to have loved…” philosophy is pretty well right on the mark. Smart person whoever wrote that.
    Leo K, Pawnmower, Library Eye and 5 others like this.
  3. bumbletort

    bumbletort Senior Member

    Baltimore, Md, USA
    I fervently wish that had happened. It was the worst of times. It remains the most wretched year I have lived through...and believe me, it's had some tough competition. It did teach me hope. Hope that every year would not be as godawful. And so far my optimism has been rewarded, including even this year.
  4. omikron

    omikron Avid contributor to Paul McCartney's bank account

    Lexington, KY

    Sounds like Brady Bunch interlude music. And what's wrong with that?

  5. Uncle Ernie

    Uncle Ernie Forum Resident

    So far. (Well put, btw).
  6. Daniel Plainview

    Daniel Plainview God's Lonely Man

    Charity single mix is unique. Last verse has the backing track return, and at very end you hear Carl saying something about overdubbing the final note.
  7. downer mydnyte

    downer mydnyte Forum Resident

    We've been surfin' for so many years
    We've surfed together through the good waves and the piers
    Murry made us all get back on our boards if we wiped out

    aah aah aah aah aah aah aah

    We drift apart and I go to Rishikesh
    One night you called me and you had to confess
    The waves were so cool but your woody was stuck in a hole

    oh oh oh oh oh oh

    Surf again
    Surf again
    Surf again

    I told you when your lyrics were bad
    I wanted more publishing rights than I had
    I talked you into letting me write most of the words

    Aah aah aah aah aah

    We've had hits now for so many years
    I've been writing new lyrics about gurus and gears
    Dim-dipple, dim-dipple, ay-dim-dipple oo dim dee aye oh

    I always expect magic with the Beach Boys.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  8. classicrockguy

    classicrockguy Forum Resident

    Livingston NJ
    lol, you are a regular Weird Al! :D
  9. HawthorneCalifornia

    HawthorneCalifornia Forum Resident

    Brian's "Friends" on his piano album does sound like Eric Satie. I play that piece, and same feeling comes across. Plus both are 3/4 time.
    Leo K, Will Harris, BeSteVenn and 3 others like this.
  10. lemonade kid

    lemonade kid Forever Changing


    I remember this one being played on the radio in 1968...it feels like I heard it a lot since I remember it so well...I doubt it was a big hit at least by Beach Boys standards, but it really stuck.
    And I was pleased to find it on this album when I finally got it...just last week! But #25 (UK) ain't too shabby for any other band. #48, not so great...out of the top 40 for the first time (since 1964) must have been quite disappointing...such a great single.

    I won't get into it too much but I think this is one of their best, a unified album.
  11. PhilBorder

    PhilBorder Senior Member

    Sheboygan, WI
    When in the mood, Brian really liked to push the gas pedal on modulating. Wait until we get 'This Whole World" Meanwhile, "Friends" 3.9/5

    I'm unsure these key transitions are as smooth as could be. Each segment (module?) wonderfully sung. but a vague air of discordancy over the entire song, if that makes sense.

    Nonetheless, in its own way, a harmonically ambitious song I doubt few if any of their peers could have pulled off.
  12. donstemple

    donstemple Member of the Club

    Maplewood, NJ
    I absolutely love this song. Certain songs have shapes, and I love the shape of this song.

    The first line bends up and down. The second line bends up and down, but the whole thing is a bit higher and wider with extra stuff like marimbas in the mix. The third line steps us back down, with a harmonica that calls back to Good Vibrations. The "ahh ahhh" brings us back up.

    The second verse does the bend up and down again, a little higher again on the second line. But now backing vocals make it a little wider. The "ahhs" bring us back down into the wonderful bridge/solo/and "let's be friends" refrain. And oh, that last extended harmony on that third "frieeeeends".. swoon

    The third verse does the bending up and down, but now adds those "bom bom" backing vocals to the 2nd higher line....

    It just grows, bends, goes extra high at the end, before the final instrumental step down.

    Love the lyrics, they are all about real life and friendships. I think the second verse has the most weight:

    We drift apart for a little bit of a spell
    One night I get a call and I know that you're well
    And days I was down you would help me get out of my hole

    Sometimes life gets in the way, and we lose touch. Nowadays, it may not be a call. It may be a text message. It may be sending a meme. It may be seeing a Facebook post. But it makes us feel good to know the ones we know are doing well. And they were there for you when you needed them. And you'll be there for them if they needed you. Such as when the funds aren't too cool.

    I may use that line the next time I ask for a raise at work. "Well boss, you see, the funds aren't too cool."

  13. harmony kick

    harmony kick Forum Resident

    It's from an undisclosed (possibly local) TV studio in 1968. Apparently it includes an interview where Dennis talks enthusiastically about TM.

