Instagram Sizes - Canva's Design Wiki size guide - Canva's Design Wiki

Instagram sizes

Make sure your posts are like-worthy with the best quality images through Canva’s sizes guide and templates library.

Profile Photo110 × 110 px
Square Images1,080 × 1,080 px
Images1,080 × 1,350 px
Stories1,080 × 1,920 px

In an already visual world, Instagram stands out among other social networks as a simple but effective way to share photos and videos, from #nofilter selfies to branded content. Instagram allows you to post square portrait, and landscape-oriented images and videos. And, on such a visual platform, high-quality, appropriately sized images are important and can help your feed stand out from the rest.

Profile photo

Your Instagram profile image allows your followers to easily recognize you as the owner of your account. We recommend uploading a square-sized image 160 x 160 pixels with a minimum size at 110 x 110 pixels. Take note though that Instagram will crop your photo into a circle.

Square images

For a while, Instagram only allowed square images at 640 pixels but now you can upload images as large as 1080 x 1080 pixels. You can still upload smaller images but using the full resolution ensures every detail of your photo is captured.

Landscape and portrait images

Apart from square images, Instagram allows you to upload landscape and portrait images. For both orientations, it’s recommended to keep your image at 1080 pixels wide. Portrait images would look best at 1080 x 1350 pixels while landscape images are best displayed at 1080 x 566 pixels.


You can also post stories on your Instagram account. These are photos, images or even text posts that’ll last 24 hours before “expiring” and can be accessed by tapping or clicking on your profile or image. Instagram stories are displayed in portrait orientation with the best size for display being 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels tall. This is an aspect ratio of 9:16. You can scale down by retaining this ratio to sizes like 900 x 1600 pixels or 720 x 1280 pixels.

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