Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid "Real Talk Kim" in 2018! — Truth + Fire

Something in the Milk Ain't Clean: Avoid "Real Talk Kim" in 2018!

(Image: Frank Luca)

(Image: Frank Luca)

Kim “Real Talk Kim” Jones-Pothier: Church of the Harvest

I was first introduced to Jones-Pothier through Preachers of Atlanta, an Oxygen network reality show chronicling the lives and ministries of select Atlanta-based pastors. Around the time I watched the show I didn’t necessarily see much wrong with it outside of Leandria Johnson’s storyline and ministry and a lot of the things that Judah guy had to say. But by God’s grace, as I’ve grown in Christ since then, I can see how the show as a whole was problematic. And though I once loved me some “Real Talk Kim”, I also now see that her ministry is out of order and her teaching is riddled with error.

(Image: Real Talk Kim, Instagram)

(Image: Real Talk Kim, Instagram)

Firstly, to address the elephant in the room, Jones-Pothier should NOT be shepherding her own church.  As controversial as this is to say in our increasingly “progressive” society, the Lord modeled order in the church after His order for the family unit (Colossians 3:18-21; Ephesians 5:22-33).  He is clear that He ordains the HUSBAND as the spiritual leader of the family . As such, it is men who are the “HUSBAND of one wife, temperate, sober-minded, of good behavior, hospitable, able to teach...” who are qualified to shepherd the church - “for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?” (1 Timothy 3:2). Second, even if Jones-Pothier only taught women, her teachings are not guided by the truth of Scripture. Her preaching, as passionate and dynamic as it sounds, is more motivational new ageism than it is rooted in sound Biblical theology and doctrine. She gives you a 'feel good' message that will temporarily inspire you based on a generic, abstract idea of God. But if you want a WORD that is weighty, rooted in the transformative TRUTH and healing POWER of Jesus Christ, leave her teaching alone!

For example, Jones-Pothier recently tweeted a message encouraging those still haunted by pain from their past to “heal” themselves by making peace with their pasts and to heal their own toxic thoughts. First, truth is, if anyone is still struggling with mistakes and/or wounds from their past, they should look to Christ, not themselves. It is Christ who heals the brokenhearted and binds up our wounds (Psalm 147:3). Second, if you have not and cannot overcome your past, it’s a good indication you are still the same creature you were back then. But to be a new creature, Christ says you must be born again (John 3). You must be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1-2), and that’s only possible if you grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ by abiding in His word. Third, we don’t make peace with ourselves any more than we can save ourselves from our sin. We don’t forgive ourselves any more than we can forgive our own sins. We make peace WITH GOD and are forgiven BY GOD through sincere repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ. God is good, and He gives us the encouraging reassurance that He is" FAITHFUL and JUST to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness " if we confess them to Him (1 John 1:9). Fourth, we must depend on Christ in all things, not ourselves. We have NO POWER outside of Christ, but we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13).  

Being a Christian is not merely going to church and following popular Christian figures on Instagram and Twitter. We must abide in Christ, and we abide in Him by abiding in His Word, which gives us the truth of God and the truth sets us FREE (John 8:31-32)!  Only God’s word has POWER. Not a tweet from Jones-Pothier (or anyone else), unless it aligns with the truth of God’s Word. But, regretfully, most things Jones-Pothier says don’t meet that prerequisite. She seems to have a sincere passion for helping the broken. But she’s not qualified to teach, and if she’s not leading people to Christ with His truth, she’s actually doing more harm than any good she intends.

*This profile also appears as part of the series "'No. Women May NOT be Pastors.' Where is the lie?" which explores the ministries and teachings of female "pastors" and women who function as such.