    IIRC, Alan Boyd wanted to use an edit of the clip visually in "Endless Harmony" but the producer was against the idea, so they used the audio instead.
  14. Will Harris

    Will Harris Forum Resident

    Lance, if he's on the thread with us or not, "please give us the rest of the program". I've never seen these images.
  15. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

  16. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    thanks... that was great...
    Past Masters likes this.
  17. downer mydnyte

    downer mydnyte Forum Resident

    In the meantime I took a few crappy photos of my copies...
  18. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    a very nice thing to own there!
  19. downer mydnyte

    downer mydnyte Forum Resident

    Well...these are not from an original tour book. These are copies from a book called "Beach Boys Archives Volume 1" by White Lightning Publishing. c 2015. No editors names are given. Still, a nice thing to own.
    Library Eye, Past Masters and Michael like this.
  20. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    gotcha. thanks...
  21. Will Harris

    Will Harris Forum Resident

    I love looking at charts, and that week of 25 May '68 is interesting. There is really no reason "Friends" shouldn't have been a hit on a chart
    that has "MacArthur Park" moving up, heading towards #2 - baffling lyrics and complex music... and over 7 minutes long. "Like to Get to
    Know You" was great and only got to #17. One of my very favorite records, Once Upon A Dream (19 February '68), had a firm hold on
    turntable-time in my bedroom. The Rascals' single, "A Beautiful Morning" was at its peak #3 position, the lead-in to Time Peace (24 June
    '68), the same day Friends came out.

    Yes, these were troubling times in America. Maybe I was too young to be overwhelmed by it all. Looking back at the 1960s as an adult is
    different than it was living thru the times. You had no choice but to move on and take it in stride. Or that's what I did. I was going toward
    my Junior year in High School. I had to keep calm and mellow, focused. My circumstances allowed me to do that. Music helped me to do
    that. The same optimism was all over the Hot 100 and album charts. But you didn't have to be at the top to make a difference. Most of the
    music I was listening to was not top hits, but it was part of the optimism I chose to embrace.

    "Friends" - 5/5 - a #1 hit song in my world.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
  22. Smiler

    Smiler Forum Resident

    Houston TX
    Sunshine Tomorrow - 5/5
    ST2 - 5/5
    Live Sunshine - 4/5
    Meant for You (album) - 4/5
    Meant for You (alternate) - 3.8/5
    Friends - 4.5/5
  23. S. P. Honeybunch

    S. P. Honeybunch Nothing's Going to Change Presidente's Kokomo

    BB hadn't had a hit with a waltz since before the Beatles broke through. BB waltz hits were ancient history.
    Past Masters and Lance LaSalle like this.
  24. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus Thread Starter

    Our votes for "Friends"
    Average: 4.3582
  25. Lance LaSalle

    Lance LaSalle Prince of Swollen Sinus Thread Starter

    Today’s song is “Wake The World”, music written by Brian Wilson; lyric written by Brian Wilson & Al Jardine; arranged and produced by Brian Wilson with Murry Wilson (credited publicly as The Beach Boys.) Engineered by Jim Lockert. 2 versions.

    The Beach Boys – Wake The World Lyrics | Genius Lyrics

    “Wake The World" was recorded in two separate sessions (the second one a strings overdub) on March 28th, 1968, with vocals recorded at I.D. Recorders on April 1st, 1968.

    Line Up: (per Slowinsky, 2018/Sail On podcast 2022)
    Brian Wilson: lead vocal (verse), co-lead (chorus)harmony vocals, piano
    Mike Love: co-lead vocal (chorus), harmony vocals
    Carl Wilson: “Makin' My life”, “I'll be there”, harmony vocals
    Al Jardine: harmony vocals
    Dennis Wilson, Bruce Johnston: backing vocals

    Al Vescovo: rhythm guitar
    Lyle Ritz: bass guitar, upright bass
    Tommy Morgan: bass harmonica
    Dick Hyde: tuba, flugelhorn
    Arnold Belnick, John DeVoogt, Bonnie Douglas, Jay Rosen, Ralph Schaeffer, Paul Shure: violins
    Norman Botnick & David Burk: violas
    Norm Jeffries: drums, vibraslap
    “Wake The World” was released as the B-side of “Do It Again” on July 8th, 1968. I guess that was probably a mono mix: I’m not sure if it was mixed to mono or was just a fold-down, though.

    Alternative versions:

    • An “Alternate Version” with a longer mix and a slightly different vocal arrangement (Brian, Carl and Al sharing lead) and more prominent strings was released on Wake The World: The Friends Sessions 1968 in 2018.
    “Wake The World” was included on:
    • The Capitol Years: Timeless (1980)
    Live Versions:
    • Live In London (1968, released 1970)
    • On Tour 1968 (released 2018) 8x

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